Right now for my house wine at both I use Copperridge, at least it is drinkable for a house. In Mooresville I have Zabaco Red Zin , B&G Vouvray and Mondavi Coastal Chardonny. Monreauxvia has the Vouvray and Mondavi plus Black Opal Cab and some Arbor Crest thing that I don't care for. I know I want a Gewurztraiminer and I would like a Shiraz because I like it and I'm not above pouring myself a glass after a busy Friday night. Your suggestions sound wonderful, I just don't know what brand or vintage to get....again, thanks. As to the menu...red beans, gumbo, Jambalaya, creoles and etouffées. Frogs, oysters, shrimp and crawfish. Aundouille and Boudin. An awesome blackened steak over jambalaya with a bernaise he makes with merlot instead of chardonny. If you are so inclined you can see the menu at Zydecos.net. Y'all help me with this and I'm buying dinner!!!