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  1. I've made more than enough pomme souffles to understand how they work. The problem is that not all potatoes puff and I'm looking for a more sure/cost effective way. The reason I tried the f50 was because we use that solution on the restaruant to seal ravioli and it works great. My thought would be to seal the edges and allow the air to puff the potatoes but the seal always breaks. Look at the link I provided in my original post to see a different way. I have the modernist cusine book, the problem is I don't know how to check for moisture content in potatoes.
  2. I have been trying to get a 100% success ratio on pomme souffle using untraditional pomme souffle methods but have come up empty handed. First I tried blanching super thin slices of potatoes in 310F oil for ten seconds, then wiping off the excess oil and pressing two slices together and punching out the desired size and frying at 375F - failure. I read about this technique here http://strictlyfinedining.blogspot.com/2010/03/pomme-souffle.html My second attempt was to start with the blanching technique then cutting out the desired shape and sealing the two slices with a hydrated methylcellulose solution at 3%. It's didn't work. I used F50 cause i thought it would create a stronger bind. Should I be using a different methylcellulose? If you have any ideas or help I would greatly appreciate it.
  3. I have a pretzel sherbet on the menu that is killer. I just steep hot milk with dry pretzels, then use a ratio of 66% infused milk to 34% . Freeze then processes in the paco jet.
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