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Everything posted by Cocktologist

  1. Hello eGForums! My name is Nathan. Originally from the DFW metroplex, my journey began behind the bar of an upscale chef owned kitchen. This is where I found a love for food & drinks, but gravitated more towards imbibing. Two openings later and nearly moving to across country to pursue “the next level”; I find myself working for a motivated young chef far far outside the metroplex & creating original craft cocktails with an abnormally motivated bar staff. Who would have thought the next step was in a small Texas town? Anyway. I am digging through The Savoy Cocktail Book, a gift from a close friend, when notice “Hercules” listed as an ingredient several times. What is this Hercules mentioned over and over? Turns out this community also had the same question back in 2007! I am honored to introduce myself & look forward to listening, learning & exploring alongside equally motivated users on this forum.
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