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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Posts posted by zilla369

  1. Steven is growing on me.

    I'm with you.

    I am going to go against the grain and say Stephen has grown on me, too. He's consistently won. Yeah, he might be full of shit...but it's all about being able to sell it, baby. AND he has the wine pairing thing going on. In the early going I thought that would get tiresome - but he's kept it up along with consistently cranking out dishes the judges admire.

    People eat with their eyes first. Then they take a sip of wine. I dunno how it all turns out, but he was probably laughing his ass off at this point in the game.

    Stephen has a fantastic future ahead of him. Maybe not as a high-paid executive chef, but certainly as a menu/wine list consultant (which, come to think of it, is more lucrative anyway). Go Stephen!!

  2. Gravlax also goes very well on blini, which are very satisfying and easy to make.  I love the creme fraiche and fresh dill suggestions too.  BTW, that's beautiful, Marsha.  Is it a creation of yours?


    Yeah, that's a standard butler-passed HD on the catering menu where I work. If only each and every one was as carefully styled as that one was. Hee hee.

    Blini's a great idea, though. Personally, I'd rather eat it on a blini than a tortilla chip. For catering, I always try to imagine eating stuff while wearing a beaded party dress, with a tiny purse in one hand and a glass of champagne in the other - and in that case, a blini would be neater than a crispy tortilla chip. Probably taste better, too.

  3. Buy various flavored tortillas and cut them into wedges. Pan-fry them in your choice of high-smoke-point oil.

    Top tortilla chips with salmon and creme fraiche or sour cream, and capers and fresh dill.

    Like so, but with better salmon:


  4. Moderator's note:

    As suggested by several alert readers [/Dave Barry], we've merged the three threads about Meal Preparation Centers. Consequently, some of the links to the various threads posted upthread are no longer valid, because, well - those threads are now within this thread.

    Clear as mud? :biggrin:

    We now return you to your merged thread.

  5. Michelle -

    I'm glad to see this topic - I suppose it might mean that artichokes can be considered Kosher?

    My roommate noted we were serving chicken and artichoke skewers at a catered Bat Mitzvah Saturday night. Now, the event wasn't strict Kosher, however, we did make some concessions (such as beef franks-in-a-blanket) for the more conservative attendees. Roomie said "artichokes can't be kosher, they have all those little leaves!" and I was feeling guilty that perhaps someone's grandma hadn't been able to eat them.

    Artichokes: Kosher? Yay or Nay or "It depends"? I did notice that - at least where we purchase them from - there's no Kosher symbol beside the product on our purveyor's website.

  6. Glenfiddich to Auction the World's Oldest Bottle of Whisky

    EDISON, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 27, 2006--William Grant & Sons, Inc. announces the auction of the world's oldest whisky, Glenfiddich Rare Collection 1937, on April 4, 2006 in Vanderbilt Hall at Grand Central Terminal. As part of New York's Tartan Week celebrations, a week-long series of activities highlighting Scottish culture and heritage, Glenfiddich has partnered with City Harvest, a noted New York-based charity, to auction one of the four remaining bottles of this exceptionally rare spirit.

    RSVP required to attend the auction. If anyone from eGullet attends, I hope they will post about it here afterwards.

  7. Gerhard, if you don't mind - what's the cost of a double for a night (and then can someone convert that into US$ for us Yanks)?

    $120, breakfast included. In off season (May-Sept) down to $100.

    Typical for the Wilderness area? Seems extremely reasonable. Especially if it includes ostrich filet for breakfast!

    I noticed you said "more wine" in one paragraph. Do you provide a bottle with the room?

  8. Proof got a four-out-of-four stars rating in the Courier Journal (which has just changed restaurant reviewers). I can't believe they didn't even wait until they'd been open a month to review them.

    Almost everyone who's been there is raving about the place. I have heard one or two slow-service reports, but I think anyone in the business would agree that the crowds generated by the type of fanfare this place opened with would bog down almost any new dining room.

    When I eat there, I'll post here again. I really need to get down there.

  9. Boy, oh boy - have I ever been looking forward to this!

    Gerhard knows that I sometimes act as relief breakfast chef/innkeeper at a bed and breakfast, so it'll be cool to see how it's done half the world away.

    At the Inn where I work, the owners long ago decided to do away with an ala carte menu and just offer the same thing to everyone each day (with exceptions cheerfully made if requested). That made my life easier - but I still wish we had the manpower to do a choice of two or three. And a printed menu every day! My stars!

    Gerhard, if you don't mind - what's the cost of a double for a night (and then can someone convert that into US$ for us Yanks)?

  10. I think the most horrifying part about the whole situation for me is that he actually staged at Alinea. I believe he also staged at FL and Per Se, as well...is that right? I suppose he was afraid to put any of Keller's dishes on his menu because they are so well-known?

    I should add that Chef G received a lengthy apology from Chef Wickens. In Alinea's book, this incident is closed.

    Well, I for one just can't resist saying how provocative I found this statement. I'm extremely interested in the tenor of this apology, and whether Chef Wickens actually didn't see the error of his ways until it was pointed out to him, or rather that he didn't think he'd be found out, and now he's sorry.

    Since Chef Wickens hasn't responded recently, I wonder if we could convince him to respond now? Obviously Interlude has given permission for their photos to be used in the Daily Gullet piece. Robin, what do you say?

  11. He doesn't wear the chef's whites under his suit jacket. He wears a dress shirt under the jacket like normal, then while the band is playing he removes the jacket and puts on the chef's whites over the dress shirt, then adds a waist apron. He even has an assistant to help him tie it in front. Am I the only one who's ever seen this!?

    Sugarella, I think you're right. I know at a couple of conventions I went to, everyone wore a dress shirt (and tie!) under their chef's jacket. I've sported that look a couple times myself - very professional. There's even a special way to iron the back of your chef's jacket for convention meetings, in certain circles. Silly rituals, I guess - but no worse than any other professional group.

  12. If you only have 10 minutes to prepare something and you make 25 little dishes, it's cheating if you don't even make them taste good, but pretend as if they would.

    Not if nobody busts you on it, it's not.

    Yeah, he should have tasted them, but he didn't have time - instead, he decided to execute something with a flourish and he won.

    I don't want to marry the guy or anything, and I think he's probably a great bullshit artist, but I have gained some respect for him. He's smart and creative. In a competition, that's better than being cuddly. He might hurt himself by shoving the wine pairing angle down everyone's throats for the duration, though.

  13. I thought I must be some sort of major perv, because within moments of finding out what the challenge was, I had a mental list of about 20 options going.

    And what's up with all these contestants whining "I'm not a pastry chef..."? What planet are they from? Most line cooks I know view pastry work with major disdain, and barely acknowledge the need for a kitchen to employ a pastry chef, although they do acknowledge that having one on the payroll ensures that they don't have to sully their golden hands with icing sugar.

    Do I sound bitter? :laugh:

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