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  1. My feeling exactly Fat Guy. I was really looking forward to Pearson's, based on what people had experienced at the other location. I was under the impression that he had the flavor profile down and this was his effort for expansion, not trial and error. Can anyone who has eaten at the other pearson's attest that product different (Better) or were we that easy to please. Is this just the case of a chef selling his name to another restaurantaur?
  2. Really did not enjoy the overall experience. The meat (I ordered them all) was well cooked (Except Brisket - Dry, Dry, Dry). The food profile was flavorless and pulled the salt from my mouth. I felt that the sauce (served on the side) was flat and lacked any depth. I did like the interior of the restaurant and the service was ok. Was expecting more.
  3. Do you have the right place? Daisy May's is located on the corner of 46th and 11th ave. across from the Landmark Tavern. It is not a gay bar, in fact there is no seating or alcohol being served. Where did you end up?
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