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Posts posted by Pumuckel67

  1. Thanks for the warm welcome and the new thread:

    Yes, it is true that in "modern" Sauerkraut pineapple is often added. As a matter of fact I found this recipe (combining pineapple with Sauerkraut) in my first "google" search.

    1 Zwiebel

    100 g Speck; durchwachsen

    1 Lorbeerblatt

    1 Dose Sauerkraut

    1 Pikkolo

    1/2 Dose Ananas :smile: ; mit Saft

    4 El. Honig

    ; Cayennepfeffer

    Zubereitung :

    Zwiebel und Speck in Würfel schneiden und in wenig Fett weichdämpfen. Das

    Sauerkraut trocken ausdrücken, mit Pikkolo, Ananas plus Saft und Honig zu

    den Speckzwiebeln geben.

    1/4 Stunden fest geschlossen kochen lassen, dann mit Cayennepfeffer würzen

    und bei offenem Deckel herabkochen

    In addition, I find it interesting that the pineapple with Sauerkraut is a "modern" way to cook it. Even though I did not research this further I assume it was not added in the 'traditional style', because it was just not as available as it is today.

    Aloha... :biggrin:

  2. Aloha und Guten Tag:

    I hope my comments fit within the purpose of this thread. It is interesting to me that many German recipes are titled “Hawaii” Salad, Baguette “Hawaii”, or “Hawaii” Cake, for, it seems, as long as there is a piece of pineapple in the recipe (Ananas=Pineapple) it will be called "Hawaii 'something.'" As one can see in the following recipes the amount of pineapple can vary between 3 slices , 4 tablespoons, 1 can etc. I find this very fascinating and was wondering if this is the case in other countries as well. I do know that one of the main US pizza places offers Hawaii pizza, which includes pineapple as a topping. These are the examples I found:


    • Zitronensaft: 2 Esslöffel, Sellerieknolle: 1, Kopfsalat: 1, Äpfel: 2

    • Mandelstifte: 50 Gramm, Orange: 1, Mayonnaise: 3 Esslöffel

    • Bd. Radieschen: 1, Scheibe Ananas: 3 :smile: , Wasser Salz Pfeffer Zucker: 0.5 Liter Prise Calvados: 1

    Baguette Hawaii

    1 Baguette, aufbackbar ,

    2 Stück Sahne-Schmelzkäse

    1 Pck. Schinken, gewürfelt

    1 Käse (Edamer)

    4 EL Ananas :smile:

    4 TL Mandeln, gehobelt

    2 Prise Pfeffer

    Hawaii Torte

    2 Eier , 50 g Zucker, Vanillin Zucker, 30 g Mehl, 25 g Speisestärke, 1 Msp. Backpulver

    Für den Belag: 1 Dose Ananas :smile: in Ringen, 850 ml, 1 Dose Frucht Cocktail, 850 ml, 1 Päck. gemahlene Gelatine, 500 g Quark, 400 g Sahne, 100 g Zucker, 1-2 Päck. klarer Tortenguß

    Aloha, und Tschuess

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