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  1. Hi - My name is Patrick, username Pilliperipa. I'm joining the forums as an avid and highly experienced eater, and somewhat experienced cooker. I've been actively engaged in eating for about 40 years now. In the process of developing my eating skills I've come to the conclusion that acquiring some facility at cooking augments my eating experiences, both qualitatively and quantitatively. I'm not endowed with boundless spending capacity, so I have limits on simply spending my way to great food that is prepared by professionals, so I must do some of the heavy lifting in order to ensure that I eat well. As time has past decided that I like not just the eating part of eating, I also actually enjoy the learning, preparing, and skills that go into the cooking process. As of 2014 I'm trying to get my feet wet with sous vide cooking or with sous vide as a part of my cooking process and arsenal. I happened onto the forums reading about sous vide out on the wires. I look forward to learning and sharing with the folks on the forums. Thanks.
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