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Posts posted by lemniscate

  1. There was no thought pre-Holiday to a dessert due to unplanned circumstances.   Darn.   I had 5-6 small apples, walnuts, a jar of cookie crumbs from an over baked batch, quick oats and condensed milk.   Apple Crisp!


    I coated the apple chunks with the condensed milk instead of sugar.  I layered chopped walnuts over those.   I mixed the cookie crumbs, quick oats, and condensed milk for the topping.  I used an 8 inch pyrex pie plate.


    I was afraid the condensed milk would have made the filling soupy, it did not at all.


    Quite proud of myself using existing pantry items for a quality dessert that will last us a couple days in servings.

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  2. On 11/9/2023 at 1:34 PM, JAZ said:

    I don't think anyone has mentioned TJ's grilled olives. My sister told me about them (we are both big olive fans) so I picked up a jar on my last visit. They're great -- very unusual, with an actual grilled flavor. Rather than a brine, they're packed in an oil-based liquid. I'd never heard of this variety of olive before, but in my opinion, they're a winner.






    This photo makes them look huge -- they are large, but the plate is a very small tapas plate.


    I agree, these olives are great.   Very smoky,meaty tasting.   Thanks for your review.

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  3. The 2023 Vintage Spiced Ale is in now.   It's quite good this year.   Deep, dark, and complex.  I think they dialed back on the ginger; sometimes ginger flavored ales taste like soap to me but I didn't pick that up in this year's beer.   $5.99 for the 750ml, (brewed by Unibroue) Belgian Dark Spiced Ale.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 hour ago, chileheadmike said:

    Not doing it this year.

    Me neither.  Recent lumbar issues in the household have changed plans drastically.   It's stay home, stay still-ish, and eat what's easy in the pantry.   Luckily we did some early shopping and are pretty well stocked.   

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  5. 12 hours ago, FauxPas said:

    We drove through Quartzsite (I think there is an 's' in there) once when we used to spend a lot of time in Arizona. We weren't RVers so that part of it didn't mean anything to us. We were just amazed at the crowds in the middle of nowhere. It didn't seem like a very attractive area to us. We have a friend who had an RV for a few years and was a bit of a rockhound and was interested in that part of it, but it was too busy for his liking. You have to enjoy being in a crowd to be there. But I can see that some people who live a certain RV lifestyle might enjoy it and might get some good info and equipment while there and enjoy the socializing, too. 

    You're right!   There is an "s".    I'm a rockhound and defaulted to the rock and not the town spelling.

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  6. 32 minutes ago, Nancy in Pátzcuaro said:

    Have you guys ever camped in Quartzite? From what I understand it's a small city in the winter but clears out completely in the summer. Is it a free for all in terms of sites, or are there organized areas? I admit to being a little curious.

    Quartzite in the winter is cray-cray.  Officially has 2500 population normally, but winter the general area has a temporary population of 1 million, in RV's, mostly dry camping.   Some estimates are more than that.


    The exits and entrances and overpasses on the I-10 around Quartzite are quite insane in the winter months.  There is no peace and quiet in Quartzite from Oct-Apr.  

    • Like 4
  7. 21 hours ago, blue_dolphin said:


    The brioche toasts were back in stock at my TJ's this morning.  $1.99/box.  The packaging looks the same as always.


    OMG! OMG!  Thank you.


    Hilarious though, my Amazon subscription delivery of 12 boxes of London Sesame toast rounds is arriving today.   I still will go get the brioche toasts too.   Costco had Boursin on sale and I bought a few.  I will need lots of cracker material.

    • Haha 1
  8. The meat entree for our Thanksgiving is yet to be decided.


    But, going against the conventional theory of "never try a new untested recipe for a family gathering",  I'm making a medieval blood sauce  with the ancient sweet spice flavorings and seeing just how far I can push the boundaries.


    I have pig blood I sous vided previously in the freezer.  


    At least there will be something to talk about outside of politics and religion 🙃 at the table.

    • Haha 1
  9. 15 minutes ago, Kim Shook said:

    I bought a box of the Goya Maria cookies - suggested by Google as an alternative to my beloved Social Teas.  After my first taste I thought, "no way".  But they are growing on me.  They are less dense than the Social Teas, but have a similar bland, low sugar, plainness that I love 😄.  


    Have you ever tried Kedem tea biscuits?

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, rotuts said:



    I think its terrific that you have an unusual source for pork.


    and keeping the meat in chunks makes a great deal of sense 


    Id love to see what it tastes like.


    although I prefer SV for meat , as lower temps with time 


    keep Jus in the meat 


    I do appreciate the iPot as a way to get things done , with little fuss.


    with regard to your tomato addition :  if salt is an issue , why not tomato paste ?



    "con" is the magic ingredient for AZ Sonoran cooking.  It's got msg and flavorings.  

    • Like 2
  11. I am on Day 2 of pork Green Chile Stew marathon in the IP.    We have many lbs of "pork trim meat" packages from our feral pig.  I don't ask the processor grind any of our game meat, so I always end up with bits and pieces for other uses.   This pig is lean, almost no fat, so different from a farmed swine.  The meat is dark also, strongly muscled from roaming the terrain.   Each package is about 4-5llbs.   I will be using the vacuum chamber to pack and freeze the appropriate portions for future use.    This is BIG BATCH cooking time for me.

    My recipe (this year) is not a recipe.  It's a #10 can of green chiles, a jar of TJ's salse verde, some baby carrots (a handful), a couple tablespoons of con Tomate, and a package of the meat.   I have a 6 qt IP.   I use about 1/3 of the #10 can in the first batch and then I keep adding the rest in as the batches progress.


    I have been cooking for 60min and natural release to get the tender texture on the meat.    I then remove the meat chunks to cool and add another package and some more of the green chiles and a few more carrots.  I don't try to add more of the con Tomate because I think it will get too salty as I reuse the cooking juices.


    Do we love green chile stew?  Yes, yes we do.









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  12. I found shelf stable fresh noodles and they have been under my nose at TJ's all the time.   I had made char siu from one of the fresh hams off our harvested feral pig.   I made a noodle stir fry dish with the diced meat, and a bag of the frozen stir fry veg.   Really good easy and popular dish with the eaters.

    I didn't use the sauce packet in the veg.  I just barely seasoned with a splash of soy and a dash of oyster sauce. 

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  13. We are at our remote location and a feral pig was harvested and butchered last week.   This is diced loin chops and the heart (sv 142f for 24 hours just salt and pepper).   The heart is so tender and mild flavored.


    also did the liver with onions.  

    mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli on the side. 

    Nice lunch. 


    • Like 9
  14. 4 hours ago, Shelby said:

    Sometimes I'm weird about smelling certain foods all day long cooking and I don't want to eat them for dinner

    OMG!  I'm the same.   I thought I was the only one.  That's why I default to long cooks using the outside kitchen.  My IP's and Oster oven and an induction hob live on the patio.


    I think green chile stew is the only smell I can tolerate for hours and still want to eat it.

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