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Posts posted by Wozza

  1. A mean solution could be to bully him into a corner and force him to quit. Peer pressure wears on people after awhile. If that doesn't work, could always sabotage his prep. Or use it all for family meal, throw it away, etc. etc..

    If the chef doesn't recognize that his kitchen has not been running as efficiently as before, there must be an issue...New Chef, perhaps?


    I get bullied a lot at work, but its the whole break you down, build you up technique. If this lad really wants to be there, a bit of bullying with show his true colours... if he really wants it he will push on so he can stay there, if he doesnt, he will bugger off on his own accord!


    Bullying works with some people, and with some it doesn't--it backfires.

    I've only been in this biz for maybe 25 years, but I've seen people's cars being vandalized, broken bones, lawsuits, food posionings, revenge attacks outside of the workplace, smear campaingns, and alot of nasty business just becasue either the person won't fit in or refuses to do what is expected of them.

    Basically, if you live by the sword, you die by the sword, and kitchens can become very dangerous places.

    Many union places are not pleasant to work in, because it is the Union who thinks that X person should be moved into such-and-such-a job. Very rarely is this decision based on merit, competance, or potential, and then the stresses begin all over the place. In many cases the Chef's hands are tied and the only thing he has on his side are rules and documentation, documentation, documentation, and a lot of patience and wishfull thinking that all the good people stay until the rotten apple is gone. Pity the Chef.

    The only way to play it safe--and smart, is to go by the book.

    Haha, ive only managed the 7 months full-time, so i will take you're word on that one :D!

  2. A mean solution could be to bully him into a corner and force him to quit. Peer pressure wears on people after awhile. If that doesn't work, could always sabotage his prep. Or use it all for family meal, throw it away, etc. etc..

    If the chef doesn't recognize that his kitchen has not been running as efficiently as before, there must be an issue...New Chef, perhaps?


    I get bullied a lot at work, but its the whole break you down, build you up technique. If this lad really wants to be there, a bit of bullying with show his true colours... if he really wants it he will push on so he can stay there, if he doesnt, he will bugger off on his own accord!


  3. I’m a fifteen year old living just outside London and have recently managed to secure a week’s work experience at Hibiscus in the summer. I am delighted by this and I am really eager to learn more about food. Cooking is an industry I am really keen to get into. I watch food television regularly and cook when I can (usually at weekends).

    Also are there any cookbooks you recommend reading in helping me to build my basic skills?

    There is also a Michelin starred restaurant relatively local to me that has said they will keep me informed of any weekend jobs available. Do you suggest I apply somewhere more basic as well or should I try and keep nagging the restaurant into finding a place for me?

    I'm happy to work for free.

    Haha, thats a brilliant oppurtunity! I used to work for Claude part-time when i was 15 doing general KP work back when he was in ludlow. I followed on from there and did a weeks work experience and just fell in love with the trade, he eventually moved to London, so i got a job with the new restaurant (La Becasse).

    Ive now done 7 months full-time work as an apprentice and have just in the last month taken over the Larder section. Im learning shit loads everyday, general 'cooking' as it were, straight through to the general kitchen environment!

    My advice to you is to start at the top, its a hard life, and you won't know how incredibly hard it is until you knuckle down and have a shot. You're gonna have to make some serious sacrafices to you life, you can forget having a majorly active social life and any relationships, at first, with be tainted from the start. If this is what you want to do, the best way of doing is sticking with it when it seems at the most difficult and just keep on clocking up those hours, every day is another one under the belt.

    I wish you all the best, and keep us posted :)!

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