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Posts posted by Segue

  1. Bourdain and Ripert to be guest judges as well...hmmm...


    ""Top Chef," from the producers of the zeitgeist fashion competition "Project Runway," premiered last spring and was the top-rated cable food show among young adults. As with "Runway," its popularity was fueled by the contestants' raw ambition along with the inevitable kitchen drama that ensued as they raced to out-cook one another.

    This season, which kicks off Wednesday, the producers brought in prominent chefs such as "Kitchen Confidential" author Anthony Bourdain and Le Bernardin's Eric Ripert as guest judges. The presence of culinary superstars helped ease Lakshmi's doubts about wading into the reality television genre"

  2. I still think that part of the premise of this show is dubious.  However, I wish Alton a speedy recovery.

    Collar bones are the achilles heel of both bicyclists and motorcyclists.

    ...and snowboarders...a broken collar bone is for life...I always will have a hump on my left clavicle due to a major wipe out my 3rd time boarding (8 years ago!). Total pain too. I saw the pic of Alton on his website--yep, that's what it feels like. It'll throb--forever. Speedy recovery for Mr. Brown, and best wishes for the new show!

    ~Segue (34 year old lopsided woman boarder...)

  3. It's Decoding Ferran Adria, the "lost episode" that Food Network did not end up getting when Bourdain ended up moving to The Travel Channel and when New York Times Television disbanded, and when Chris and Lydia went to form their own production company, Zero Point Zero.

    I've seen it, and its definitely worth watching -- although a very different type of experience than either A Cook's Tour or No Reservations. It's highly cerebral and Bourdain is much more serious in it than he normally is. Its very much a transitional type of program.

    A brilliant piece of television! I picked up my DVD a while ago and it is a favorite! Gorgeous cinematography and very well presented. It must have been an extremely phenomenal adventure for all involved, and I truly believed the experience lived up to the 'hype' that surrounds El Bulli....a must see for those who haven't yet!

    Adria is like a little kid with his creations, and it's quite a joy to watch him watch Tony try everything...

    (Edited for atrocious spelling--egad!)

  4. Ok... this may be the pregnancy hormones talking, but I was watching Take Home Chef on TLC yesterday, and it was kind of hot. 

    Ok, so Curtis Stone looks a little like a very young C.C. Deville,  :laugh:

    I have to agree (no preggo hormones here tho') :wink:

    And he totally looks like CC circa 1984! Oddly, I never found CC hot...must be the accent and the food.

    LOVE Bourdain, Mario, Alton Brown, Bayless and Sakai

    One of my least faves is Warren Brown (Sugar Rush on FTV)--this guy makes my teeth grind for some reason! And of course the usual group of Flay and Ray--I would rather watch paint dry.

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