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Hi there! I'm a native Chicagoan but I've been in Seattle for a week now because of a family emergency thing, but tomorrow night it looks like my husband and I might get a taste of freedom. I've heard of Rover's, but where else is there to eat? What's the really good stuff? Thanks in advance! Raych
I wasn't planning my return trip to Trio for probably a year. I was going to go exploring in other places, but I guess I had better go sooner rather than later just in case! Gee, twist my arm....
I feel better knowing that I'm not the only one. The girls I work with laugh at me all the time number one, for spending the money on a dinner (they are not foodies), and number two for saying out of nowhere, I have a taste for a shrimp on a vanilla bean. They think I've completely lost it. They may not be wrong...
Please take me with you! I want to go back so badly! I take out the menu they gave us as a souvenir at least once a week and pine away for the shrimp tempura on the vanilla bean skewer... sigh
I tried several of the recipies found on egullet and nothing was matching up to the "Martini" (so as not to spark a debate!) we had at Morton's. As I remember it, the drink almost tasted like it was based off of a Pina Colada. So we decided to try and keep it simple. We bought some Pina Colada Mix, Fresh Limes, and mixed it with Stoli Vanilla in the blender with a little ice and Voila! I'm telling you, it tastes yummy! (So yummy I'm on #3!) Happy Easter from one very Happy Jew! ha!
So sorry to have started a war! In my defense - I did admit my ignorance in my first post. Wait - is that a defense? Hee hee! Anyways... lets all calm down, drink two, three, maybe even four of the key lime BEVERAGES and relax! Who cares what ya call 'em? I plan to say screw the martini glass, too small, and throw mine in a nice high ball and go to town! Meet you all at the bar! Raych
mmmmm...vanilla anything is good in my book. I had a martini last weekend that incuded Chambord (another fave of mine) and Stoli Vanil. I started toying with the idea of buying a bottle of Belvedere or Grey Goose and infusing the vanilla myself just to see what the result would be. Is it worth it?
That picture looks EXACTLY like what we had Saturday night down to the graham cracker crust edged glass... mmmm...graham cracker crust.... sorry... Thank you so much. I will let you know how my experimentations go this evening. It's my husband's birthday so this will come in very handy. Raych
Hello all! I am brand new to the world of Martinis and I am way too wimpy to drink a real straight up martini so I drink the "fun" versions. I took my husband to Morton's Steakhouse over the weekend for his Birthday Dinner and we had the most incredible Key Lime Martinis. They tasted just like a Key Lime Pie in a glass and I must learn how to make them. So here is where my E-gullet friends come in. It seemed to have a Pina Colada base to it but I can't figure out the rest. Anybody have a recipe? Thanks in advance! Raych
Wow - wow - wow!!!! We went last night and both had the TDF with the wine pairing... It was so good that I dreamt about it afterwards!!! The menu was very similar to those listed above. You were right, you must be prepared for the long haul tho. Our meal took almost exactly 5 hours, and we were so stiff afterwards! But hey, no pain, no gain! The service was perfect. No pretention, no noses in the air, just pure friendliness that put us immediately at ease. The staff had a wonderful sense of humor, even going so far as to let us keep our roses that came with one of the courses (they made it seem like we weren't really supposed to). The other thing we noticed was how unbelievably choreographed every movement was. Nobody missed a step. The wine pairings, to me, were expert and really did enhance the meal. We were both very pleased that we decided to go that route. It was the first time either of us had our wine paired for us and we're not sure how we survived before! Everything I've read about Trio (at least the good stuff) was true. It lived up to every expectation and exceeded many others.
I will be dining at Trio for the first time tonight. I'm so excited - and strangely nervous! I'm almost afraid I won't play with my food correctly! Any advice for the newbie? Ha!
Thank you all so much for the education. My friend and I were discussing this at great length the other night. We couldn't decide if there would be a full glass of wine per course, if it would be a half a glass, or in the case of the Tour de Fource at Trio - 20 glasses of wine?!?!?! I'm a wimp when it comes to holding my drink - I wouldn't make it past 3. So it's off to Puerto Vallarta to eat lots of good cheap Mexican food, then back to Chi-Town to my big birthday bash at Trio, which with your help will go alot smoother! Thanks again! Rachael
Hello all... I'm hoping all of you can help a budding foodie in her quest for greatness. When you visit a prix fixe restaurant such as Trio, or Trotters and you order the "Wine Service" what exactly happens? I haven't been to a really fancy schmancy place since I was a kid and I wasn't paying much attention to wine. So now I'm a little older and in a position to go a little fancy once in a while again, but I'd rather not make an ass out of myself if at all possible! Anyway, if somebody could give me the wine service primer for dummies I'd really appreciate it! Thanks! Rachael
I had drinks at this place once - we checked out Metromix, which said they have a late night menu. They don't. Cool decor. Aloof waitresses. Interesting martinis. I recommend the Golden Goddess. It was quite tasty!