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Posts posted by Corymoto

  1. How about (dry) malt extract (purchased from a homebrew shop)? It's in your price range. Lots of options there. You'd probably need to experiment a bit.
    You could even steep a small amount of hops (probably a noble type that's not too intense) in some water/stock/liquid (perhaps do a quick infusion via whipper) to go along with it. I think the Cooking Issues podcast has mentioned a "hop tincture" made via that method at one point or another (although I think they are going for a very hoppy flavor. Newcastle isn't exactly "very hoppy"...).

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  2. Rick Bayless has a simple/rustic "-greens" taco filling recipe in Mexican Kitchen that my wife and I like a lot. I've made it with beet greens and it works just fine. Basically, brown a sliced onion in some olive oil, add a few cloves of minced garlic, then add greens (either pre-boiled and drained or not) saute as required and add a good hit of salt. That on a fresh corn tortilla with some tomatillo salsa, a bit of crema and/or cheese (I like anything from dry jack to queso fresco) makes a fantastic, easy meal. Sometimes I'll add just a pinch of xanthan gum to keep all the juices in check.

  3. Regarding the FF Mac & Cheese fat content, I can't actually quantify it, but I bet it's pretty low... Both of the times that I've made the cheese water, I have refrigerated it overnight and was left with a solid-ish removable layer of cheese fat/oil on top.

    Which, by the way, after you cook off whatever trace amount of water was present, behaves just like any other oil. I slow-cooked some 'torn croutons' (a riff on the technique in Ad Hoc at Home) in the aged cheddar oil and they were fan-friggin-tastic. I'm sure there are other uses as well.

    I agree that the flavor (or lack thereof) for the crumbles is pretty cheese-dependent. The aged cheddar crumbles that I made were good. Gruyère crumbles weren't that tasty.

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  4. Has anyone made the sous-vide fish stock? Does the liquid (and maybe the vegetables) buffer the fish bones enough to have them not pierce the bag? I will be making bouillabaisse with some friends tomorrow and I'm currently in the process of preparing the necessary fish stock.

    I wanted to do it sous-vide, but after cleaning and blanching the bones and heads, I'm getting second thoughts about the thickness of my bags. Some of the fish carcasses were quite large (I calculated that I'd need ca. 6 kg of fish bones and my fishmonger gave me frozen ones).

    Am I better of doing a pressure cooked variation, or will that ruin everything with a fish stock?

    I have made the sous vide fish stock quite a while back (maybe the first thing I made out of MC?). It turned out very well for me. Those were my pre-chamber vac. days if I recall correctly, so I did it with two (large) ziploc freezer bags. I didn't have any issues with punctures, but I certainly didn't/couldn't pull a 'hard vacuum' on the ziplocs (removed air via the 'submerging' technique).

    Definitely worth making, I thought it was the best fish stock that I have ever had (not that I've tasted a ton of them straight though). I don't think it would be the same with a pressure cooker.

  5. Quick algorithm/mental math for ºC to ºF conversions:

    • add 40 to your 'C' number
    • multiply by two
    • subtract 1/10 of this number from this number
    • subtract 40.

    ex. 60ºC

    60+40=100, 100*2=200, 200-20=180, 180-40=140ºF

    ex. 150ºC

    150+40=190, 190*2=380, 380-38=342, 342-40=302ºF

  6. FYI - The Modernist Cuisine website has an 'about the book' pdf file that has a recipe for Sous Vide Instant Hollandaise. I made it about a week ago, worked very well, pretty foolproof. Here's a link.

    I'm very interested in your results. Looking at another's results, I wonder if you had the same 'foam' outcome ... the recipe calls for a siphon (I presume a soda siphon?) and the blogger used a "whip" which I am guessing is a whipped cream dispenser, which is quite likely a different outcome? I have no idea about these devices.

    Was yours foamy?

    Yes, I had very similar results. I did scale the recipe down a little bit for the amount of yolk I had on hand and used citric instead of malic acid. I used a thermowhip (not a soda siphon) just like the linked blogger.

    I assume the foamy-ness is kinda the point of using a siphon (that and being able to hold it and dispense as required as the blogger pointed out...). It is a thick and rich foam, but seemed maybe a little 'lighter' than the traditional sauce. Maybe only 'lighter' in that it is less dense and as such, you may end up using less on a mass basis..? It was good on omelettes.

  7. re: the sous vide oatmeal upthread- I have done this several times (even replied to a rice-cooker/oatmeal thread here on eG about it). I did it as more of a convenience breakfast item rather than an attempt to improve upon conventionally-cooked oatmeal though...

    I use Alton Brown's 'overnight oatmeal' recipe, put it all in a bag, and set it in a PID-controlled rice cooker at 182degF overnight (I generally start with room temp/cold ingredients - ice cubes and frozen half and half for the liquids, so it takes a while to come up to temp each night - probably ends up being at 182 for 6 hours???? It's been a while since I've done it).

    I'm not exactly sure why I settled on 182 degrees (can't remember or find my scribbled notes).? I was starting to read about starch gelatinization at the time though. From Doug's post (thank you for everything you've done for all of us amateurs, BTW!!!) it looks like I could drop the temp even lower. My version is probably not quite as nice as oatmeal made in a pot over the stove, but much less labor intensive (In the morning, I empty the bag into a mixing bowl and give it a few good stirs, but other than that, it is hot and ready when I wake up)!

    - c o r y

  8. You could try sous-vide. You'd need a temperature regulator (like an Auber PID controller) hooked up to your rice cooker (not all rice cookers can be controlled with one though) and a vacuum sealer system (reynolds handivac works fine).

    Put your oatmeal ingredients (steel-cut oats, dry fruit, h20, half&half, salt, sweetner, etc.) into a vacuum-pack bag and set it in a temp-controlled rice cooker filled with h20 overnight.

    I do this with a crockpot set to 182ºF. The next morning, I have a bag of hot oatmeal waiting for me.

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