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Rachel Lindy

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  1. @Tropicalsenior Interesting! Did you grow up in Costa Rica?
  2. Hi everyone- I'm a food writer, and I'm currently researching the idea that you should never take the last piece of food on a plate without asking while dining with others. I've seen instances of this in a wide range of cultures, from Filipino to Dutch, and it's occasionally referred to as the "piece of shame," or the"decency piece." I'm really interested in hearing some personal anecdotes from people who've experienced this. Please comment below if you have any stories to share! -Rachel
  3. Hi haresfur - that's fascinating! Would you be willing to have a quick (5-10 min max) phone chat about this?
  4. Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum, and happen to be researching for an article on the subject of matzo - specifically, why people who don't keep kosher (or aren't Jewish) choose to eat matzo. I'd love to hear from some eGullet members on this subject! Do you regularly eat matzo outside of Passover? If so, why, and how do you like to eat it? Thanks, and looking forward to your responses! -Rachel
  5. Hey folks, I'm a food writer doing a piece for Vogue's food section about why people might choose to eat matzo outside the context of Passover. A number of non-Jews and non-practicing Jews love eating matzo as a snack due to the crunch, the ability to use it as a blank canvas for different toppings, and the (relatively) healthy nature of it, as well as a host of other reasons. I'd love to hear from the eGullet community about this topic: do you, or someone you know, eat matzo as a regular food outside of Passover? Why, and what do you like about it? Matzo ball soup is kind of a separate subject, so I'm more interested in people who eat it on its own or with toppings. -Rachel
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