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Kim Shook

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Posts posted by Kim Shook

  1. Do you know Drake's Yankee Doodles?? They were available in the DC metro area when I was growing up ('60's and '70's) and I just loved them :blush:. I live in Richmond, VA now and you used to be able to get them at Kroger's and the Wonder Bread stores, but no more :sad: . I have this shameful little love of them and would like to make them at home since I can't find them anywhere and refuse to pay the exorbitant shipping charges to buy them online. I know that I can make the ‘cream’ filling, but what’s got me stumped is the cake. Is it German chocolate?? It’s not just chocolate, I know that. I can’t find it on any of the copycat-type websites. Please help me if you have any insight!! Thanks so much!

  2. I made my very best ever coconut cake for Easter dinner yesterday. It is a recipe from epicurious.com that I made a few changes to and it was the hit of Easter dinner (that and the Gouda au gratin potatoes). The cake was incredibly moist and rich. I split the three layers (much easier to do than I imagined, by the way) and filled with lemon curd (I'll make my own next time), trimmed the cake on the sides, frosted, lined up bunny peeps on the side, dusted with coconut and topped with a little chocolate bunny. It was beautiful and delicious - I was so proud of myself, I felt a little ridiculous, actually :blush: !

    Here's a link to the recipe: Coconut Layer Cake w/ Cream Cheese Frosting

  3. Nina, what a treasure! How I wish I had something like that from the cooking side of my family! I am compiling something like that, though mine is on the internet, not handwritten - I imagine that our great-grands won't be able to recognize actual handwriting and that even the internet will seem quaint :raz: ! I do have a few handwritten recipes from a famously good cook great grandmother and have tried one that didn't work either. So, I don't have an answer for you, but, if it is ok to do this (let me know if it isn't and I'll delete), I'll piggyback on you to try to get a solution, too! This dried apple cake is supposed to be a moist, rich, dense 19th century type cake. Instead it came out like a giant, thick cooky - almost impossible to cut and VERY, VERY chewy. The taste was excellent. According to the two people still alive who tasted this cake when she made it, the flavor was spot on, but the texture much too heavy. Any ideas??

    Ma's Dried Apple Cake

    Source of Recipe

    My Great Grandmother Easterwood

    Recipe Introduction (first paragraph written previously)

    I haven’t made this yet – just got it from my grandmother, but even if NO one likes it, I will still leave it in. Historical recipes don’t have to be tried and true! This is in her own words, but I will add notes when I make it.

    NOTE: Well, I made it and something is definitely wrong. The flavor is great, but it cooks up like a big, chewy cooky. Very hard to cut. Both Grandma Jean and Momma had tasted this when Ma made it and said that the taste was good, but the texture when she made it was moist and dense, but not hard and chewy. And I don’t know how the hell you are supposed to beat baking soda into dried apples??? There is obviously too much flour in it. I will try it again using ½ the flour. I cooked it in a tube pan, which Grandma Jean says she thinks Ma did.

    List of Ingredients

    2 c. sugar

    1 c. butter

    2 ½ c. dried apples

    3 eggs well beaten

    1 c. chopped nuts

    1 pkg. Raisins

    4 c. flour

    4 t. baking soda

    1 t. nutmeg

    1 t. cinnamon


    Cream butter and sugar. Add apples after beating soda into them. Add other ingredients.

    Bake 1 ½ hours at 300 degrees.

  4. I have never understood how this place stays in business, even in places that don't have REAL sub shops (like all over the South). I think 7-11 has the same quality subs as Subway. Luckily, Richmond, VA has Jersey Mike's now, which aren't perfect, but so much better than Subway! When ever I pass a Subway, I want to go in and ask the patrons if they know that there is a Jersey Mike's just down the street. Lunch is awful, dinner unimaginiable and breakfast (yep, some of them have breakfast) is truly a disgusting nightmare of a meal.

  5. Someone gave me some of this starter and I made the bread with it and it was wonderful. The starter itself doesn't have eggs in it; it has flour, milk, sugar and yeast, though! I'll link you to my directions for the bread for when you are given the starter and for the starter for when you'd like to start your own. This is really worth doing. It makes a very moist quick bread and you can vary it however you like.

  6. Abra is the BEST. Those are great ideas! Sounds like a perfect and easy and delicious Easter/Spring menu! The only thing that I would add is some really good yeast rolls from a local bakery (or you can cheat and use the frozen SISTER SCHUBERT rolls - they are really, really good!).

  7. Samasutra, that looks wonderful. I have printed the recipe out to try. I think my daughter will like it, she LOVES red onions. This is my own version of a recipe that I found in Gourmet or Bon Appetit: Onion Garlic Soup. It's made with both roasted garlic and sauteed garlic, sweet onions, chicken and beef stock and its baked for 2 hours. Kind of different, but very, very rich and satisfying.

  8. I know this might be too late, but for anyone else that is perusing the boards in search of Wmsburg restaurants, I would recommend Le Yaca. It is on Rt. 60, about 1/2 mi. from the entrance to Busch Gardens in a cute little shopping center that includes a tea shop (they actually serve tea), a wine/gourmet shop, some nice little boutiques and a great wool shop. Le Yaca is French, but think country French. Very relaxed and casual. I have only been for lunch and it is very reasonably priced and has very good food. We have had the mushroom soup, the salad, the snails, the crab crepes and the roasted pork loin with stuffed cabbage, boudin blanc and apples. Everything was delicious!

  9. What Laurel said. Seriously - I agree with everything - it sounds odd, but loose clothing can be very important! I was sick until they cut the cord, so I completely sympathize with you. Mr. Kim used to bring me saltines and coke in bed in the mornings and sometimes that helped. I hope that yours passes soon, but if it doesn't, talk to your doctor. Losing a little weight in the beginning isn't a problem, but you don't want to continue to lose a lot! Good luck and let us know how things are going!!

  10. I am not too sure about some of the advice they are being given, like personalizing the show, showing who you are, etc.  It looks forced when out of the blue Nathan tells you he'll be cooking this dish because his niece loves it. I don't know his niece and I didn't need to hear that.  It just seemed forced. The guy already has a lot of personality shining through.

    Good point. Yet, the judges saw his mention of the niece as a positive; praising him for making it and criticizing him for not mentioning her more often. Meanwhile, out here in tv land, we don't give a flying f*ck about his niece in the least. It just goes to show the serious disconnect between what the "experts" at Food Network believe the audience wants and what the audience actually wants. Meaningless mentions of unknown family members falls under the category of pandering, something that FTV seems to do quite well.

    Frankly, I don't see the value in any of these contestants' unique attributes. Even Guy, who seems plenty likable, leaves me at a loss. What exactly does he bring to the table that we cannot find elsewhere? His manic energy? His spikey, bleached white hair? Ok, perhaps his restaurant experience could be a useful point of separation. But wait, the judges more or less criticized him for being too "pro" in his most recent demo. Go figure. :wacko:


    Ron, this is almost word for word what I said to my husband after watching the last episode. What the judges tell them to do is consistently the opposite of what I would like to have in a host of a food show. They tell them not to use specialized language - please DO, and then explain it so that I actually LEARN something. The judges said not to refer to the 'set', that viewers want to believe that the host is in their own home - no, no I don't care where the hell they are - I don't have some built up fantasy about some food tv host!!! I would really like to watch a PRO - someone who is an expert. If I took a class in tax preparation, I would hope that the instructor was a professional tax accountant, not just some guy who was good at balancing his checkbook and had lots of personality. Why does the Food Network not get this????

  11. I made the lamb jus yesterday and am going to use it today to make gravy for my Easter lamb. I posted on the cooking board about wanting to make a rich gravy for my lamb and that seemed to be the consensus. I have some leftover red wine jus in the freezer that I can use also, if I think I need it.

    For Valentine's day, I made the skirt steak and I took pictures of the entire process. If I can ever figure out how, I am going to post the photos. I printed out the directions and still can't make it work :wacko: ! Going to get Mr. Kim to look at them for me.

    Wish me luck on my gravy, y'all!

  12. First of all, let me say thank you ALL for your responses. They have all been so thoughtful and thorough and truly appreciated. I am processing all the info you've given me now and will have to decide what to do in the next few weeks. I am still recovering and haven't been released to lift anything yet, so I am still a ways off from having to decide which direction to go in. Thanks again!!

  13. Ok, I am almost recovered from my surgery and thinking about going out to look for a job :sad: . I am so very sick of offices, have no interest in 'selling' and keep looking at people waiting tables in good restaurants thinking that it looks like a cool job. Am I crazy? Thats the first question. The other question, more important, I think ('cause if I AM crazy and I hated it, I could always just quit) is this: am I too old - would anyone hire me? I am 46 years old, female and I look about that. I am a bit overweight still (5'5, 175 lb.). All of my work history has been business oriented. The only restaurant experience I've had was working at a Denny's 20 years ago out of desperation when my daughter was a baby. So, do you think anyone would hire me - NOT at Denny's or Waffle House - or even Applebee's - I mean at a independant, good restaurant - or am I 20 years too late? Thanks, all!

  14. I haven't yet finalized our Easter dinner....but one thing is a given & it's TURKEY!  Ham is okay at other times, but not on any of the "official" holidays. 

    The tomato dish sounds lovely, just not certain we have canned tomato wedges available here.  Should I substitute regular canned tomatoes, or use fresh?

    Sorry, jayhay - I wasn't ignoring you - we went to the beach for a few days. I would just use canned whole tomatoes cut into wedges and drained slightly.

  15. OK, I really hope that egullet has some kind of health insurance for members. I am SUPPOSED to be recovering from abdominal surgery and I have been reading this thread start to finish (am only through page 20 so far) and I have about popped my staples laughing. It is truly humbling how often I have recognized something that I, too, have done! OK, here's mine:

    I will never again...use an ingredient without tasting it first. Twice in the recent past (like today and a month ago) I have done this and been really sorry. Oddly enough, both ingredients were chips - as in peanut butter and white chocolate chips. The peanut butter ones were just subpar and didn't add much flavor to my cupcake frosting, but the white chocolate ones went into some brownies that I was making today as an anniversary surprise for Mr. Kim (I haven't been released to drive yet, so I was trying to do something homemade). Well, I tasted a leftover chip AFTER putting the brownies in the oven and it tasted 'off'. Well we'll see :angry: . So, I will never again...except, I probably WILL :rolleyes::rolleyes: !

  16. Wow. Moms - gotta love 'em. Mine is trying to convince me to stop doing my big (and beloved by me) Xmas eve dinner because no one else really cares about it. The funny thing is that I know for a fact that this woman ADORES me and would lay down her life for me! Go figure :rolleyes:.

    Anyway - the asparagus (to go with the lamb) will be tossed with EVOO, sea salt, pepper and fresh rosemary and roasted at 425 degrees until crisp/tender and served room temp. The green beans (to go with the ham) will be done Southern style - with side meat, a little brown sugar, LOTS of pepper and cooked to death. Here's the recipe for the scalloped tomatoes: Scalloped Tomatoes. They really are so good. Mr. Kim & I do NOT like stewed tomatoes at ALL, so we just took enough to be polite when his stepmom served these a couple of years ago at some family dinner. We were amazed and ended up taking the leftovers home! To answer your last question, we should be serving anywhere from 20 to 30 folks. I have a SIL who doesn't decide until the last minute in case she gets a better offer (Mr. Kim's theory), so I always cook for the higher number.

  17. I am recovering from some surgery and unable to stand for very long or use my arms to do much (no lifting or pressing or pulling yet) so I am suffering from severe cooking withdrawal. I am not making it any better by spending my time at egullet or watching FoodTV. So with all of this obsessing about food {sidebar: this is totally off topic but when I was drugged in the hospital I did some inadvertent eavesdropping and heard my mother say that she was really disturbed by my 'obsession' with food and that it was obviously a 'cover up' for something that was missing in my life :blink: . Well. That is an interesting take on what I had always thought of as my full, interesting pretty great life :rolleyes: .} Anyway, back to topic. With all this ‘obsessing’, I have already come up with my Easter menu:

    Lamb w/ mint sauce & gravy


    Deviled Eggs

    Gouda Potatoes Au Gratin

    Scalloped Tomatoes

    My fruit salad

    Lettuce & Cauliflower Salad w/ Parmesan

    Green Beans


    Yeast rolls

    Coconut Layer Cake w/ Cream Cheese Frosting

    Carrot Cake Bars

    Three Berry Pie w/ whipped cream

    Anyone else in the planning stages yet? Any input here? I realize that it may seem like a bit of overkill, but Mr. Kim and I REQUIRE lamb for Easter, but many of our guests have that weird lamb horror and so we must serve ham, too. The fact that we are serving lamb AND ham explains the various vegetable thingies, too.

  18. Just think of what they could do if they were backed up by all of the people like me (and believe me, there are many) whose sentiments are similar, but who would not be willing to work with PETA.  I would love to see higher standards set up for the treatment of all food animals (and others), and I would love to see some sort of symbol that could be placed on packaging, that would give me confidence that the animal lived and was killed in a humane manner.  But the beef, pork, and poultry industries are extremely powerful, and it's going to be extremely difficult to get that type of legislation passed.  The answer?  The backing of large numbers of people, and PETA will not have that anytime soon --and not at all, if they don't change their tactics.  That's why I say that animals are suffering because of them.  There is more, much more, to be done.  If PETA has to do it alone, it'll take a lot longer to get it done than if there were a more moderate (and well-behaved) organization that moderates like me could support.

    I agree with this so much, jgm. What pisses me off is that PETA (and other similar organizations) and their tactics make ALL people who are concerned about animal issues seem like not to be taken seriously crackpots. They encourage a black and white mentality about the issues. Do I eat animals? Yep. Do I hate cruelty against animals? Yep. Those aren't mutually exclusive, but PETA assumes they are. I, too, would love some kind of recognizable, dependable 'brand' that would assure me of humane treatment - I would even pay a premium for that.

  19. Is gravy/sauce/cheese gender specific?? Cause, I swear I would eat ROCKS with enough gravy on them. I consider au gratin to be a food group. Mr. Kim, though, not so much. He will actually PASS UP gravy and eat things nekkid :shock: !

  20. I am doing a boneless lamb roast for Easter and I want gravy.  Really rich, good gravy.  I have some leftover red wine jus (from Keller's Bouchon cookbook) in the freezer.  I would love some help in making a delicious sauce - the kind of thing you end up sopping up with bread rather than waste.  I want it to be thick and very, very rich.  Thanks so much!

    I had to read Shalmanese's post again (too many words) :biggrin: to realize his procedure is may be a little more involved but not that complicated.

    Considering you cook from Keller's books he may have assumed you wanted a very special gravy, as he put it:"If you want to make the ultimate richest sauce ever...".

    Is anything Keller do "practical..simple.."?

    Point taken, Chef :laugh: ! The reason I have that red wine jus left over is that I made the Bouchon skirt steak w/ caramelized shallots for Valentine's Day dinner. I think that kind of involved, intricate cooking is fun, but not something I can really indulge in all that often. I just thought that since I DID have some left over, I might be able to shortcut a good lamb gravy with it. Thanks for the imput everyone. Off to find some lamb bones!

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