Hello to everybody
During the Easter time i've been visiting my wife's granparents, and her grandmother give us some very old bottle of vodka (the bottles should date back years '80s). To be honest, nothing special for my limited knowledge. Not a 40 years smoked whiskey, just some bottles of Stolichnaya russian vodka... The bottles are all close and seems if good condition, despite the sign of time. Just the level has gone down a bit...
The question is: Do you think they're still drinkable?
In my understanding, alcool doesn't expire, but the taste could not be what i imagine...
I've heard of wine aging, liquors like whiskey and co. also get better with time, but i've never heard clear vodka could age, and also not all liquors are mode for it...
Well, just open one and drink it...
Yes, i've already tought it too, but why not to ask who knows more then me? And more then once i've found better answers far away then not close to me...
I forgot, my name is Roberto, i'm Italian... Vodka is not my favorite, but why not a cup of wine? I don't have in my small cave 40 years old wine, but i can arrive to 10...
I've also tried aging beer... To be honest, i didn't get remarkable result with it...
I hope i could get a lot of answer and suggestions, which will push me to open one and taste it...
Thank's for your patience and attention (if you read it all what i wrote...)
Best regards