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Anonymous Modernist 18395

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Everything posted by Anonymous Modernist 18395

  1. Hey, thank you for your reply! I was probably too(?) obsessed about getting it crystal clear... I would be really interested in your results so if you could feedback me a bit I'd appreciate it a lot! Thomas.
  2. Hm, odd. I was just referring to the picture on page 192 of Modernist Cuisine Vol. 4 where you made see-through Tomato Spheres. They just look so much more interesting...
  3. Hello, I have been trying out you tomato basil spheres recipe which actually worked well, except that my tomato water is not as clear as described and and presented in your spheric results (clear as water). Now my question: Even with a centrifuge the yielded results in your book are not see-through material - may I ask how that is achieved? As for my method... I suppose getting close to that with sieves/cheesecloth is not really possible - is it? Best regards. Thomas.
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