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Posts posted by hummingbirdkiss

  1. Thanks for doing that Rotuts I am happy to know I just put another pumpkin in there thinking I will make sure this is as good the second time 


    I had no idea what that basket was for until this thread was started ..I had even forgotten it was part of the pot but now I use it all the time


    22694756406_6ab7309b0a.jpgI just gashed it with a knife this time instead of cutting a hole and put a half cup of water and hit "stew" this time for a comparison on the seeds maybe if I you do not have a heavy duty blender but a pressure cooker and hit this hotter longer …great you checked this out Rotuts I had no idea about the settings and that really gives me a better perspective …such geeks we are ..now I am back in the thread hunting for ideas I can figure the presets  accordingly ..I bet this would be really good with a cup of orange or apple juice right? but no I am sticking with the water one more time to make sure it is the same ..I used the soup last time I think I said and now I am trying the stew and EVEN less work by slashing it instead of cutting a hole 


    this little guy is going to be a pie…allow my digression … my husband is kind of a buttweed today…and I have been on strike for the most part waiting for the damn counters ..shit I am done making meals come from nowhere this has gone on for months right????…..but in the meantime I ….his heart is in the right place . he is just in need of a pie today. and I am going to try to bake it in a commercial cookie oven I found in the basement so wish me luck it only has one temp who the hell knows what that is ..I can call the company obviously !!! there is a number on the back but it says "if found return to "LOLOL (I won it in a scavenger hunt at a food show LOLOL it is Otis Spunkmeyer and great for kids parties I forgot I had it ..another treasure found!) 

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  2. Shelby do it!!! seriously just take the stem off poke a hole and do about 1/2 cup of water maybe use the little basket thing it lifts it right out whole ? hit the button walk away and when it is done it is done and really really a nice way to cook the pumpkin the if you have a vitamix or blender like this ..wizz the crap out of it and wow so good ..the richness the seeds are really an asset in this puree that is for sure

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  3. Nope no peeling I was super lazy and thought "what the hell it will work or be food for the animals" it worked and the richness is amazing the whole flavor is so much more buttery and fatty tasting I seriously was eating the puree out of the blender it was so good no salt nothing every bit is smooth as silk ..skin seeds guts …all of it   YAY IP!!! 


    the seed shells tasted chewy out of the cooker but pureed to oblivion not at all bitter,  sandy or grainy ..just more rich flavor 


    you could do this with any squash you know ..squash seeds are usually so fat like the butternuts have big fat seeds I am going to try it with the next winter squash I make ..I just love having the added nutrients and flavors ..and why do we take the guts out they taste fine ? I never understood that they are very orange and taste just as good as the squash …there were not many guts in this species of pumpkin however it is a perfect pie pumpkin as I said I am planting it again for sure it is as sweet as any squash and very pumpkinny 

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  4. WOW …this thread brings back memories  ..grief stricken I was the last time I posted here …you who reached out know who you were and I thank you so much ..it was a tragedy I would never wish on anyone and my life remains with a sad shadow… but I can finally think back with joy at my memories not the horror of the loss and YOU know who you are ..food heals …..thank you ….it found a place …acceptance is a real thing and for anyone else deeply sad…it finds a place I promise …you are not alone…


    BUT there is always cake..and RIGHT????  reading this is so sweet!


    soooo is anyone making a black cake this holiday season? I found a gallon of fruit I had stashed now  I have a spare  gallon of prime boozy fruits  ready to go …I need to find other uses for so if anyone has any idea what to do with them? Besides black cake and over  ice-cream… just eating them out of the jar? please share your ideas?   . I had tucked it away with the disaster kit ..because you never know!!! there could be volcano eruption or earthquake any moment .. I wanted to make sure I had those valuable boozy fruits….. for medicinal reasons ..when have a cold I love to eat them out of the jar warmed in a glass with the juices ..yummy boozy and so so good …


    anyway I wanted to try something different this year and then in the purging of the cabinets ect I ALSO.. found a case of 12 pint jar black cakes I made during that last visit above in this thread..…life's events derailed "the plan" of giving them away that year and I forgot they existed ….HAPPY SURPRISE THAT IS!!! … ..they are sealed jars so I am sure they are really amazing at this point if aging makes them better and it does! I can not wait to taste  one ….maybe tonight 



    these  will be the gift cakes this year if they are as good as I think they will be 


    Since currently I am with out an oven …I love the whole cake in a jar thing for black cake it was the best "bright idea" I ever had regarding black cake and my friends form Trinidad have all copied it now (YAY flattery) …the gift size is just the right amount for serving of four and if someone does not like it a pint of cake is not a big waste I guess ..to me even a bite thrown out is a waste …so how do I steam them I wonder ? I had tried in the past but used a plum pudding pan and it turned out great 


    has anyone steamed a fruit cake or other cake in a jar?  How do  I lid them for the steaming? can I do the same as when I bake just put the lids on upside down and leave a loose cap? When I baked them as soon as they came out the oven i would take the lids off put a spoon of booze (bourbon or rum) and seal them right away 


    I could make some brown bread in a lidded jar and try it first I guess? it would not be a huge waste if it bombs 


     why couldnt i just put the cake batter  in a jar and put it in a canner to bake/steam? with the lids on correctly ? they do not rise too much 


    is this just crazy ? 



    so bumping black cake since it is the season for baking it ! I am waxing nostalgic ..sad and at peace ….this will be my first real holiday out of a hole ..I am even decoration this year and have not done that for 10 years …if I can steam the cakes in jars I can make the holiday cakes for spring as well as the winter holiday cakes …right now! I have everything ready to go and plenty of browning now 


    please post if you are baking a black cake  ..I am excited to see who does 


    I need to buy the oven now I just can not pick I am down to three and this is a huge purchase ..I am scared 


    please fingers crossed my counters will be poured this week please please please then the rest is "gravy" .. 


    Happy Backing you guys and let the holidays begin! 

  5. I found the link to a morel thread but they are spring mushrooms and since it is fall and I could not find a fall mushroom thread?


    I have tried to go out a few times and have gotten a few loads of chanterelle and some shaggy manes but our storms are making it impossible to go foraging . I hate to go during hunting season if the rain does not stop soon (I am ok foraging in the rain that rains DOWN but the sideways rain with branches falling after a long drought  ..not to mention we are having pretty serious floods I am thinking chanterelles are going to be done now and a soggy mess when I get out again (maybe tomorrow) I want to go look for boletus at the beach! Last year I found many huge kings boletus  in a campground …so I am going to make my husband go hunting on Wed for sure rain or rain 


    I really want to get out this week and know I am not the only forager on EG that is out there looking? 


    I have no photos to post but wondered if anyone is out hunting and would like to share their finds? there is nothing like some beautiful edible mushroom photos n the fall. 



    anyone hunting? if so what are you finding ? 


    I got the fever to forage for my favorite wild food!

    but so much work at home it is hard to find balance in retirement I am telling you! 



    maybe I will sneak out for a few hours behind my house today in the woods and orchards ..no one will notice me missing I do not think 


    I adore mushroom hunting have been doing it since I was a child and used to follow the Italian grammas around the parks in Providence RI. That is where I learned to not eat ones that kill you and now that I am old I think I am an old mushroom elder now myself ..how on earth did that happen? 



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  6. I agree with all of the above you you can season it ..or depending on how  fast you want it "old" you can  just use it and use it and use it then when you are done each thing you just wipe it or gently wash it put some oil on it and stick it back on the burner to dry it ..give it a "story" let it age ..do not push it ..time …patience …and over and over and over ..seasoning takes time and usage ..agreed not over thinking….at least for me ..to get that nice slick surface takes age… that is how I season anything "new" I age it naturally by using it ..your food gets better over time as your wok ages..I have an old old wok that was purchased new and it was a mess when I started but as I seasoned it it took on my character of cooking ..I believe that seasoning is also unique to the person using it and the best things are left to season naturally over time and usage …like a good pair of jeans! or I just realized  this second…my 37 year marriage this month is nicely seasoned with time :) 


    the things I have slowly seasoned have been the things I have kept in life! 

  7. I needed some pumpkin puree for soup and …. feel like I have had enough roasted pumpkin seeds for a lifetime right now I have roasted/eaten so many!  (the sugar pumpkins I grew this year were the best ever super prolific,  flavorful , sweet, thick skin and loaded with really tasty fat seeds KEEPER!!! planting it again next year for sure) and just did not want to deal with gutting a pumpkin  …so I took the stem off poked a big hole in it and  put a whole sugar pumpkin in the IP yesterday, on the rack and put a little bit of water in the bottom  hit the "soup" button and walked off ..when I came back I took it out cooled it and then put the whole pumpkin, guts seeds and water it was cooked in.. into the blender  and pureed it to oblivion…the result? Fantastic thick, smooth, texture no sign of the shells of the seeds and the rich flavor of the seeds made the pumpkin so good I poured it into a cup with some salt and pepper thinned it a bit and then added cream and had some right then and there ..wow! all that nutrition and flavor ..i can not wait to make a pro of soup out of this with the seeds in the pumpkin it will be fantastic! I have put pepitas in my soup before but never just blended up a pumpkin! ..I would have been off put by a grainy texture and there was no sign at all of that smooth as silk ….think of the protein and added fiber> I am sure i am not the first to do this ?  ..but most of all the flavor is amazing ..from now on I am not scooping any pumpkins planned for puree, period and they are all going in the instant pot and then to the blender it was as sweet as if it had been roasted and since I do no have that oven yet I am not able to roast them indoors .so this is great! ….sorry no photos but it is pretty obvious ..orange pureed pumpkin nothing different looking in the fridge waiting to be soup today! 

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  8. yes they take forever but are worth it they are not all candy the takoyaki hamburger and pizza are "food" flavored  or I guess you could say "savory" (they are really not "candy" some are cakeish? none really taste good (the kids like the sweet ones )  they are just so fun! 

    I ordered a cheap $20 bundle on Amazon but they are on Ebay as well I heard and there are more brands I just have not found any …

    emimadeinjapan on youtube has done a lot of these kits so you can see how they turn out..ours looked exactly like the packages but we stuck to the instructions. 

    I have never heard of nor seen these. Where did you find them - only on the web? I don't have little ones around but I can think of 2 families, each with 3 kids - all boys, ranging in age from 3 to 10 - I would supply these for if they would help their mother/grandmother get a bit of quieter time with the kids learning about 'cooking' maybe as well.

    ETA: Found them or some at least on Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Kracie-Cookin-Bundle-Hamburger-Takoyaki/dp/B00K5D4NDC/ref=pd_sim_325_7?ie=UTF8&dpID=61XdKbNQ9dL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_&refRID=1SR8YJRDQZMWPFMEAQ73 Are they all just candy? They certainly are inexpensive and have a lot of positive reviews but apparently they can take some time to arrive by mailorder?

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  9. Ok I can not find the topic and can not imagine I am the only one who loves the heck out of the new "cooking kits" for kids


    I bought a giant load of these kits this summer and we did one a week with the kids making their own "vlog" for their folks while they were at work. 


    the kits really truly taste terrible but the process of making them? 


    ok my 5 year old granddaughter is the best example of an hour sit down learning with her each time we pull these kits out they are more fun than the last because she is starting to recognize the process and how to mix the little packages. 


    for less than $4 each an hour of fun ? I only had an Easy Bake Oven and some kind of candy bug thing as a kid 


    she would open the box, we watched a" how to" youtube because we do not read Japanese

    there is cutting, sorting, following directions, assembly and finally you sit and see a perfect result! this was something I can sit and do with her or now after she has done a few kits she knows how to look up the kits on you tube and follow the directions her self 


    the 9 year old grandson he adores them as well and has asked for some for his friends to do with him ..I have only tried the Kracie but wanted to know if anyone knew of these and has other brands to try ? if not and you have kids and love to cook ..yes the kitchen hands on .. is better but fun is fun! 


    we have not had one failure with the Kracie kits ..some taste horrific like the takoyaki? holy crap… but for a kid? the idea of first making tentacles and then putting hem in the little dough and nuking? the 9 year old for $3 spent an hour himself figuring it out …and making it ..while I sat made my own and talked to him about the dynamics of what we were doing ..9 year olds have a multitude of speculations and observations so this is perfect for them to do on rainy days…a…the whole drama of spitting it out when he finally tasted it ..but the smell of it cooking gave us a clue it was kind of curry like but hotdoggy at the same time? ..and then offering the rest one at a time to others to watch their reactions ..but they looked perfect as the picture had sauce even! … all the kits have looked perfect in the end . Taste ..well that varies with what they are I guess? 


    I had no kitchen this summer (the kits only need water, sometimes a microwave, tape and scissors so far that I have found that is all you need "extra" )  and we do a "food thing" once a week with the kids no matter what they either cook or learn something about food and eating ..so these were a blast and I am now hunting the internet for more fun kits . These are what I have left and just saw a ramen one on amazon


    the sushi kits and bento boxes were amazingly accurate and tasted good to the kids ..some are candy and some are not ..the takoyaki was not candy! it was takoyaki in miniature adorable! Their dad is a chef and we did a donut kit with him and he loved it himself! 


    anyway here is a pic of what I have left we are doing these the next couple of food visits (I do see a light the frame for the counters is built but postponed  pouring due to torrential rains this week )  and even when the kitchen is in …if I find more (and I hear there is a ramen one?) I am so going to buy it they are a blast I think!  I hope to find more types/brands of these kits (reasonable prices some are upwards of $10 and I cannot justify that )  before the kids get bored with them! So far we have done maybe 6 each and no sign of that happening yet

    if you have kids in your life ..or not because even if I didn't I think I would play with these 

    I say we spend so much on lesser crap why not try one of these or another brand of cooking kits ?


     and then follow it exactly they are a lesson in direction, patience and cuter than shit to make …crappy weather no mess no fuss fun fun fun! 




    (youtube has tons of successes and failures of these kits if you are interested they are kind of a fun to watch as well just to see what happens for folks who do follow instructions and those who don't LOLOL!  ..the kids each have their favorite reviewer they watch but there are some hysterical ones like "Shane" he is just wrong …)  



    kids, fun and food ..awesome combo 

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  10. FUN! …hey if  you like the flavor of coffee drink stores caramel syrup then try it  they are the same kind of "caramel" flavor but do not really taste like caramel syrup I would use in ice-cream 

    for sure 

    I am going to try this with the grands


    they would drink dcm out of the can.. if I let them…but honestly we do try to hit the healthier foods as well and I am really  glad their parents do not buy it or they would put it themselves in coffee every day ..they love "baby coffee" they call it as well


    it is a kids type flavor that is for sure I get that with SCM kids would really like the milky sweetness right out of the can on white bread like I saw in those Panama commercials back in the day …it was promoted as a very "healthy" treat for kids …it is not that but it is a fun food to play with kids ..how else can you make instant fudge sauce but with a little butter vanilla some cut up bittersweet nuke it and voila stick to your teeth gooey good hot fudge sauce! 

    now my teeth hurt and I am going to go for a run before the rain comes again (hope everyone is safe and sound the weather is insane here now) I have to visit the veggie threads more now that the weather is turning I can not get enough exercise to equal out my sweet tooth 

  11. he plows  alright LOLOL it is like he is digging to China for real he has unearthed so many  rocks that are HUGE I am stunned they are half the size of him.


    thanks very interesting but .…I cannot imagine putting a ring in his nose! he is slick as shit and I cannot even hold on to him now he is HUGE already! ..LOL I could not even manage to have him  castrated! (everyone told me boar meat is a "thing" and I should not castrate him that boar taint is BS in my situation it should not matter (?) I hope not because I cannot do it now he is too big! if he did not dig he would have nothing else to do he is alone and pigs are not solitary animals ..I am still angry at this guy to be honest who does this shit? If he knew anything he would know that pigs are not solitary. The chickens/ducks  love him now but any minute they could be a snack for him..  he would make an amazing plow seriously! if only but it seems he really wants to plow where i do not want it ..IowaDee has it down perfectly! I just can not imagine he is about 70lbs now what if he was 500lbs??? what would he turn over my house? 


    we have a pig sitter now if we need to go out together now … I cannot leave my house … someone has to be here in case he gets out …my neighbors have stunning gardens! 


    never in a million years you guys did I expect "Bacon" to be growing in my garden! 


    I guess the butcher time for him is in March let's hope he starts looking more like" food"  by then …I have to find a mobile butcher we can not do this ..we have done sheep, goats chickens ducks and rabbits but I pig you have to scald and ..he honestly looks so much like my dog right now (I Have a pit bull that porcine shape and look about him !) 


    I should have a huge  flood of muscovy ducks in the spring the way the boy is behaving every duck i have should be pregnant!   I love eating the ducks I raise… muscovy is truly one of my favorite meats and to be honest I feel sad on butchering day with the ducks but have no trouble eating them. 


    Muscovy ducks in the garden is win win in my opinion they are peaceful for the most part (the drake is a bit of an ass)  ..make very little noise..it is kind of creepy the noise they make … but are not egg laying ducks so I have some Khaki Campbell ducks for eggs ..those are noisy and skittish as hell ..every time they see me I am "new" ! but the eggs are so good when I do not have ducks I miss them so much.  Dumb as rocks ducks are but wow they are entertaining to watch ..especially when they all find a garbage can lid  with less than in inch of water bath …. right next to their lovely deep mini ponds around the gardens???? 


    Happy gardening you guys! be it with animals or plants there is food to be had! 


    still trying to figure out who to give all these sunchokes too????? such a shame they are so intolerable! they taste so good! are so pretty in the garden and grow like crazy! pounds and pounds and pounds …argh ….and I can not eat a single one with out disturbing horrific nightmarish 911ish…pain and ..you know :P 

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  12. While we were still in the "must raise one of every farm animal" phase, we got three wee pigs. I promptly named the Frito, Cheeto and Chitlin.  Lesson One,,,don't name the food you plan to eat especially if you have young kids.  


    On cold mornings, I cooked oatmeal for the wee piggies and, due to lack, made the kids eat cold cereal.  Lesson Two...get those priorities in order. Kids have long memories.


    Wilber and Babe are the exceptions, every other pig has a mean streak.  Some are longer and wider than others.  Lesson Three...If your barn cat has kittens near the pig stall, relocate them before they end up as porcine bedtime snacks.  The kids will never, ever believe that the good fairy took them to share with little boys and girls who lacked kittens.  


    As much as you would like to, your growing herd of earth movers can not be rented out as living Roto  Rooter machines.  They are impossible to direct.  Lesson Four.  left on their own, pigs much prefer to destroy the veggies the kids are growing for the County Fair over the weeds next to them.


    When the time finally arrives to take your no longer charming pets to the butcher's, plan ahead. Lesson Five...trying to tie the critter onto the kids' snow sled and drag it from the barn to the pick-up truck is more than a chore, it is an ordeal fit for Hercules.


    One your squealer comes home all wrapped in white packages, it is all worth it.  Lesson Six.....you will find it easy to enjoy the results of your labor and saying "Guess who's coming to dinner" is such a pleasure.

    awesome post !   and so so true 

  13. since my granddaughter was born we have visited a Khmer restaurant that were family to us ..they gave her a huge dish of "Chinese donuts" and a bowl of sweetened condensed milk to dip them in ..she was always a sticky mess but is a grown 5 year old and really misses those donuts and SCM dipping sessions …maybe I can make it for her ..I have not made the donuts perfectly EVER …


    but she loves the mistakes 


    so that s another way to enjoy Ready to eat regular SCM and if you like the other flavors try them on Chinese donuts! (sorry I do not know the correct name because I get these at three different Asian restaurants and they call the donuts something different in each place but all three know them as "Chinese donuts" and I see them in the Asian mkt labeled as "Chinese donuts" it is a fried culler that is not sweet and has a ton of giant holes I eat it with Jook or congee ) 

  14. well I tried the caramel one ..and it tasted just like the "caramel" syrup at coffee drink stores. 


    I do not like it there or mixed with condensed milk so for me it is NOT a ready to serve anything 


    my husband said the same thing . 


    so I made it into the recipe on the container .."caramel apple cheese cake" ..I did not care for the "caramel" flavor of the SCM  but the recipe technically was a good one because my grandkids demolished the cake. But they also love triple tall caramel drinks at the coffee drink store! 

  15. LOL "teeth on edge" that about describes it LOL! I feel the same way with "gluten free" Immediate distain and my teeth go on edge!! But in this case I like veg burgers  a lot and  I have several good recipes …when I find them I will post….. but i think if you think of it more like a type of  falafel  instead of burger?? ..I Love hamburgers and veggie burgers but I would never eat one as the other… I like things like feta  roasted peppers olives  sour cream and cucumbers on veggie burgers and the usual stuff on hamburgers …it of its own a "veggie burger" per se is really deliscious..if/when you do not think of it as a fake burgers just another "thing" to compile season and eat on a bun! If I can find my top recipe from the old Kathy's Kitchen on PBS I used make them once a year because they  are a lot of work.. but  make a huge batch and freeze/reheated perfectly they were my first veggie burger the kids would eat and they loved it would even take them for lunch …I can post it ..but first i have to find it and now that i think about it I really would like to make a batch! 


    if anyone has this recipe before I find it and post it Kathy's recipe ruled 



     "Worth the effort Veggie burgers " by Kathy Hoshijo  


    also the "raw vegan burger" that is all over the net is really good  as well I do not have it handy I just made it several times and got sick of it to be honest ..super easy though 

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  16. garlic and fava beans are in anyone else plant these in October? I also always leave food just to go to seed and if the animals do not get it and we do not freeze hard it is like a spring garden of surprise…


    The pig changed my game plan for life …I have to admit.  The whole story turned into such a saga…..some idiot in town is trying to raise luau pigs for a brewery ..come on we live in a town?????..so he (Bacon) broke loose a day after he was brought home ….these people had no idea it was difficult to keep a pig and just raise it for a luau ..this is NOT part of this man's culture… unless is culture is that of douchebaggery in animals ..


    so after 6 weeks (we spent 3 weeks trying to figure out where he came from walking miles putting up sights…suddenly he came over told us his "story" and said he  would give us $100 and laughed saying "wow he trashed your yard huh I can give you $100 for him.. I bought another on the day after he ran off and did not tell the city because I was worried i would get in trouble with the zoning " 6 weeks into this ? I almost hit him!  he is a freaking real estate agent in our community and did not know he could not raise pigs in town?????



    ok so this is about food and how NOT to grow it …long story short? Bacon is ours we paid the douche $50 to go the hell away got a bill of sale and are now looking at him and how our yard looks and wondering what on earth happened the past 8 weeks ..he has tripled in size is really cute and smart and wow a shitstorm to take care of


    yes he will be food he has to be because he is a hereford cross and can grow up to 600 plus lbs! what else can I do? now I have to figure the rest of this out but for the next four months  (we plan to butcher at 200ish lbs) i am raising a pig in one of my gardens and doing the best i can to keep him happy and contained so he does not destroy anyone else's gardens in town! 


    so we are in it now full boar LOLOL and planning nose to tail of course . But this is sad, messy and because someone else did something stupid thinking they could just "raise a pig and make some fast money"????? we have fortunately only spent money on a fence we can use elsewhere when he has" fulfilled his destiny"  (that sounds so sad to me to be honest I am getting attached I cook for him daily how could I not? ) He is seriously putting on about 3-5lbs daily looking at him 


    so because of someone else's flight of fantasy …our yard looks like it has been plowed by a baby rhino where he is living will make a nice place to plant next year I guess …


    OYYYYY!!!! I should start a thread on raising a pig for food and what to feed him besides LOTS! to get the best meat and fat ratio ..he is so fat!  and part of my food garden now. 

    I knew some folks were curious about bacon and now I am full in on pig raising or porcineery or whatever you want to call it ..I have a pig in my garden and my garden where the pig is ..a complete disaster and I know know why I never wanted to raise a pig and never went higher on the food chain than a duck or chicken in my yard! 


    Happy Halloween!  did you carve your own pumpkins from the garden? mine were all sugar pumpkins and so thick i can not carve one I would love to see if anyone has? 

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  17. my friend bought me Panda Express for lunch one day and I ate it in the airport one time and someone brought it to work another all three times were from different places at different times ..….all three times I wish I had not eaten it the food I ate? The people were nice. It was hot when I got it …but honestly all three times .. it was all broccoli and snow peas in sweet salty sauce that changed colors for each dish but not flavors ..and actually it had  no fun contrasting flavors or textures at all … I could not get my lips off the faucet for the next 6 hours 



    these places smell good when you walk buy and then the taste after the first starving few bites is just not good to me? I can not even imagine we are talking about the same places I have been in ? 


    but after reading that ? I don't know maybe if the same friend offered …


    thanks for posting I am going to send this to my friend who loves it and  swears it is just me being a bitch about chainfood

  18. I vote for Mofongo any day but if you want something lighter  my "methodology" is to  just think of it as a potato..you can put the plantains in soup, curry or stew…empanada filling or grind it up to make the Puerto Rican Pastelles? If I am lucky enough to have a flavorful green plantain  i make tostones (I fry them in grape seed I think it tastes the best and they come out so nicely ) with mojo every time but I rarely get flavorful green plantains in my area 


    last time I went to Florida they were in season and I stripped my friends plant put them in my suitcase and did all the above but mostly tostones and mojo

  19. Peets in my opinion as a PNW coffee snot who has more and more troubling firing a decent cup of coffee out of my own home..

    Peets is indeed to me 

    pretty much the worst coffee ever if they did purchase Stumptown that explains why the last few times I tried it it was pretty mediocre 


    sorry not a fan of Stumptown either I was going to keep it to myself …because I really think too it has to do with where and how it is brewed 


    anyone can mess up even a great roast but no one can correct a poor one in my opinion and Stumptown has been disappointing 

  20.  I can not eat one choke and the reverse seems to be true the more I tried them the less I was able to consume…I eat a LOT of garlic ..so much so I grow it as a crop for myself … onions ect fine but any of those "low carb" pasta  products (people were making pasta salads out of them for pot lucks at work and not telling people that is how we onew those who could from those who couldn't ) …make me ill and so do the chokes and burdock other than that I can not think of a single food that does this to me…nothing and I eat everything just about 


    I bet I could supply a LOT of people with chokes for an EG study if anyone wants to give it a go my bounty is overflowing 

    so if you are daring and want some send me postage and my plot is your plot! or if you live in the Puget sound I will meet you on I5 bring  a truck 


    I just saw a neighbor on a walk yesterday that let them go rogue ..that is not cool here they invaded an entire creek bed

  21. I get why people hate black walnuts ..it is the taste ! Wow I just got a giant mouthful and totally understand!  ..I made a simple butter cookie to take to a friend and ate one warm out of my son's oven ( kind of a pay back to be trashing HIS kitchen for a change LOL!) and WOW they taste like attic!!! that is the flavor they remind me of is that long walk up the stairs to an old east coat attic to find that single thing forgotten at Thanksgiving ..creepy musty scary attics …! in those 5 story homes were gramma lived on the lowest floor and generations lived above? those attics that is what a warm black walnut tastes like! if I only tasted that I would find this kind of nut rather harsh to eat! cooled they are fine to me the musty flavor is so nice cooled down and melded with a cookie or ice cream and hopefully cake.. but wow there is a musty flavor that can only be described to me as "attic"

  22. Nobody can process inulin as far as I know.



    exactly what I think is true as well and why I find these damn things so frustrating you can grow them like crazy, they taste good and have a good amt of nutrition and the thing in it that is healthiest part that is supposed to help blood sugar and blood pressure..the dietitians used to want us to recommend them to diabetics LOL right! you think they would not come screaming back at me if I said just eat them like mashed potatoes???


    it causes buckle over pain and horrid environmental issues there should be a warning label on this vegetable! I wonder how many folks knowing nothing at all about inulin have eaten these and gone to the hospital thinking they were" dying from the inside out"



    I hope some day I can find a way to eat them but for now I guess I will cook and feed them to the animals 


    now the ground nuts ..I am so glad I did not plant burdock too 

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