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Anonymous Modernist 17612

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  1. My family is just starting out with modernist cooking, and we can't afford to buy all the recommended equipment at once. What is the community's advice on the devices that will get us cooking most quickly? My shopping list currently has: Sous Vide temperature controller (What does the community think of these, as they are far less expensive than the water baths mentioned in the gear guide?) http://freshmealssolutions.com/store/categories/SousVideMagic-Temperature-Controller/ Toddy Cold Brewing Kit: https://toddycafe.com/cold-brew/why-toddy-cold-brew Jaccard tenderizer: http://www.jaccard.com/Original-Super-Meat-Tenderizer--48-Knife_p_10.html We have a vacuum sealer already, as well as the usual normal kitchen gadgets. We also don't have an excessive amount of space. Thanks for any advice!
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