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  1. Hollaatme

    Swiss Chard

    Swiss chard is my absolute favorite thing to grow! Spinach bolts as soon as it gets hot, but the swiss chard just keeps going and going and going... Yes, just keep cutting leaves and it will keep growing more. I grow one 8' row of chard each year and it gives as much chard as two of us can eat, all season long from before last frost in the spring to well after first frost in the fall (it is tolerant of cold and frost AND heat, you can't beat that). Use it raw or cooked the same way you would spinach. Any recipe you would use spinach in, you can substitute swiss chard. I substitute chard in my spinach lasagne recipe and like it better than the original.
  2. I grow mushrooms too, I like the log medium the best as you get bigger harvests than those indoor kits. I put in a morel mushroom patch outside in a corner of my yard. We have a couple of threads going on this somewhere here. I grow shitake, maitkake, brown, blue and pearl oysters, morels, lions's mane etc. Fun stuff to grow.
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