They have approached him about taking over now that the previous chef ( rather excellent, but whose name escapes me for a moment ) had retired. Tony, I think you are right in part If you go to a Show called, for example, Pavarotti in Concert, and the great man is ill, or somewhere else performing, they don't wheel out some other fat Italian who can sing but not quite so well and expect you to put up with it. The same should be the case with Ramsay/Race etc. I am not expecting them to examine everything that comes off the line, but I do think they need to be in the Kitchen. Gary Rhodes is I believe in the kitchens at his places in Lonodn every other day. If you go to a non chef led place just as if you go to see an ensemble theatre piece, it really doesn't matter as long as the replacement is competent. The real issue is that the person running the kitchen must be able to match up to the exacting standards that have allowed the person to put their name above the door in the first place. On my, admitedly only, experience at Claridges, that was not the case. That is why I am so wary of anything that is trading on the name of a star chef i.e Petit Blanc. Shudder! S (Edited by Majumdarathome at 12:13 pm on Feb. 7, 2002)