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Everything posted by Perri

  1. to get the Perfect Pita's lebanese/israeli style is to use the Original Lebanese Pita Pot that is used all throughout the Middle East in restaurants and in nearly every single home. It has the perfect temperature for pitas and they only take around 30sec to bake
  2. Right. But none of the blends I sell (or have seen) actually use zaatar leaves. I don't have any real recipes that use sumac, but occasionally I'll use it when I make chicken kebabs. Just mix ground chicken with sumac, a little cumin, garlic, salt, pepper, grated red onion - onto sticks and chill. Grill and serve with fresh pita. ← Zaa'tar would never be Zaa'tar if it didnt have the realt plant in it. Most zaa'tar blends are faked with parsley in them. zaa'tar, sesame seeds, sumac is the realy zaa'tar ussed for manoushi & with labane. its the only one i have ever known
  3. true i do know how dangerous tachana merkazit can be. Junkies and there drugs basically. But during the day Levinsky is everyones dream. fresh nuts, spices, and the olive oil... I never personally brought my Olive Oil from there, I preferd the olive oil you get from the Muslim or Arabic shops in places like yaffo & yefet/yaffo I think i only ever purchased zaa'tar once in the shops other than that i had a friend who made it themselves and it tasted divine Do you have any idea where i could get the "real arabic coffee" from?? i can't seem to find it anywhere, its all turkish or greek
  4. true i do know how dangerous tachana merkazit can be. Junkies and there drugs basically. But during the day Levinsky is everyones dream. fresh nuts, spices, and the olive oil... I never personally brought my Olive Oil from there, I preferd the olive oil you get from the Muslim or Arabic shops in places like yaffo & yefet/yaffo I think i only ever purchased zaa'tar once in the shops other than that i had a friend who made it themselves and it tasted divine Do you have any idea where i could get the "real arabic coffee" from?? i can't seem to find it anywhere, its all turkish or greek
  5. So Zaatar is a type of marjoram how interesting. The Syrian version of the herb looks quite different to the types I have, but the flavour makes more sense then the minty flavour of hyssop. Thank you for the detailed information. ← When I travelled to Israel a few months ago I fell in love with Levinsky. You can buy the freshest and cheapest herbs and spices there. A kilo of Oregano or Paprika for on ly 20 Shekels. That is a crazy price.. Its a shame things here aren't as cheap and fresh. Its quite hard to find places to buy Arabic or Lebanese products here where I live. Im looking forward to returning to Israel and eating all the fresh food again. I miss the manoushi and a good ol Shawarma.
  6. A nice way to have eggplants is grilling them over coals in slices then putting them in olive oil and garlic overnight. The next day you have a delicious meal to eat with freshly made Pitas. You can also do this with zucchini and many other vegetables.
  7. After reading this post, i had someone translate my Zaatar package that I have ordered from Israel and Parsley was definitely included in the mixture!! Its pretty sad to see how the quality of everything you buy pre-packaged is bootlegged! Ron do you know a supplier for Authentic Homemade Zaatar with the REAL STUFF in it and not commercially produced???
  8. Hi There, My names Lisa and i am new to this forum and i love it. Talking about fresh herbs: Isn't there some sort of market or farmers market you can go to to buy fresh herbs? I know here in Australia you can go to just about any market and you can buy nice fresh herbs. Of course its usually in bunches but im sure if you ask nicely then there shouldnt be a problem. Cheers, Lisa
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