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Everything posted by sarahvw1

  1. I tried using my Polder remote thermometer/timer in the CSB. It sort of worked, but allowed some steam to escape where the cord passed through the door. Not exactly ideal.
  2. I have done quite a few chicken iterations, lots of fish, and potatoes galore. I am more hesitant with meat (roasts, chops, shanks, etc.). Also, I am iffy on using CSB in place of my microwave to reheat food. There are only two of us living here, but I continue to cook as if I were feeding thrashers (yes, I am old enough to know what a thrasher is). It is in my DNA. My mother always wanted to cook enough food for our family, plus plenty for anyone who might drop by. On those rare occasions when we ran short when unexpected guests arrived, Mom always herded us into the kitchen and quietly whispered, "FHB." That was short for "Family Hold Back." Most of the prepared meal then went to our guests while we all filled up on bread. But, I digress. My point (and I did have one) was that my husband and I always have tons of leftovers. So I would love to learn the finer points of restoring yesterday's dinner to all of its glory. Have any of you SteamBoy experts found any other internet resources for CSB insights?
  3. I do have one. I think I was an early adopter. Bought it early in 2014. I use it all the time (toast and all), but I am not very adventurous. That is why I joined this group, hoping to get out of my rut and make better use of my CSB. All that being said, if it stopped working today, I would have another one in the house by tomorrow morning, price be damned (kinda like my Vitamix).
  4. I got a promotional email from Cuisinart yesterday, featuring their entire line of countertop "toaster" ovens." The SteamBoy was featured along with three others. That would indicate that it is still in production, and not in immediate danger of being discontinued. On a totally different subject, has anyone figured out the best setting to heat and reheat pizza in the SteamBoy? I would give anything short of my first born (or second born, third, grandkids, etc.) to find a good guide for practical use of the Combo oven. I am more interested in single-use applications, rather than "recipes." I have looked a severalmanuals and user guides for other brands of steam ovens, but they all have different settings from the SteamBoy--most have a Convection Steam. If any of you have a good source ( or ARE a good source) of such practical applications please direct me toward such information. I am always a bit hesitant to do too much experimenting with the cost of food these days.
  5. Steamed burgers sound great. How long did you Super Steam them at 150?
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