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    London. UK
  1. From the Guardian again (sorry) http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/apr/05/charlie-brooker-world-cup-crisps
  2. Three words. Oh My God. OK that abomination beats the Manchester Egg all ends up I bow to the superior wrongness.
  3. This article from The Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/wordofmouth/2010/apr/29/manchester-egg describes a truly vile-sounding concoction. I live in London but was born and raised in Manchester and I'm damned if that culinary train wreck represents my city of origin. Any junk-food snacks peculiar to your region?
  4. Just as a matter of interest here are the best of the fish and chip shops reported by the Times http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/food_and_drink/article6993960.ece
  5. Well being English I'm hard put to THINK of a national chain. Most fish and chip shops are independents. Harry Ramsden shops are an exception. You find these sometimes in London or at airports. I always thought they erred on the side of bland.
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