I'm currently trying to solve that puzzle. NC has home production laws that allow chocolate and confection production, but unlike states I'm familiar with from friends who had cottage food businesses, like CA where your pets just can't enter the kitchen area of your home, NC doesn't allow food production in a house that has pets in it at any time ever. And I have two dogs. My city only has a commissary kitchen that is opening soon and it is the only one within over an hour away, and it looks like it will be super nice but it's also super expensive. They are really taking advantage of their monopoly on the market, which is their right in the free market so good for them, but annoying for me just starting out. Trying to think of creative options to get space in a commercial kitchen, but as I'm just getting started again, I have time and am just going to practice my techniques and fine tune some products before I sweat too much about it.