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Everything posted by dolemike

  1. I have been looking at the arcobaleno machines to start a small farmers market pasta biz. I emailed a company that recently bought a ravioli machine from arcobaleno and they said the support is horrible and could not recommend them; probably not a good feeling when you drop over 30k on a machine. In my own experience it took arcobaleno a bit of time to get a price quote for me. It makes you wonder that if it takes over a week to get a price quote to an interested buyer then how will the support be once bought. These of course could be isolated incidences. Does anyone have experience with arcobaleno they would like to share?
  2. Hello everyone. This is an interesting thread. I have been around the paleo-diet for a few years now, mostly through my affiliation with the crossfit community. I have even done the strict paleo diet and the paleo-zone diet. I happen to be in the field of medical research and am trained in both human physiology and statistics. Needless to say I read a lot of research papers and more importantly I know how to read research papers. I have read Good Calories Bad Calories and think that it is an interesting book. It is important to keep in mind that Taubes is a science journalist and not a scientist. I acknowledge that he is a smart guy, trained in both physics and aerospace engineering, but he has no training in physiology or statistics. I don't have the book in front of me at the moment and it has been about a year since I have read it, but I do recall looking at some of Taubes' source papers and comparing to Taubes' inferences and being startled. I recall that he did not seem to appreciated the idea of statistical significance. That being said it is still a worthwhile read and I appreciate his attempt to popularize an important subject that will hopefully breed skepticism and encourage further research. As far as the paleo-diet is concerned, I agree that the substance of the diet is at least not harmful and to a rational human being seems a better diet than fiery hot chee-tos and french fries. What burns me up about the paleo-diet is that to my knowledge there have been no randomized controlled clinical trials assessing the diet. I have read studies that have lasted seven days, but I have yet to read any trials that have lasted 6 months or a year. Cordain and his posse would profit greatly if they carried out a legitimate trial and showed a real difference between the paleo diet and the 'food pyramid diet'. Instead they seem to be more interested in writing glossy how to books and making money. And if I could put in a little something about Dr. Weil. I work at the same institution as Weil. Take a look at Dr. Weil, do you really think he is a picture of good health?
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