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Sad Dean

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  1. Does anyone have the last firmware for the European model?
  2. Nah it is noisy without the cookware on, just on its own.
  3. The noise is there no matter what. Maybe people who rewired the unit for European market did something wrong. Nobody wants to provide me with software updates. I texted sage(breville in Europe), but they assumed that my control freak is a coffee machine. They really do not do any service in Europe on these units.
  4. Has anyone noticed any noise coming from the back bottom of the unit even when in idle? Its high pitch electric noise somewhat resembles a coil whine. I have received 2 units in Europe and both have this issue. However, I tried one control freak in the shop it was not that loud but maybe the noise of the shop was covering it up.
  5. I use European 2400w. I do have induction with a bigger coil and 3500w as well but it is a little disappointing that control freak is having trouble with it.
  6. Hi! The unit I had originally delivered to me was defective but I did get to try some things. I tried doing deep frying but the stove does not handle dips in temperature very well. How is your experience with deep frying and frying? Also for guys in Europe, what is your software and how did you get updates?
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