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Everything posted by syzygy8

  1. I'd feel bad if I didn't step in here and put in a plug for Parilla 1880. Man, I love that place. I enjoyed it MUCH more than La Brigada. Just booked my next trip to BA. Will be there for almost 2 weeks with no plans but to wander, eat and drink. In addition to 1880, I'll probably consider stopping in at DesNivel, but I've just NEVER had any interest in ever visiting Las Lilas.
  2. I enjoyed the pasta at Il Mattarello. More on my visit to there and other restaurants in BA can be found here.
  3. If I recall correctly, cow sharing is completely legal in Virginia and not at all considered shady. There are a number of dairy farms out west of DC that do this. A simple google search should find them. It's the only way I know of obtaining raw milk locally without having to travel to PA.
  4. Did you check passports or something?
  5. Or maybe they don't know where to eat after all. ← No kidding!
  6. Hmmmm. After two visits in the way past, I've never seemed to have a problem resisting La Tasca.
  7. Gaucho, would you be kind enough to share more about this restaurant. I'm unfamiliar with the neighborhood. Where is it in relation to the more well-known ones? Can you share more about the menu and atmosphere of Atelier?
  8. Landrum's clearly on the ropes now. Just look at him stagger. How long can the ref keep this one going. Oh, look, he's coming in now to issue a standing 8 count. It's almost over sports fans. Looks like "Iron Mike" Landrum's meteoric rise is coming to an end.Look at me...I'm holding my breath. Blah Blah Blah. (had to throw in a few four letter words!)
  9. What? Where the hell do you think the food in Manhattan comes from? Central Park? I hope you were meaning to say that most of the postings in this forum have to do with Manhattan rather than the forum itself. Frankly, I think the others who are saying they "take exception" to this statement are being too nice.
  10. These are all good choices, with AV as an interesting dark horse selection, but I'd throw Chef Geoff's out of the list. I found it to be one of the foulest restaurant experiences in DC re:food AND service. I would add to the list of places to consider, Haad Thai on 11th between H St. and NY Ave.
  11. I have. Unfortunately they're part of the problem, not the solution. It's a bad news place which draws lots of tourists, I'm sure. I haven't been in there in a while to see if it draws anyone else. But it sets a bad precedent for other GB outlets, for when I travel it's unlikely I'll visit one knowing how bad they are here. Even worse off for them is that they're one block away from the District Chophouse, which has its set of faults, but in my book is the top scorer in the DC area for highest quality food and beer combo.
  12. This post is a long time coming, but I'll try to size up where we ate, what we ate and our impressions of assorted restaurants in Buenos Aires. This comes from two trips there, in Sept/Oct 2004 (two travelers) and Mar/April 2005 (three travelers). In some cases my notes are not very complete (too busy stuffing ourselves) and only list what we ordered and not necessarily more details about the dishes. Some restaurants that we really enjoyed (Sucre) are not even in the notebooks and were scrawled on paper that I have not yet found. After 9 months, I'm not going to try to recall any missing pieces. Some of the notes are still in the Spanish that we wrote down directly. Others we translated. All prices, where noted, are in US dollars. I will say that Buenos Aires is a food lover's paradise these days for folks using dollars. There are very talented chefs preparing a variety of foods of all kinds of styles and presentations. Naturally, the beef is the best in the world. Nothing comes close and don't even pretend it does! And if you think something comes close, I'd sooner take the $5, perfectly cooked cut from Argentina over the $50 or more cut elsewhere anyday. (All of our beef was cooked a punto.) Meals that would be $100 - 200 a head in NY can be had for $25 - 50 in Buenos Aires. All meals (particularly dinner) generally include appetizer, entree, dessert, a bottle of wine and a digestif. I've only been there twice now, so I may be incorrect with some locations/neighborhoods. Restaurant Central - Palermo Hollywood We had lunch. Not very busy. Open restaurant space with an open kitchen that you walk past as you enter. You can eat on couches along the back walls. Tables in the center. There's an outdoor courtyard with service too. Magazine racks on the walls. Help yourself. Funky unisex restrooms with the sinks in the corridor. Appetizers we ate: Arepa de Maiz Blanco con Salteado de Portobellos, tomates confit, cebollas caramelizadas y queso brie. Clasico seviche de langostinos con batata dulce sobre verdes. Mains: Salmon rosado sobre tartita dulce de choclo y panceta, puntas de esparrago y emulsion de cilantro. Tortelli de espinaca y ricotta con salsa suave de pomodoro. Postre: Torta tibia de chocolate con helado de crema. Chiquilin - San Nicolas, cor. Montevideo y Sarmiento Another lunch. We really liked this place. Seemed like a workhorse type restaurant. Did a little bit of everything and did so with care. Not much in the way of flair, but very competent. They recommended the beef and we didn't stray from that. Fantastic frites! Very nice, helpful servers, with an old world feel. Brick/red walls, natural wood and brass fittings. I had a half bottle of Vasco Viejo for $2.50. The Mrs. had a half bottle of Lopez Malbec for $5.00. We both liked the Lopez more. www.bodegaslopez.com.ar Meals came with a starter salad, and we each had a beef entree. I had the bife de ojo w/frites and the Mrs. had the bife de lomo. We were very happy with our selections. On the table were self-serve bowls of chimichurri that reminded me so much of the self-serve pickles you always used to get at any deli in NY. This was our first taste of chimichurri on the home turf and we loved it. Jalapenos, garlic, parsley and a little oregano all chopped fine and blended in oil. (Some general observations about Buenos Aires were placed in our notes here that I will indulge you with. We only saw one SUV, a Jeep Cherokee. On the radio, there were almost no ads. Chain restaurants were almost non-existent. They're there but not to any great degree. No smoking tables are in the worst locations of restaurants, never by a window either). Oviedo - Recoleta/Barrio Norte Dinner here at a Spanish (northern) restaurant. Seafood the speciality. White tablecloths. Again, another professional, old world style restaurant. Not particularly happy that they kind of bunch English speakers into the same area, but I can understand why. I think. My best guess is that there are only a limited number of servers that understand English so they need to put all of us with poor Spanish together. I found this got much better on my second trip, where I had improved on my Spanish before returning to BA. Starters: Grilled squid Empanada Gallega. The empanada was a bit expensive, considering the time and effort in creating it, but I don't think it was worth it. Mains: Hake Cod (Don't recall how they were prepared) Wine: Finca La Anita Chardonnay 2001 Dessert: Marquis de castano. Two slices of chestnut "cake" with cream. Il Matterello - La Boca Went here for lunch on a Sunday shortly before the Boca Juniors match. Arrived just in time, too as the place filled up shortly after we arrived. Reminiscent of many Italian restaurants, but I don't recall checkered tablecloths. Great pasta. Mains: Ravioli Genovesi al tuco. (carne de vaca, cerdo, pollo (yes a meatfest!) verdura, queso, hongos). $4.75 Lasagna bolognese. (ragu bolognese, salsa blanca, parmesano). $6.00 Wine: It was just some glasses of box wine, malbec Selk'nam. Nothing special, but good. Desserts: Della Nonna, crema pastelera de vainilla y chocolate. $3.25 Crostata con pera. $2.00 Excellent espresso and a glass of Sambuca for $1.65 Parilla 1880 - San Telmo This has become our absolute favorite restaurant in BA. We see no need to go to somewhere like Cabanas las Lilas for a beef-fest when 1880 puts out such excellent food, drink and service. This is THE place to go for your big steak meal. (Be careful with the salt shakers. There are many holes and it pours fast!) Starters: Chorizo-a snappy casing and big chunks of meat and fat. Not very spicy. Perfect texture. Empanadas - the meat mixed with egg and quite tasty. The dough crumbled like a pop-tart! Meat: My ojo de bife was as big as my head and cooked perfectly to a delicious medium rare. Hot, tremendously juicy, and incredibly flavorful. The Mrs. had the lomo de bife, which we referred to as the world's largest filet mignon. Quite lean and tender as expected, but packed a good bit of flavor too! We also had a huge plate of fritas. Crispy and great consistency. (This is where we learned of the salt shaker issue, because they needed some salt). Wine: Trumpeter Cabernet Sauvignon 2002. From the Rutini family of wines, this bottle is found easily in the US and costs here about $8.99. Dessert: Panqueque de manzana al rhum. Tasty apple pancake/crepe. Heavy on the rum! It could use a dollop of cream to balance it out. Flambeed at our table. Confiteria Ideal - Suipacha entre Sarmiento y Corrientes Stopped in for coffee as it was near our hotel. Ended up staying to eat because we got busy watching the tango dancers practicing on the first floor. Beautiful interior that is falling apart. Building is circa 1910. Tons of dark, original wood, brass fans on the walls, brass chandeliers and sconces. Huge mirrors. Peeling paint and ornate ceilings. Not touristy of faux in any way and a very interesting contrast to Cafe Tortoni. Stay for the atmosphere and the show, not the food. Olsen - Palermo Hollywood Scandinavian-inspired. Huge list of vodkas by the shot or bottle. We sat on a front deck at a candle-lit table. The whole place kind of reminded me of a ski chalet for some reason. Starter: 3+6 (tres mas seis) Smoked salmon, lump caviar, smoked trout and 6 corn pancakes with sour cream. $10.00 Mains: Paprika smoked trout w/parsley and lemon mash, soft egg, avocado, apple and almond crumble. $8.00. Smoked pork shoulder with pickled peaches, blue cheese and hazelnut sauce, brioche and grilled radicchio. This dish was really good. Loved the peaches. Wine: Rutini Malbec '03. Not a standout. Dessert: White chocolate creme brulee w/citrus and mint salad and carmelized pistachios. Rhubarb tart w/coconut ice cream. Dora - Retiro/Centro Another Spanish restaurant, but this one much less formal than Oviedo. An open floor with lots of long tables crowded with many families of all ages. As the servers leave the kitchen, they pass by a dude at a computer and they call out what dishes they are carrying to which table. The dude at the computer tracks it and that's how your check is calculated. We got a really good vibe in this place and really felt that we found a spot popular with local families. Starters: Chorizo - Excellent! Calamari Mains: Grilled cod in Basque sauce. Grilled trout w/garlic and parsley. Lomo. (yes, I had the beef, even though they're more known for their fish). Wine: Alfredo Catena, La Mision Malbec 2001 Chiquilin, again Dinner at Chiquilin this time. More beef. Two orders of Ojo de Bife and one of Lomo de Bife. Wine: 2002 Luigi Bosca Reserva Malbec. Sweet, yet bold. (?). www.luigibosca.com.ar. La Brigada - San Telmo branch There are several branches of La Brigada, and I believe the San Telmo one is the original. We went there only because we kept calling to Parilla 1880 and couldn't get them to answer the phone to make our reservation. So we thought we couldn't get there, so let's go somewhere else for another beef fix. We chose La Brigada, and while we liked it, it had nothing on 1880. Lots of regulars come here and you can see the love expressed upon them from the owner. Our server, while courteous, just seemed to be going through the motions with us and was not overly helpful and seemed slightly disinterested in us. A far cry from most other restaurants we enjoyed. The beef was indeed very good. Huge portions at excellent prices. I don't have more details, except our wine was Cadus Malbec 2000 ($60.00, seems high, but that's what the notes say!) (Some more observations tucked in the notes here, this time on wine. Can't recall exactly what it means but..... Las Ormigas/Reserva 2002. Try this one. Los Arboles Navarro Correas Cabernet Sauv/Malbec 2004. 2002, excellent year for Mendoza wine.) Parilla 1880, again They answered the phone and we got in! Our server was Miguel, who was the exact opposite of the server at La Brigada. Took his time with us and was truly helpful in putting up with my Spanish. He wanted us to have a great time. Starters: Chorizo Mixed green salad Mains Bife de Chorizo Lomo. Entrana. The Bife de Chorizo was the best choice and we all were jealous of its "owner." Clearly the best flavor of the bunch. My lomo was excellent still, and was perhaps the most tender steak I've ever encountered. Look at it just the right way and it cuts itself for you. The entrana came with a layer of tough fat/membrane that was hard to cut, but the meat itself was delicious. They offered to remove that layer for us to make it easier, but when it came back it was slightly overcooked. We didn't mind though. We had plenty of meat on our plates for us all to get stuffed. Wine: 2002 Luigi Bosca Reserva Cabernet Sauvignon. ($20.00) We went through at least two bottles of this! We went to Sucre twice, once on each trip, and we really liked it. Hip, funky and great food and drink. Trust the sommelier. I wish I could find my notes for it but I can't. If I do, I'll add it in. One other place to note, if you're heading towards Peninsula Valdes, here's a restaurant in Puerto Madryn worth mentioning. La Cheminee - Puerto Madryn, Chubut Tucked on a side street not far from the beach. Walk through a small entry garden to the door of what looks like a simple house. (It was dark when we got there). Starters: Langostinos grillee sobre blinis y crema acida. ($5.00) Ensalada del campo - tiras de ave, verdes, huevos pochee y panceta tostada. ($3.25) Mains: Grilled sea bass with 4 grilled scallops in the shell over carrot puree with julienned red pepper and zucchini. Seafood and vegetable lasagna. Wine: Half bottle of Valmont tinto blend. No dessert, we were too full, but the chocolate mousse with whiskey salsa sounded interesting. Can't wait to go back and eat more!
  13. If Jacksonville and Columbus are doing that well, they may want to start giving lessons to the folks in DC. The GB here is garbage on all counts.
  14. Just to second Gary's suggestion for The Blue Lion. My friends, family and I have travelled each February/March for the last 5 years or so from the U.S. to stay and eat there. This year was the first one we've missed (damned currency!) and we're NOT happy. Every meal at The Blue Lion is a winner.
  15. Trattoria Liliana at Van Ness. Call now to see if reservation is available.
  16. If she has Dovedale, don't miss it.
  17. This little corner of Yorkshire has been the location of an annual pilgrimage for me, my family and whichever friends I can harness into the trip. I have visited the brewery about 7 or 8 times and cannot say enough great things about their beer, or all the towns on the line between York-Masham-East Witton-Askrigg-Reeth. On my first visit in 1997, they were closed for a "special event" and we weren't able to do the brewery tour. They did, however, give us free passes for a tour on a future visit. Somehow, those free passes were one reason we continued to travel to this part of the UK year after year. You can read on their website the interesting brewery history and how Paul Theakston started Black Sheep, in fact, putting the brewery right next to the Theakston brewery that his family used to own. Theakston's gives tours also. Both Theakston's and Black Sheep are found in the many pubs throughout the area. If you think they're wonderful in a bottle, drinking them cask conditioned in a cozy pub with a roaring fire and snow lightly falling is just about one of the finest experiences a beer lover can have in a lifetime. Most of those pints have been downed at The Blue Lion in East Witton, about a ten minute drive away. Food at The Blue Lion is utterly superb, and is consistently so from year to year. (If someone can teach me how to post an image, I've got one of them pouring a pint of Black Sheep). Not only is Black Sheep Bitter found pretty regularly from the cask, but so is Riggwelter. One or two others can also be found, and all of them are hand pulled at the brewery. If you're seriously considering visiting the area, don't hesitate to PM me for info. I'd be happy to share with you all sorts of things (food and drink are my specialities!) from my many visits to the area.
  18. Arrowine most definitely, and if Jill doesn't have it at Cheesetique, call her and ask her and I'm sure she would get it for you if she finds one of excellent quality.
  19. You're correct about the same ownership. Bar Uriarte is a great suggestions. We were there for lunch. I like how they had some bottles of wine from vineyards we did not find at other restaurants. We really enjoyed a cabernet from Ruca Malen. Didn't find it served anywhere else.
  20. I'm just back from BsAs and will have a longer report on our meals, but for the sake of brevity since you're leaving this coming weekend..... Although we found Sucre better, a close second you can add to your list is Olsen in Palermo Hollywood. We also enjoyed Dora on Alem not far off Plaza San Martin. I cannot emphasize enough the need to go to Parilla 1880 (Defensa 1665). In two visits to BsAs, it has twice delivered the best meat. Best choice is the Bife de Chorizo. The lomo is mighty good, but pales in comparison. I would instantly choose 1880 over La Brigada. We went to the San Telmo branch of La Brigada because, for days, we were unable to get through on the phone to make a reservation at 1880. La Brigada was our standby since 1880 wasn't going to happen. As it turned out, I was able to get through to 1880 on our last day there and made a reservation for that final night. Food and service blows La Brigada out of the water. Also, a great all-around workhorse type restaurant that has a little bit of everything and does it all well is Chiquilin on Montevideo. I forget the cross street, but it's one block south of Corrientes.
  21. Appetizer, $7 Entree $ 17 Glass of wine $7 Dessert $6 Tax $3.70 Tip $7.40 You're already at $48+ Getting 3 courses and wine for less than $48 at Kinkead's? Priceless. I have to agree with Jenny about this. Your friend wasn't Rachael Ray, was it?
  22. I notice the menu has the following caveat attached to certain dishes: "*This item contains raw ingredients. In addition, items on this menu are cooked to order. Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood or eggs may increase your risk of food-bourne illnesses, especially if you have certain medial condition [sic]." Is this a new trend, or have I just failed to notice the government-warning style text on other menus? edited for grammar ← It is almost universal. If you start looking for it, you'll find it everywhere....from Chilis to the tasting room at Eve. Started popping up in the last 5 years or so. ← Certain states require it by law. Edited to add: Medial conditions, by the way, are clearly a serious problem in the UK, Australia, Canada and other Commonwealth nations that suffer from food-bourne illnesses. Unlike here, where we're more likely to be stricken by foodborne illness, frequently helped by medication. Of course, if you read my review above, Vermilion would better serve its patrons by putting the same warning you find on a pack of cigarettes on its menu, rather than the raw ingredients thing. Based on my experience, you're more likely to come down with lung cancer than salmonella.
  23. Taqueria Poblano is excellent. Another choice would be Guajillo in Arlington or Andale, which is right near Jaleo. I'm not sold on Oyamel, but I'm not ready to give up on it yet. I think quality Mexican is kinda lacking in this area, particularly inside the beltway. Frankly, I think the best lunchtime burrito is is the chicken one from Chipotle, although I prefer to have the tacos there.
  24. I was going to make that same suggestion. It's the perfect time to hit Jaleo, particularly if you're at the Mall museums. Another good lunch option, particularly if you're near the White House, would be Breadline on Penn. Ave.
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