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  1. Tom1

    Air Fryers

    I'm going to try making burritos in my air fryer, and I don't know if I can put tinfoil in it.
  2. Can a convection oven cook eggs?
  3. That one is great too, although I haven't tried it
  4. I posted my model in another thread, I bought a convection oven from HYSapientia on Amazon and I use it pretty much all the time now. By contacting the manufacturer they informed me that a convection oven can be used as an alternative to an air fryer, mine is even allowed for my kids, they can easily learn
  5. I recently got a new convection oven. There's a lot to explore, including how to use it. I'm wondering if I made the right purchase or if the air fryer is better than it is. Comments are welcome if you own a convection oven too
  6. Tom1

    Air Fryers

    I came across a very new product, different from the countertop oven, he uses the technology of the air fryer, but uses the appearance of the countertop oven. I don't know if this post will be commented on, looking for someone who uses the same cooker as me and learned from the seller that it's an air fryer oven.
  7. Tom1

    Air Fryers

    Do convection ovens need to be preheated? Or should it be called an air fryer oven, of course that's what the seller told me. It's like a mini oven, I don't know if it needs to be preheated, do you have any experience?
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