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Việt Hồng

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Everything posted by Việt Hồng

  1. hi guys, I am trying to search for more information about these kinds of tuile, and i dont know what exactly name to call them or just call " modern tuiles" These Tuiles are very awsome with a very thin layer, crispy, and so many holes on it. If anybody here know about these kinds of tuile, please and please help us how to make that. i thank you very much and have a nice day to all of you ! Hong. (Source: from coobkook of Yannick Alleno) (Source: this dish was made by the head chef of Caravel Hotel in Viet Nam) (source: https://jadedfork.wordpress.com/2010/07/04/lameloise-chagny/) (source: http://www.inspiration-cooking.com/dishes_of_the_moment/menu-of-the-month/salt-caramel-cream-served-w/) (source: http://www.newscientist.com/blogs/culturelab/2012/02/eat-rich-or-die-trying-just-desserts.html)
  2. Hi all, Some people usually put the mirepoix under the meat while roasting but when i read a "professional cooking" cookbook (page 311), they said: "these mirepoix acuatlly harmful because the moisture of the vegetable creates steam around the roast" but according to my thinking, i think the moisture of mirepoix will keep the meat away from drying so why they said it harmful ? or am i wrong ? And one more question, in page 311 of this cookbook too, they said: "Fat protect the roast from drying, while moisture washes away protective fat and allow drying" . Do they mean the moisture keep the meat drying ? I am not so good at english,
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