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Audrey Brown

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  1. We have one vegetarian. I suffer through some gluten sensitivity for Rodney’s pastries!!
  2. Very excited to see everyone again after a too-long hiatus!
  3. One of us is vegetarian (lacto-ovo), so options would be great. Thank you so much for hosting Friday - let’s all hope the weather is fantastic!
  4. A couple of master class ideas: Innovative decoration techniques (eg the moon surface) “Outside the box” thinking with ganaches (eg, savouries)
  5. I am coming with my (new) second in command, Melanie, so put Audrey and Melanie for 2 spots. Can’t wait to see everyone!!!
  6. I want to make sugar-free bars with Callebaut cocoa liquor and Erythratol. Any advice on ratios? Should I make it in my melanger or would just melting, adding and tempering work? I made the mistake of buying Callebaut sugar-free with Maltitol and it is definitely a laxative. Now still stuck with a lot of it. Any advice is most appreciated.
  7. Sadly my assistant won’t be able to come, but I will be there! If anyone is willing to share a hotel room, I’d be most appreciative!
  8. Hi there Melissa! I will be passing through Syracuse on my way. Happy to share the ride!
  9. Hi Kerry/Everyone! Looking forward to Buffalo! Put me down as a yes! May also be bringing along my new and talented assistant.
  10. Hi Kerry,sign me up for the nut paste master class and anything involving food/dining out and copious amounts of red wine!
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