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Posts posted by lindag

  1. I had some of my leftover chili today along with some Nabisco Saltine minis.  Actually the best thing that's happened to soup and chili.

    They're small so they're toastier than the original, therefore better.

    • Like 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, ElsieD said:

    I appear to be a hybrid of raisin lover/hater.  While I prefer golden raisins to dark ones, I like them in moderation.  I detest raisin squares, because the raisins are too concentrated.  On the other hand, I love Trader Joe's cinnamon raisin bread.  And when I make butter tarts, I like a few, no more than 6, in each pastry.


    For Halloween, the last few years we lived in the house we always gave out Orville's microwave popcorn packets.  The kids loved them.  I remember one kid excitedly saying, "Oh boy, popcorn"!   Before that, we used to give out Oh Henry and Crispy Crunch chocolate bars.  For obvious reasons.


    As for me, I hated getting apples.  And even worse than just apples were candied apples which I loathe to this day.  I don't remember getting raisins, but if I did, I would have eaten them one slow raisin at a time.


    I never understood candied apples either.  Just awful.  One could eat the caramel off the outside but it just wasn't even worth the effort.  Toss 'em.

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  3.  I made my chili a couple of days ago.  At the last minute I found I didn’t have the chipotle chilies in adobo and wasn't in a position to head out to the store (bad hair day) and didn’t want to get 'gussied up' to meet the world so I had to fake it with the spices in my pantry.  I used a bit of this and that to make do and it turned out very well.

    My chili was quite good and I'll make a variation of it again, this time with the chipotle chilies.

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  4. 25 minutes ago, kayb said:



    Mama always gave out homemade popcorn balls. We lived out the country and people would drive out from town to trick or treat at our house. My job was to wrap the finished balls, individually, in plastic wrap and tie them with black and orange ribbon.




    Yes!  Homemade popcorn balls were always my favorite, but hard to come by.  Lucky if you got even one.

    Next favorite was the full-size Snickers; scarce though.

  5. 7 hours ago, JoNorvelleWalker said:



    I recall the best sub (hoagie, zeppelin, etc) shop in the area had the cashier making the sandwiches.  She apologized that there was no sink to wash her hands.  To me this is beyond revolting.




    For this we need an 'Aaack' emoji.

    Surely they had a toilet, no?  But no sink?

    Beyond disgusting.

    • Like 1
  6. My container of rosemary, thyme and orgegao  came inside to be re-potted for winter in the garage since we've been having hard frost for a week or more already.  With luck (and if I remember to keep them watered) they may survive til April.

    The prediction is that we will have a colder and wetter season so will have to see what happens.

    It's cold enough that the sprinkler system has already been shut down for the season.

    • Like 3
  7. On ‎10‎/‎6‎/‎2017 at 1:50 AM, ChrisTaylor said:

    Chris Hennes: I love your glassware.


    This comment got me thinking about my own glassware.

    I've always admired Ina Garten's barware, here (the closest I found and what I believe she uses).

    However, I'd never pay that much for bar glasses since they break so easily (and I'm sometimes clumsy).

    I could use some double old-fashioned glasses but haven't found the right ones yet.

    Anyone have a good source?

  8. Just now, scubadoo97 said:

     Moved away from brown food to something more colorful.   Seared steelhead with a zucchini, pepper and olive medley and a grilled garlic loaf




    Of all types of fish Imcan find locally steelhead is my favorite.

    • Like 3
  9. 14 minutes ago, Anna N said:

     Thank you. I am going to make it again probably tomorrow but I will mix up a different variety of seeds. I do enjoy pumpkin seeds but in this case I think there was too much of a good thing. 


    That was exactly my take on that recipe when I made it (I think it was the same KAF recipe).

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  10. 14 minutes ago, Anna N said:



     I believe this is the same recipe that @ElsieD used above.  A friend brought me some white whole wheat from the US and definitely makes a huge difference. (I used my own seed mix.) But I also read somewhere, I can’t give credit because I’m not sure where, that 2 tablespoons of orange juice added to dough made with (non white?) whole wheat flour will cut the bitterness. Have not tried that yet.  

    The orange juice does work with regular whole wheat, however, the taste of white whole wheat still wins.

    From KAF:   "Whole-wheat flour is made from hard red spring or winter wheat, which has a nutty, hearty taste.

    • White whole-wheat flour is made from hard white spring or winter wheat, which has the exact same nutritional value of whole-wheat flour, but because of the variety used, has a milder flavor and paler color."

    BTW, that's one gorgeous loaf!

    • Like 2
  11. 22 hours ago, chileheadmike said:

    Stupid waiter tricks.


    My wife and I were out, nice place. I ordered, handed the waiter my menu and then he asks "What kind of dressing would you like on your salad?"

    I thought that the salad wasn't included but then thought I must be wrong if he's asking me this. 


    Yup, not included. Asked to see a manager when the bill came with the charge for a salad. Never showed. One of the few times, probably the only time,  I didn't leave  a tip.

    Inexcusable!  (the waiter).

    • Like 1
  12. 9 minutes ago, kayb said:

    Re: the ball cap. I occasionally wear one when I'm out running errands and have not had a good hair day. Sometimes when I'm out running said errands, I decide to eat lunch. Usually a diner, maybe the local Mexican or burger joint. Nothing fancy.


    You would rather look at my ball cap than my hair after I've been wearing it due to a bad hair day. Trust me on this.



    I get it.  

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, Thanks for the Crepes said:

    I could not care less if someone chooses to keep a hat on or not. It doesn't affect me. I don't have to look at him/her. Why would this bother me in the least?


    What I do care about is children being allowed to screech at the top of their "adorable" little lungs, run laps around the aisles, interfering with and endangering waitstaff and patrons, smear their dirty little hands on me (this happened to me once) and kick the back of my booth. This latter one has happened so many times it is just ridicules for the little amount that I eat out. Parents today seem to be oblivious to how much their children are annoying fellow diners.


    I remember but cannot find an incident at a local restaurant that got into the news over a booth-kicking kid. Police were involved, and I can relate.


    And yes, even poor people who are only able to afford eating out occasionally at less expensive restaurants should be able to expect a pleasant experience unmarred by unsupervised, out-of-control children. 


    I avoid places that cater to children like Chuck E. Cheese (link to a video of a recent brawl with 4 arrests in Fayettville, NC), of course, and always skip nights where kids eat free. I try to avoid children in restaurants as much as possible, but that is hard when one cannot afford high end eateries. Not all children are allowed to go crazy in restaurants, of course. So many are these days, though. Cudos to the parents who still teach their children manners, and they're probably in the majority. It is just that the few that don't take the responsibility to do that make it very miserable for everyone around them.


    I have a metal sign, given to me by my brother, that reads: "Unattended children will be given an espresso and a free kitten". There's a picture of a very cute little red-headed girl that looks much like my sister as a child with a cup of espresso in her hand. xD


    His son and daughter are actually very well behaved in restaurants and everywhere else since they were infants.


    I will also say that when I recently ate at Bosphorus, our great Turkish restaurant we are so lucky to have, there were many Turkish families who brought their kids to this restaurant. All of the children were extremely well-behaved and bothered no one. Why can't we Americans get this down? 



    I had an experience in a very nice local restaurant with dh and myself and two out of town guests.

    We were seated at the only available table which was next to a couple and their two young boys (about 4, I'd guess).  The children yelled, threw silverware made so much noise that we could barely converse.  The parents, apparently, saw nothing and chatted with each other.  I was so mad I could have spit.

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