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Everything posted by easyliving

  1. Tayto invented flavoured crisps! http://en.wikipedia....lic_of_Ireland)
  2. Finally got mine in Buenos Aires. It actually arrived a week and a half ago but the note from the post office said I had a package from Germany that weighed less than a kilo. I thought before I'd try and brave the byzantine postal system, I'd wait for the book. I finally gave in and discovered that it was indeed my copy! Yay. Well, 3 hours in the post office trying to pick it up and out I go lugging a bright yellow bag from Deutschepost with my book... (Why Germany? No idea...) But as I am carrying this valuable looking package I couldn't help daydreaming what would happen if I was mugged. I kept getting flashes of someone running (ok slowly dragging) away my prize as I shouted after them forlornly, like the old twilight zone episode, "No! It's a cookbook!" But thankfully no more drama and I am happily home with it. (home cook with intense curiousity... ordered in July from Amazon and it went out in the first batch.)
  3. I once picked up one of these nifty peelers in Germany. They had two versions, one for asparagus, and the other for carrots (a bit larger diameter). You just put the carrot in one end and push it through and voila. Of course it isn't really worthwhile unless you are doing lots of carrots and it does look pretty scary. here's a picture and german info on the asparagus peeler at amazon.de: http://www.amazon.de/LURCH-Clevere-Spargelsch%C3%A4ler-mit-Halterung/dp/B00008WVSZ
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