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  1. I know the st.pius x culinary institute has a chef named gerry cristiano who teaches gourmet cooking and a beginners class. The course is not endorsed by the school but provides the facilities for the program. Call 381 1022 and ask for chef gerry for more details and next sessions.
  2. Always cracks in the system but really this is a special situation for an educational institution.
  3. Yes it is I, . The money was not missing but put in the wrong safe. The school is divided now but we still share the same building. The other news about the $20,000 was not from the culinary but the adult sector. I'm not sure what happened there but the gazette reporter got it wrong.
  4. Well to read about St. Pius X Culinary Institute (my work place) on the net is quite a surprise. A big hello for all the former students and teachers who have responded to this inquiry. If I may let me clarify a few topics that were discussed. 1- We are a public school and a public school is open to all. We cannot or should I say not allowed to have a selection process. (I know most schools do but that is not my philosophy) 2. The ITHQ wth all it's great facilities is supported by the Bureau of Tourism and not the education department. The guidelines that they follow from the government courses must however be respected. 3. It is hard to soar like an eagle when.... The truth is the ITHQ does produce excellent students but when you select your students you usually will pick the best of the bunch and not a potential failure. With this said where have the ITHQ students been when the school wide competitions happen. And why is it that the only competition they win are the ones we (Pius) find out about after it is a fait accomplit 4. Dollar per dollar the regular schools produce more students on the job market than the ITHQ. (You know renovating buildings full of asbestos is expensive). 5. The mandate from the government is to train people so they can go on the job market as soon as possible. I challenge anyone to show me who as done the better job. The regular schools or ITHQ. 6.As for facilities well yes we are an english school with the occasional narrow minded uninformed idiot running the place down but we have survived and our equipment is up to par now. Yes there still a lot of work to do but we are dealling with gov. funds and the last 3years have been very positive 7. The reason we are successful (read some restaurant revues lately?) is because of the dedication of the teachers. A new stock pot or sauteuse will not make a cook but the dedication of one human being sharing his or her knowledge with another may lead to a lifelong carreer and for many a chance of finally having someone actually care about them as a person. Give us your poor your...... and we will give them a fighting chance to earn a living. 8.Yes we have our problems but who does not. Is it the aging teachers at certain prestigious institions hold th torch long enough to permit other younger ones to come in or is that too late because many of them got fed up 10 years ago and went to bigger and better things. Time will tell. 9.And finally speaking of arrogance it never fails to surprise that a certain school always seems to think they fly above the rest. After attending many meetings for the new program in cooking I was glad to hear that the CSDM (my old school board) will forge ahead with their new facilities in Old Montreal. They had offered a partnership with another school in the downtown area but was turned down twice. Arrogance has it's price. Chow ya'll
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