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Cowboy From Hell

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Posts posted by Cowboy From Hell

  1. Thanks guys...I don't think I can get the wifey to "buy" a membership so I can sample scotch. We will however be pub hopping while we are there. Probably 3-4 days in Edinburgh and 3-4 days in Inverness. I plan on trying all I can and bringing home EVERY LAST DROP customs will allow. :biggrin:

    I will definately check out these recomendations and pass on the feedback. On a side note, the only scotch Ive ever had that was simply undrinkable was Knockando. The only one Ive had that I didn't care for is Glen Ord...any feedback on either of these scotches?


  2. LMAO!!! Xmas formal.....hehehe. I never did understand why anyone would want to get sloppy, sideways, p*ss, blind drunk anyway. Getting sick, not remembering what you did, saying REALLY STUPID THINGS that your friends NEVER>>>EVER forget and waking up wishing you were dead is in no way fun or cool. I totaly understand the money situation though. A safe rule to follow is "If it's under $10 for a fifth...it's PROBABLY not something you want to ingest in quantity.".....OR......"If it's about the price of gasoline ($1.85 a gallon), you probably don't want to ingest it in quantity."


  3. ok all, I'm sure something similar to this has been posted but I didn't come accross it going back a few pages.

    What is thee best vodka on the market right now and what is it going for?

    Personaly, I'm in love with Ultimat. Super smooth and no taste at all. It goes for about $60. I'm not much of a vodkaphile so what do you guys drink from the top shelf?


  4. Cabo Wabo.....Chris mentioned the Anejo but I much prefer the reposado. It has a smooth sweet start like a good tequilla but a black pepper finish like nothing I've had before.....AWESOME!

    The tequilla with the stag on it is Cazadores. It's a good $30 bottle. All the Mexicans I know around here go nuts for it and are more then happy to give you a $20 to get them a bottle if you are heading to Tijuana.


  5. I'm going to Ireland and Scotland in February and am looking for a little advice. First off, I love scotch. I really enjoy trying diffrent ones because they each are so diffrent from one another. I prefer middle to high end and don't mind spending $50 to $85 a bottle. One of my favorites that I can find localy is Glenfiditch Solera Reserve (15). I'm also quite partial to Blue Label but at $200 I don't hit that bottle too ofter :blink:

    I was quite impressed with some of the knowledge that gathers here and though I'd try to steal some of it. :smile: I'm looking for several good scotches to try while I'm there that I might not be able to find localy. I've found the 15s and 18s are to my liking for the most part. Any help would be great.


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