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Posts posted by MichaelStat

  1. Two weeks ago I came to Jai Yun with my girlfriend of two years, expecting a truly memorable and enjoyable experience.

    Well, we got the "memorable" part.

    The food--save for one tasty eggplant dish--was unworthy of a Panda Express. The first 6 courses consisted of soggy croutons, burned pieces of carbon that we were told were beef, and numerous overcooked, bitter vegetables.

    For 8 miniscule courses (plus 6 dishes of coldcuts that were served at the beginning, all at once) we were charged $87, not including tax and tip. And imagine our surprise when we were told that they do not accept credit cards. We ended up having to walk over five blocks in the cold to get cash at the nearest ATM machine. The woman at the counter didn't even apologize or look sympathetic.

    We left Jai Yun hungry and saddened...saddened that a restaurant that had been so highly touted has taken such a downhill turn. :angry:

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