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Posts posted by howard88

  1. I cook meat and poultry low and slow often.

    I can understand the process if the meat is

    room temperature or maybe cool. I just do not

    see how frozen meat put in a 140 degree F oven

    will not decompose.

  2. I'm no chemist but I have to say; if you put a frozen pork belly or any meat

    product in the oven at 140 degrees F, you would be driven out of the kitchen

    by the smell of decomposing meat!

  3. I also love liver and onions with a side of mashed potatos and gravy.

    I prepare this at home whenever the urge hits me.

    While I enjoy chicken and calves liver, my favorite is beef


    Liver and onions is arguably the dish I order most from a diner.

  4. What a party it was.

    The seaweed and chicken appetizer outstanding.

    Loved the variety of all of the dumplings.

    The fish, the duck, the chicken, the soup, wow

    it was all so good.

    The egulleters and company at our table was the best.

    Smiles, great food and conversation and oh yeah the wine

    and pumpkin beer made for a terrific new years celebration.

    China 46 truly puts out some of the best food you can eat with


    Thanks to Rachel and Jason for another great gathering.

    What a pleasure to spend time with people I have seen before

    and new faces I hope to see again.


  5. I use chop sticks for regular american fare at home whenever

    the mood hits me.

    I just think all types of Aisian food tastes better when using chop

    sticks and maybe its a psychological problem for some, but when

    there are no chopsticks available to eat Chinese food, I get uncomfortable

    and rather not eat with a fork.

    I spent a couple of weeks in Thailand and the Thai people seem

    to focus on the spoon as their major utensil. I have always been

    accomodated when I request chop sticks throughout Thailand.

  6. elswinger:

    As an adult, do you serve your mother the fat from

    pork and steak? Damn thats one I never heard before.

    My mother (and I love her dearly) confided in me as an

    adult. When she wanted to get me pissed as a child she

    would anounce "Howard, we're have dairy tonite", which

    was bananas and cream with bread and butter. I wanted

    her standard fare which was half a plate of mashed potatos

    and gravy, a meat offering and vegetables. I know why I

    am so food obsessed as an adult but I kind of like it.

  7. MicBacchus

    There is a Golden Skillet in Hackettstown, NJ.

    They don't offer chicken livers, (if they did,I

    would try them) but the fried chicken, particularly

    the thighs are unbelievable tastey.

    WC cheeseburgers ring my bell.

    Italian hot dogs ala Jimmy Buffs ring it also.

    Home cooking, there is nothing as quick and

    vile as placing a quarter pound of muenster with

    the orange rind in a microwave until melted. You

    have the saltiest, stringiest, flavorful glob of cheese

    best eaten at midnight watching t.v.

  8. I cook pork loin roast, (the cut which is boneless with a fat cap on top),

    at 275 degrees to 130. Pull it out and it goes to 140 which makes a juicy

    succulent result.

    For your cut, Fifi knows what she is talking about. You want the fat and

    collagen to break down and bathe the roast.

    Yo Dave, sounds like you're campaigning for Altons job.

  9. I enjoy most if not all salt water fish, for some

    strange taste reason I cannot get close to any

    fresh water fish.

    The fish I eat most often is salmon.

    The fish I like the most are Sea Bream,

    Turbot, and Blue fish.

    All in all I guess for the most part I like

    a stronger flavored fish compared with fish

    like flounder or sole.

  10. What a good show.

    Gordon Ramsey provides us with analysis of

    what is wrong with the kitchen and establishment,

    while tasting the food, observing the staff, crititically

    looking at chef skills and lack thereof. He teaches and

    trains and cooks and follows up on his makeovers. All

    with a sense of humor and brash reality presentation.

    Can you imagine Gorden teaming with Tony B.?

    What a fuckin show that would be.

  11. Curlz

    When I make soups of this type (root vegs), aside

    from the addition of cream, white diced turnips in

    various amounts will either add another dimension of

    flavor or predominate the mixture. Let your taste buds

    be your guide.

  12. I watched The Food Channel continuously from the begining.

    I rarely tune in now.

    Simply it sucks.

    Yes, Alton is good.

    Yes, Emeril has been overexposed for years.

    What I am watching now is the FINE channel

    on satellite, with Chicarelo, Ming et.a.

    I am watching Lidia and Jaques on PBS,

    and what I consider a really good one on

    BBC, where a chef takes on a restaurant in

    distress and tries to make the kitchen a success.

    I would tell you the name of the show but at my

    tender age of 40 something I just cannot come up

    with it. It is really good and I am sure someone

    younger knows the name.

    I will probably tune in to Iron Chef America but

    the bottom line for me is (excuse or don't the language),

    but the Food Network has turned to shit.

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