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Posts posted by Worldly

  1. They must have either had consignments returned or be clearing out the warehouse :)

    Anyone else try the Codorniu pinot cava from the last release? I really enjoyed it and at $16 a pop guilt free compared to champers.

  2. Thanks very much - I agree - no way to be sure, unless someone like yourself who knows far more about this than I can offer it.

    I mentioned it to my chef instructor on my sushi course, and he had no comment. Just that it was interesting. While I thought it would be more interesting if he knew the facts of the matter, I left well enough alone!

  3. On the muddler side, I do have one, but the best suggestion I've seen was from soneone in another forum who said buy a piece of wooden dowel at Home Depot (or wherever).

    Wood is a better option than a pestle that is made of stone or clay, just because you're less likely to break your glass ... mmmm ... mojito ...

  4. It's the answer to a long old question, but I'd throw in Dinetz in Toronto, on the south side of King across from George Brown College (just west of Sherbourne). I'll spare you their ultra cheesy website, but it's a good place. Unfortunately only open 9-5 and during the week (no weekend hours).

  5. There are a lot of these ingredients in Chinatown East - Broadview & Gerrard. I've found lime leaves, galangal, morning glory, palm sugar, etc. Not every store has every thing, and not everyone will answer you in English, but that's half the fun.

    I live right around the corner and have ended up carting things into the office for a couple of other "fans" who can't find stuff.

    Even having been in Thailand, and done a cooking class there, I'm often at a loss for what any one thing might be. It's worse because I think they only get some things in season. Oh well, another route for those who care to try.

  6. It is no fun trying to move beverage alcohol across the border.

    I took much of my collection with me to the US when I moved down there in '98. No problem taking it down. I'm then not sure it was technically kosher to ship from NY to Chicago, but it all seemed to work out.

    But then when I moved from Chicago to Toronto - moved things which had largely been purchased in Ontario and had therefore already been subject to taxation - I had to pay almost the full original value of the items again.

    Trust me, if there was a legal way of doing this someone would be all over it, in volume.

  7. I agree - the salt and pepper flavour is surprisingly good.

    Also agree that this is not a frequent purchase - which makes it even more important that I enjoy them when they come! :)

    I was searching around a bit on Google and one company that ships them says that they can be frozen for 6-8 months and come out crisp & fresh as new. Seems there would be little moisture in them, so no reason not to believe them.

  8. I remember the boxes of Old Dutch from living out west as a kid. I know they were available as far east as Thunder Bay, but don't think they are generally available in Ontario.

    Actually brought back a couple bags from a trip to Vancouver this spring, just for "supplies". It really threw me because I was looking for boxes and it took me a while to find them sitting in front of me in (gasp) bags.

    I must say the gourmet homemade ones sound pretty damned good, but can't disagree that it's just a different beast. If you do want to make your own tho, do give taro a try as well. Terra makes a good manufactured brand, but better your own of course.

  9. So I'm late to the party folks, but here are some places:

    jayt90 - for coffee, there is Balzac's at the Distillery district, but also a (roast your own?) place just east of the DVP around Dundas http://www.merchantsofgreencoffee.com

    I can't speak for the latter from personal experience - I pass it daily but have never made it.

    For fresh kimchee and mostly dry goods there is a Japanese/Korean foodmart on the west side of Parliament between College and Gerrard. Nice folks. They also have bonito shavings, but not blocks.

    Apicio - the serrano is also available at the St. Lawrence market - on the east side of the market along the wall at Scheffler's Deli . It's wonderful stuff, though while I was in Spain I ate a lot of different wonderful varieties. If you love spanish hams, there's a chain in Madrid called Museo del Jamon (link en espagnol http://www.museodeljamon.es/ ) which would blow your mind. :)

    For bagels I prefer St. Urbain at SLM.

    Thanks everyone for sharing your tips!

    Anyone seen fresh Wasabi in Canada? I found a place in the States but it cannot be imported ...

  10. I'd highly recommend the strategy of cultivating a relationship with the Vintages reps. Even if you know what you want, they can be very helpful (or not) depending on your relationship. But don't tax it with requests for favours, reservations or pre-release sales. They're happy to help, but no one likes to feel taken advantage of.

    Thanks Sadistick - the El Dorado 15 year old is wonderful stuff, and yards ahead of the 12 year old. I missed out on the Centenario the last time they had it - too few for the demand.

    One I wish they would bring in is the Santa Teresa 1796 Ron Antiguo de Solera from Venezuela - I haven't had it since I brought a bottle back in '99, but again, a beauty.

    One to try, but definitely a "candy" offering is the Stroh Austrian spiced rum. I wouldn't normally touch spiced rum, but this is great stuff. I've had the Stroh 80 - beware folks, this is 80% not 80 proof - but can't recommend that. It's too "hot" but I suppose if you want to flambee something and have asbestos gloves ... It's brilliant if you halve figs and let them soak up some of the rum. After a few days the rum is thick and sticky and the figs are delicious.

    On the beer side, I wish they would bring in some Kolsch (kolnerbrau). I've been hankering for this since I was in Germany in 2002 and they just never get it in.

    Anyone else have products they'd like to see in stock? Love to hear your thoughts.

  11. Anna, unfortunately the customs charge now is $8 for the same process, and an aribtrary estimate of the value of contents if an invoice is not included. Of course you're free to claim back the difference with appropriate backup, but the $8 is non-refundable - it's a payment for the "service" of opening your shipment, charging you duties and PST/GST.

    A handy list of Japanese grocery stores in and around Toronto from the Japan Society of Canada:


    Of course it leaves off my little haunt on Parliament, but that's also downtown ...

    A couple west end - out in Mississauga ...

    P.A.T. Oriental Food - 257 Dundas Street East Mississauga Ontario

    Taro's Fish Market - Unit 26, 5484 Tomken Road Mississauga Ontario L4W 4B8

    Hope this helps! Happy eating.

  12. Ok, so I know that it's not very "efficient", but at Xmas I like to donate food that might not be available to people with lower incomes, or in the list of things people typically donate. Canned shrimp, cashews, olives, good mustard...

    There can't be so many people giving these things that they can't find someone who will really enjoy it.

  13. WS does indeed offer some ratings for free. Perhaps it is only those which the LCBO is using. But it doesn't appear that the Parker ratings are publicly available (just one featured note).

    On publishing low scores - I can completely understand why they don't, but agree with you that they should then also forgo the note.

  14. The Muga sold out all over, and I'm afraid largely because of the Parker rating. LCBO should stop printing the ratings in the release catalog - I can't believe they get away with it anyway (I want to write a note to WS saying I am cancelling my subscription because the LCBO gives me the ratings and notes for free ...but won't)

    Unfortunately you end up with a lot of people buying the rating, rather than the wine.

    Ah well, I seem to do pretty well by the LCBO, so should temper my criticism with that.

    Did anyone get the Bruzzico from the last release? Any thoughts?

    For those who lost out on Muga and want a nice Spanish choice, Castel de Falstet from the Nov. 12 is quite nice as well at $29.

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