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We used to box food in the kitchen but I had several customers state that they didn't want anyone they don't know touching their food. We now box it in front of the customer. Also, we always remove plates when people are done eating. Waiting until the whole party is through seems negligent to me. I would rather not have a dirty plate with food drying on it in front of me while my 4'9" friend Kim spends another hour on three green beans.
Rachael is right though! Two asprin with a big glass of water (leave the glass on your nightstand for midnight rehydration). I used this cure through my twenties. I fall asleep before I can get that drunk now.
We have plenty of that. Crawfish and Turbodog...ahhh...
I also need a decent cab and Merlot. Some People around here are just stuck on those. Also, I am confused. Is a Rose sweet or dry? I have read both and that sometimes you don't know till you open the bottle. Can this be true?
I know that is insane, but, I always hated getting 4oz of wine at a restaurant. We started with about 6oz. but we are in Indiana and everyone (Doctors, Lawyers, Farmers, the trash guy...it doesn't matter) feels they are being ripped off unless their glass is full so the bartenders always end up adding a little lagnaippe and all of the sudden we're at 8oz. I actually had to go to smaller glasses or we would have ended up with 14oz. glasses of wine. I live in terror of someone ordering Brandy when I'm not here. Also, Mark, do you think I should use all those wines? Mooresville seats 56 and Monreauxvia seats 96....
Should I offer all of them? I've noticed places offering half glasses, how does that work? Also, I pour 8oz., that seems to be more than I 've been offered elsewhere. Is that too much or should I offer half glasses too?
From Melkor's list I can get: Kim Crawford Sauvignon Blanc Trembach Gewurz Penfolds Dhiraz/Cab Zardetto Prosecco brut Terrazas Malbec I can also get from other suggestions: Pedroncelli Rose Dry Creek and Murphy Goode Sauvignon Blancs Bonny Doon and Regaleali Roses Bonny Doon Riesling Joesph Drouhin Beaujolais Seghesio Zin Guigal Rhone Rodney Strong Cab I can get the Chateau Moncontour to replace the B&G Vouvray anfd it is only $1 more a bottle. What would make a well rounded wine list? I can use different wines for the two restaurants. Z1 is french Quarter rowdy all the way while Z5 is Royal Street Bistro, white table cloths, fountain in the center and exposed brick. Although they are both a good time. People stay for hours and hours so I really need to get some wine moving since I can't seem to turn tables. Again, thanks.
"The Jazz Singer" just opened in Southern Indiana (NOT the one with Neil Diamond) and it looks like "Rosé" doesn't exist here unless it's followed by "wine cooler". I'll keep looking....
Thanks for the imput and keep it coming please...Any sugestion on a good Vouvray? My wait staff loves it so it tends to be the wine they sell the most of but I don't really want the worst one out there on the menu! I am going to see what I can get here based on the lists I've been given so far...I'll let you know what I come up with. Indiana is kind of backwards when it comes to alcohol which brings me to another problem. I always hated going to a nice restaurant and getting 4 ounces of wine for 5 or 6 bucks so when we opened I served 8--9 ounces in some nice big glasses so it could breath (see, I know something!). Well, everyone wants their glass filled to the rim! And I don't get the dregs of society in here either. We have our fair share of Hummers and BMW's in the parking lot. Anyway, I got some 10oz. glasses, fill em' up and everyone but me is happy. Maybe we should serve Boone's Farm? Thanks again, You all rock!
Right now for my house wine at both I use Copperridge, at least it is drinkable for a house. In Mooresville I have Zabaco Red Zin , B&G Vouvray and Mondavi Coastal Chardonny. Monreauxvia has the Vouvray and Mondavi plus Black Opal Cab and some Arbor Crest thing that I don't care for. I know I want a Gewurztraiminer and I would like a Shiraz because I like it and I'm not above pouring myself a glass after a busy Friday night. Your suggestions sound wonderful, I just don't know what brand or vintage to get....again, thanks. As to the menu...red beans, gumbo, Jambalaya, creoles and etouffées. Frogs, oysters, shrimp and crawfish. Aundouille and Boudin. An awesome blackened steak over jambalaya with a bernaise he makes with merlot instead of chardonny. If you are so inclined you can see the menu at Zydecos.net. Y'all help me with this and I'm buying dinner!!!
My husband and I own two small cajun restaurants in Southern Indiana. The food is real south LA home cooking with an occasional nod to Creole and New Orleans cusine. I would like to expand my wine list but all I know is what I like (which is all I have served in 5 years) and I have no idea why I like what I like. The wine reps only push you for what they sell and so far it doesn't seem that they know much about wine period. One guy put a list together where every single bottle was $20!!! I just want a few nice wines that pair well with well seasoned entreés (not hot), in a varity of prices. Any ideas?? Our average entreé price is $17.00 Thanks