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  1. 👍 The steam vents sound like a good bet, I wouldn't be surprised to find gunk in them, thanks for that suggestion. Were you able to see the vents, once you had the cover off the unit? Are they those rectangular openings I can see in your picture, or are they elsewhere? Also, how hard was it to get the clips off the ends of that hose? They look pretty strong.
  2. Hi, and thank you! I read your post this afternoon, and really appreciated your detailed pics and description. So the problem you were having was the same as mine, that the machine was making plenty of steam, but not directing it into the oven?
  3. I found this forum while searching to find out why my Cuisinart CSA isn't steaming as it should. Wow, what a surprise to find this huge repository of info, with a group of dedicated enthusiasts to boot! It's impressive. If anyone has a clue, or wants to speculate on what's going on with my steam oven, I'd love to hear it. I've had the oven a couple of years, and it's become an essential part of my cooking. It's still working, in that the heating elements heat up well and the boiler produces copious steam, but the steam doesn't go into the oven -- it billows out all the exterior vents. The interior remains dry, no sign of steam when I open the door. Food I want to gently warm using Bake Steam ends up crunchy on top. Symptoms started about a week ago. I did the decalc process today, and a very little bit of residue came out when I drained the reservoir at the end. Our water here is not very mineral. I read the post about dismantling the back of the machine and cleaning the tube, but to be honest that doesn't seem to apply to the problem I'm having. There's plenty of steam being generated, it's just not finding its way into the oven compartment, as if a nozzle or hose leading out of the boiler is blocked, or something like that. Any insights?
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