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  1. Those pictures of the pizza were disturbingly real. They looked so tasty. Still, what kind of person takes a close-up of the bottom of a pizza?
  2. I seem to recall liking the Great Impasta and it appears it's still in business making fresh pasta every day (it's been a few years). Also, Timpones was a nice higher end place. Like other college towns, Champaign excels with low-end fare (sandwiches, bar food, pizza, etc). Those places are where I will be hitting next time I'm back in town. As an aside, if you like authentic 50s diners, check out The Elite in Urbana. It's an aluminum clad nostalgia trip.
  3. Good choice on the pork. It's actually more common in souvlaki than lamb.
  4. niv

    Eating in Naples

    Thanks Chef. I'm heading there to enjoy the cool Florida August weather, so I'll check the place out. Nothing beats the combo of hot, humid weather and fried foods!
  5. Looking back, I'm surprised by the amount of Greek food I ate growing up. At the time, I didn't think we ate any differently than other people (and we certainly ate meatloaf, pizza and Chinese food like all Midwestern Americans) but now I realize that almost every other dinner (and some breakfasts) were ethnic. To this day, I eat this food as one of my favorite comfort foods (along with meatloaf, pizza and Chinese food). It took me many years to be able to stomach vegetables not thoroughly cooked through (briami veggies are typically cooked for 2 hours or more) and lamb well done. I still seldom use oil that is not olive oil and keep a can of tomato puree handy at all times and think nothing of flavoring savory foods with cinnamon or mint.
  6. I enjoyed reading the first two-thirds of the book then lost interest. Robinson can get a little preachy for my taste.
  7. niv

    Eating in Naples

    There's a Thai place on Tamiami near Blockbusters between Park Shore and Coastland Mall. Ate there a couple years ago and had a good meal but as it was only once and awhile ago... There's a place on Isles of Capri called Backwater Nick's that has decent casual food but, to be honest, I go for the view (and my kids like to feed the catfish that swim in the waters next to the place. Naples isn't a hotbed of cheap ethnic or casual food. It's primarily residents are retired Midwestern suburbanites who seem more concerned with the quality of a restaurant's bar than its food.
  8. niv

    Eating in Naples

    The suggestions above are good ones. Also, there are some fun shacks in Ft. Myers Beach overlooking the ocean on Estero that are worth checking out (I have a favorite but can't recall the name - only how to get there). If you have kids with, Cheeburger is a chain that they will like (and I like for the shakes). If you can drive North there are some decent places in Sanibel and Captiva. The Mucky Duck on Captiva is famous for their (overpriced but tasty) barbeque shrimp wrapped in bacon. I don't know the places North and well as South of Ft. Myers.
  9. Funny, I found a retainer at the Fest. Gave it to the kids to use, to save on some Ortho bills... You can have it back.
  10. I take it that you haven't been to one of these yet (since Champaign)? I was thinking of trying one. I don't have many memories of the one from College but that can be fully explained due to extenuating circumstances.
  11. No, that was completely different - that was chunks o' glass in my son's ice cream. The restaurant graciously offered to comp the ice cream after we pointed it out. Haven't been back since.
  12. I don't know, Michael, I think Blackies used to be better. Their original place in Streeterville used to cook up a mean burger but lately (at least the one in Glencoe) has been disappointing. Plus, one time by nephew was served chunks o' glass in his water at the one that was (is?) in Deerfield. Meyers if fun and brings up happy memories of drunken high school teachers. Good tater tots.
  13. Could be I had a different chef that night. I doubt WC changed; I think what changed is my stomach and colon. You must have me confused with someone else.
  14. That may have been my previous experience as well and I can see enjoying that sort of burger in that condition. Just not sure if the old body can handle WC any more.
  15. niv

    Eating in Naples

    I've heard this place mentioned but in all the times I've been to Naples (several dozen by now) I've never seen this place. Could you tell me a little about it?
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