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Posts posted by LM ML ML

  1. Last night i walked by a new restaurant on the corner of Drummond and Maisonneuve named Le Pois Penche. Can't tell you if it is opened yet but looks like a nice addtion to our culinary landscape. I'll wait a couple of weeks to try it but my friends will be going this weekend. I'll give you their feedback. Love the revolving doors...Very Chicago.

    Anyone know anything about it?

  2. Last night i had the opportunity to try out Giovedi si mangia at Buonanotte and i have to say i was impressed. Firstly, the fact that they would take on such a challenge when they could easily ride their laurels. The attention and amount of research put behind it is also noteworthy. I also have to add that the place was packed and do it for 200 people is not the same as doing for 40 clients. I could understand they were overwhelmed by the reception and there were some lapses in the service but quickly remedied by an extra plate of some off the menus specialties. I would also reccomend it. Thank you for the update!


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