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Posts posted by Lenski

  1. Hola,

    Surprised that this has not been discussed yet (I might have missed it),

    but coinciding with "Lo mejor de la gastronomia en SS" the Michelin guide made yet another case of showing a biased restraint when it comes to giving stars to their Southern neighbors.

    Get one Star:

    Comerç 24 (Barcelona)

    · Lluçanès (Barcelona)

    · Els Casals (Sagàs)

    · Massana (Girona)

    · Yayo Daporta (Cambados)

    · Kokotxa (San Sebastián)

    · Kursaal (San Sebastián)

    · Arrop (Gandía)

    · Azurmendi (Vizcaya)

    · El Club Allard (Madrid)

    · Calima (Marbella)

    · Retiroda Costiña (A Coruña)

    · Villena (Segovia)

    · El Molino de Urdaitz (Navarra)

    · Ramiros (Valladolid)

    Lose one Star:

    · JeanLuc Figueras (Bcn)

    · Carballeira (Lleida)

    · Posada Real (Palencia)

    · Aldebarán(Badajoz)

    · KoldoRoyo (Mallorca)

    · Gallery Paladares (Gijón)

    · Casad'a Troya (Madrid)

    · Mesana (Marbella)

    · Chez Víctor (Salamanca)

    · Lluçanès (Prats de Lluçanès)

    And Abac gets two stars.

    There is one interesting part in the article:

    Benito negó rotundamente que París hubiera ordenado a Michelin España que puntuara a la baja con el objetivo de frenar el auge de una cocina, la española, que parece estar más en forma que la francesa. Además de la calidad del producto, de su relación con el precio y la irregularidad del servicio que tanto afectan a la alta cocina española, Benito habló también de la incapacidad que tienen algunos chefs estrellados para transmitir más carisma a sus platos.

    I might agree with such an statement if he were referring to the older chefs but the young ones "transmit" plenty of charisma to their customers.

  2. Just one brief note about this marvelous restaurant. It was my third visit and the food has always been beyond outstanding. I always ask for "lo que decida el chef" (minus the caviar, since I had it on my first visit). I had the usual suspects (butter, chorizo, cigala, gambes de palamos, the divine chuleta and several others). New preparations for me:

    Mussels in red beet broth. Although I detest red beets, this was a very good combination. I am not even commenting on the quality or preparation of the mussels.


    Kokotxas. One of my favorites. Served on its liquid on top of (I think) leeks.


    Becada (Woodcock). Probably the only "marginal thumbs up" dish of the day. I did not care much for it.


    Now, I would like to mention Extebarri's desserts since they are outstanding and usually ignored since what precedes them is so marvelous (and very filling). However, I would like to mention the two I had.

    The first was the ice cream. Not your usual vanilla ice cream. It is "Helado de infusion de leche reducida a la brasa con una reduccion de frutos silvestres." So they make the base of the ice cream out of the burned milk (a la brasa) and it yields a very rich and extremely tasty ice cream. A taste I had never had before, a taste you cannot pinpoint but wonderful nevertheless.


    Then there was another winner "Flan de queso fresco" This fresh cheese flan came in a flan terrine that they remove in front of the customer and it deflates without breaking. What is tremendous about this dessert is the realization of what good ingredients can accomplish. It is, honestly, a slice of heaven. My table was unanimous that it was one of the best desserts they had ever tasted. Very worth it.


    I will be back in February or March....but I would go back tomorrow. It is, however, a pretty expensive restaurant (two menus with two glasses of wine came at around 310 Euros), but worth it.

  3. I had the pleasure of having lunch (a Catalan lunch means a very long one) at “Estany clar” right outside of the town of Berga (about 90 mn from Barcelona). Although the town is listed under Cercs, it is really in Berga, Cercs is then next town over, so be careful if you travel there. Not too difficult to find, as I was instructed: “Once you see the “Diputació de Barcelona” building on your right, turn immediately.”

    I was aware that Jordi Cruz had been awarded several prestigious awards in the last year, and I also knew about his book (already translated in English) “Cocina con lógica.” I also know that his name had been mentioned as a “must-go-now” by several Catalan and Basque chefs (the areas I have been visiting for the last month, one more to go). This is my first post on this trip for this forum. I did not want to write/post anything until I got home but “Estany clar” and Jordi Cruz made me break my rules.

    The restaurant is located in the very beautiful setting of the pre-Pyrenees area. The town of Berga, known for its Patum, is a typical Catalan town. I would recommend to visit the pastry shop with the Wagnerian name of “Alberich.” The restaurant is inside this beautiful Masia, it is a very rustic space, no-frills and plenty of space.



    We both had the Chef’s Tasting menu.


    It started with “Brou de carbassa. Aire de taronja i citronel.la” (Pumpkin broth. Orange and Citronnelle air) It came with a morsel of “llamàntol” (Lobster family). Very good, the broth started very aromatic and ended very earthy, from ethereal to corporeal. The delicious “llamàntol” kicked off one of Chef’s Cruz several

    peculiarities of the meal: his use of different types of salts to play different roles in various dishes from bold, flavorful, playful to whimsical.


    The second appetizer was a winner. The classic “Esqueixada de Bacallà” was deconstructed (I apologize for the use of this verb, but…) into squares, infused with different flavors.


    It was followed by “Ostra amb ju criofiltrat amb poma àcida i salicornia” The oyster, the “acid” apple and the Slender Glasswort (Salicornia) was another study in bold contrast that was successfully achieved.


    The “Vieira amb apinap, carxofes i soja” was outstanding. The exquisitely seasoned scallop was topped with a delicious, and very adrianesque, oil spaguetti. Very earthy and very good.


    The “Foie amb peres al vi” was another outstanding dish. The perfectly seasoned foie (the most ubiquitous dish in Catalunya) was complemented by the sweetness of the pears and the jellified wine. There were many jellification techniques on display on several dishes that had surprisingly good results even though I am not a fan of jellification.

    Then it came. For me, it was the dish of the day. “Arrosset de gorgonzola i parma amb gelea veneré, escamarlans i rúcola.” The rice (not a risotto per se) with gorgonzola and parma was delicious (imagine the saltiness quotient), but then paired with the sophistication of the venere rice “jelly” was a sybaritical high point for me. And I forgot to add the “escamarlà” (langoustine) on top of the rice and the arugula oil around it. I was surprised that my palate did not go into an epicurean state of shock. I sure did.


    The next three dishes were outstanding and I am running out of adjectives.

    “Llom de rap tractat com un suquet, romesco cremós i gamba” and the “Espatlleta de cabrit a baixa temperature amb poma guisada, ceps i oli de tòfona” were both outstanding. The “cabrit” is a typical Catalan dish (young lamb). One of the dishes that was not on my menu was the “Turbot with Iberian Fat dice” another winning combination.




    The desserts were also outstanding.

    The first one was “Arròs cruixent, coco i cítrics tractats com un risotto” The crispy rice with coconut was excellent and the lime ice cream on top created a vivid contrast.


    The “canaló de xocolata” was the best dessert I have had in a very long time. Combination of different chocolates (dark, milk), hazelnuts, and volcanic salt became yet another highlight.


    We did not get his take on the quintessential “Mel i mató” but we got another take on a Fall classic “codony” (quince) paired with a slightly sour “goat cheese ice cream.” A felicitous combination indeed.


    Petits fours: A take on the “coca” and a rum, coconut and pineapple concoction.



    In summary, one of the best culinary experiences I have had in a long time. Surprisingly, all the dishes were outstanding. Most impressive, was the personal language that Chef Jordi Cruz has already been able to articulate while mastering a vast array of different techniques to showcase the ingredients of the region under a very exciting new prism. Clean flavors ruled over technique in the battle of contrasts that he arranged around the different plates.

    We did not go for the complete wine matching, but had three very good ones (ask me). Everything came up to 190 euros.

    I could go on and on, but I will stop. I will only include one bold statement from a highly-revered chef: Going to Catalunya and missing Chef Jordi Cruz is, right now, an unforgivable mistake. I have been to all the usual suspects several times and I have to agree wholeheartedly. I will go back again soon. And I might even cancel one of the big ones to travel back to "Estany clar."

  4. I agree that "Hispania" (as excellent as it is) does not really qualify as Catalan Food. For me, and I am very reluctant to mention it, as a Catalan who no longer lives there a visit to "Can Culleretes" is necessary to understand the basics from which some chefs take off (Vila and Franco, to name two)

    Also, "Sauc" has impressed me lately and agree with 99,9%. A trip through the old Barceloneta (stay away from the area near the Arts) should give many wonderful surprises. For something very Catalan, try the different "fondes" for lunch ("Egipte").


  5. The first year, in my innocence, I specified 2 suitable dates and got a table. I'm not going to bother with the "any date, any time" request again, I don't think.

    I have been rejected both ways. I have also been to that little restaurant in Cala Montjoi four times, but I need to go back. Four friends still have not heard anything....so...fingers crossed.


  6. I am such a fan that on a recent visit to Italy I found "Cucinare con la Nutella" and it is full of recipes. I grew up eating Nutella and I cannot buy it anymore because I cannot stop. I still remember the famous "Che mondo sarebbe senza Nutella?

    I love Nutella crepes, with vanilla ice cream and then a chocolate sauce that I make with giandujoti, sprinkle a few chopped hazelnuts, powdered sugar....heaven.

  7. Tripe with panzanella... for far too long, Schwa had become of passing interest to me.  However, thanks to your report, it sounds like I need to go back for a re-visit soon. 

    Can you please indicate the number of courses and price? 

    Also, did you notice whether their closing produced any noticeable renovations/changes to the dining room?

    I was very surprised at how different the menu was. In just a couple of years, Chef Carlson has become such a creative force that one never knows what to expect.

    I did not notice any changes or renovations to the dining room. They had hired a couple of new guys, so the kitchen was crowded.

    The number of plates is 10, including the amuse and dessert, and the price was $105 per tasting menu.

    And that tripe was out of this world, but my table went nuts for the short rib and the corn concoction.

    Go and let us know what you think. I am sure that, even if you do not like it, you will be shocked by the dazzling inventiveness of Chef Carlson.


  8. We went to Schwa last week. This was my 14th time and I must admit that Chef Carlson and Company are better than ever.

    It was an all new menu. For the first time ever, we did not have the ravioli. However, they were not missed much.

    I believe since my last visit (early summer), Chef Carlson has completely revamped his menu. His creations are more daring and each dish in the tasting menu keeps surprising the palate even more.

    The amuse consisted of a marvelous thyme ice-cream. It was followed by the "prosciutto consomme salad" where he deconstructs his old "prosciutto consomme" and jellifies it. I wish I could have taken a pic (too dark and I try not to do flash) it was very good and very (sorry) whimsical.

    The soup dish was a cauliflower with white chocolate foam. Enough said.

    Then, he created a Padthai, a pine-cone (very intense sea flavor) and "uku" (breaded with coconut) with lychee, mango and bacon. Very powerful flavors, very different but good.

    Then, the winner for me: Tripe with panzanella. Just fantastic and followed by another winner: the "bbq." A combination of short ribs with bbq sauce (flawless), corn (on the cob with a sweet corn juice/soup, the consistency of creme brulee) and a watermelon salad.

    Overall, so far, the meal of the year for me.

  9. We dined at Sepia last week. It is a beautiful space (odd lamps aside), very inviting and I am sure it will be a great place to have dinner during the long fall/winter season.

    We ordered several things on the menu and I agree with BryanZ that the baby octopus was ok, but the veal breast was outstanding.

    Among the winners for me: watermelon salad with fennel and a yogurt dressing (simple but outstanding, perfect summer dish). The Steak tartare was very good, perfectly seasoned. The overall winner for me was the roasted rabbit appetizer served with ricotta dumplings. Perfect.

    The only dish that I did not enjoy (and it was unanimous) was the avocado/cucumber soup. I thought it was on the bland side.

    I will go back soon to try more dishes and I will report.. The Chicago press seems to like it very much (TOChicago just gave it a very high rating) and it was very busy for a weeknight. Service was very, very good.I was pleasantly surprised at how reasonably priced it is (I might even say cheap).

  10. just the opposite,

    i've never had service better than snide, condescending and impatient at both locations.  quite a lot of bullshit for a place that serves sandwiches, yet i continue to go because it's close, it's cheap and i don't expect much more from wannabe actors who serve on the side.

    the menu makes perfect harmonious sense to me - easy, italian inspired.  a broad theme, i guess, but there's an obvious connective thread that runs through it all. 

    the meatballs lean on the side of overrated but then again i didn't do backflips for a voce's either.  however, the pastas are underrated and the pecorino fondue with hazelnuts and acacia honey is one of the best things i've ever put in my mouth.

    I will agree with the hazelnuts and acacia honey with cheese (I thought it was gorgonzola at one point). I love "Craftbar" but the problem is that you cannot fall in love with anything on the menu (I would not know about the sandwiches), since they change rapidly. The pastas are great and their fish is always very good.

    My favorite of the past 3 months was squid with chorizo. Heavenly. And all the bruschette.

    I have never had any major problem with the service.

  11. Just a few words to express how satisfied I was last week when I dined at GT. It had been a long time since I had been there, and my first time with the new Chef.

    The meal was very good. We had the tasting menu with matching wines (a great selection, from a Llopart Cava and on the selection was flawless).

    The food was excellent. Not one faux pas. I usually hate quail, but this time I enjoyed it very much. The cod and the Trout were superb.

    The service was impeccable even though the place was packed.

  12. I never thought I would see something like what I witnessed on Friday on the upstairs section of "Babbo."

    Around 6:30--7pm, there was a little boy at Babbo with his own sippy cup. By the time I got there, the parents and the baby were already having dessert. I was totally shocked. The kid was a kid and he started acting up a little....

    I really do not care for kids in nice restaurants. I actually do not think they should be admitted. They can ruin the atmosphere that a restaurant might be trying to achieve for the customers.

    Fortunately, the food was glorious, as usual.

  13. Au Pied de Cochon is very fine indeed and a real experience.

    Other top restaurants are Toqué! on Place Jean-Paul-Riopelle, Le Club Chasse & Peche on Rue St-Claude in Old Montreal, and La Chronique on Ave. Laurier in Mile End. Nearer your hotel is Bronte on Rue Sherbroooke.

    Last weekend we had dinner at Toqué! The meal started well, and some of the dishes were good (scallop with ink), but if you have only one night in Montreal there must be better ways to spend your money. The service, although amiable, was very poor.

    Can you elaborate on the poor service?

    Sure. It was Saturday Evening and the place was 60-70% full at its busiest. The number of waiters is significant and they are all very nice. Sometimes, however, they all managed to disappear at the same time. The rhythm was off, water glasses were not filled (I ended up doing it myself), dishes and wine glasses were not removed when empty, you never knew who your waiter was...We thought some of the problems had to do with the kitchen but as one of my friends said "it is only half full, imagine if they were fully committed."

    Very nice staff but I was expecting a lot more given the reviews. Maybe it was a night off, I would go back though. And the food was fine.

  14. Au Pied de Cochon is very fine indeed and a real experience.

    Other top restaurants are Toqué! on Place Jean-Paul-Riopelle, Le Club Chasse & Peche on Rue St-Claude in Old Montreal, and La Chronique on Ave. Laurier in Mile End. Nearer your hotel is Bronte on Rue Sherbroooke.

    Last weekend we had dinner at Toqué! The meal started well, and some of the dishes were good (scallop with ink), but if you have only one night in Montreal there must be better ways to spend your money. The service, although amiable, was very poor.

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