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Kim Shook

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Posts posted by Kim Shook

  1. I have 6 leftover egg yolks from making a white cake and am wondering what to do with them. Any ideas? We have plenty of sweets in the house already, so I am hoping for something savoury. Thanks!

  2. I am a diet controlled diabetic. I was on orals until I lost 100 lbs. I start to get the shakes at anything below 80. I had a nurse tell me once to handle the low sugar with a double method - 1st something very sweet (oj, sugar candy, etc.) and then to have a bit of protein (a cube of cheese, a bit of chicken, etc.) - is this still good advice?

  3. I'm a big fan of most frozen potato products.  I cannot be trusted with turning raw potatoes into anything but a huge mess so I'm all about them.  I can bake 'em, boil 'em, or mash 'em but I can't fry 'em to save my life.  Frozen tater tots are my passion.  My first love.  I'm also a huge fan of the little potato cubes... hash browns, maybe? 

    I also keep a bag of Rhodes frozen bread dough in my freezer.  For shame.

    I have to agree with this. I have always loved frozen french fries (Giant used to have the best ones - out of the area now, so I don't know). I fry them, no baking. I suspect in my little, tiny, non-scientific brain that frozen fries are the basically the same as oil blanched fries - just frozen and that, in frying them at home, I am doing the same thing as I do when I double fry them at 325 then at 375. When I cook frozen fries, I get a crisp crust and a fluffy, potato-y interior - just exactly how the 'perfect' fries are described in recipes, but how they never are - even in good restaurants.

    Something that this thread has brought out it a thing that always astounds and perplexes me (and is probably another thread - if so, I am sorry and feel free to delete me here!): why would you (I mean this generally, not any one person specifically) care what I eat??? I have never gotten that. I see people on line who are truly appalled that I love Yankee Doodles and Tater Tots and people in my real life that are stunned (and seem to take it personally - like by doing that I am criticizing them for not doing that) that I would cook Thomas Keller's stocks from scratch and enjoy it. Why in the world do either of those groups care??? :wacko:

  4. Just a beautiful, fascinating article, Shaun! Thank you so much for sharing all of this with us. I am a white woman who spent a lot of meals at black families tables as a child. This was during the sixties in the country in NC. Soul food was a phrase I heard during the school year at home in the Washington, DC suburbs, but not at all during the summers spent on my grandparents farm in NC. This little town seemed to be (an in some ways remains) stuck in the past. Most of the food that I was given at the black folks tables was not much different from the food at my grandmother's table. More 'cheap' pork cuts, maybe (I don't think that I got my love of fried fatback or hog jowls from my grandmother :wink: ). I never have thought of this food as white Southern or soul food, but as country food because it was so different from the 'city' food my mom served in VA.

    A little off topic: Is there any other region of the country that people spend as much time talking about, making observations about, microscopically examining? I really don't think so and I find that interesting, beautiful and deeply sad (because of what I think are the reasons for the constant interest - the hunger for repairing the harm caused to the South by slavery).

  5. When I do special occasion steaks, I usually like to offer a sauce on the side. I have done peach steak sauce and, of course, béarnaise. But I would like a new idea for my Father’s Day steaks. I’ll probably be serving:

    Baked goat cheese w/ caramelized onion, garlic and mission figs & slice baguettes

    Texas Caviar & Tortilla chips

    Grilled rib eye steaks w/ ________sauce

    Some kind of potatoes

    Some kind of big salad – maybe with beets


    Peanut butter cheesecake

    Some kind of cupcakes

    I am looking at the chimichurri thread, but I’d like some other ideas, too. TIA!

  6. As much as I love and respect southerners, being one myself, I gotta disagree.  Cukes in vinegar and hot bacon salad dressing are considered to be Pennsylvania Dutch recipes around here and I think they have a case for it -- both sound very Germanic to me.

    Sounds good to me, Lori! I am not protective about 'Southern Stuff' at all, I was just told that it was very Southern and it surprised me! Nice to know I am not completely ignorant :wink: !

  7. I don't have a case, but I always take my chef's knife with me if there's the remotest possibility that I'll be cooking. No one I go to visit has a good knife (except my daughter, and I bought the one she has for her) and I just can't deal with wimpy, lightweight knives. I sort of felt silly at first, but my family has gotten used to me now. If they want me to cook, and they always do, they'll just have to put up with my little habits.

    I'm off in search of a knife case.......

    Dana - You are right - they (and I) will get used to it - just like they have gotten used to pictures of meals before we are allowed to eat :raz: ! As far as cases, here you go: Knife Cases on Amazon

  8. My husband knows me so well! For mother's day, he gave me a Henckels Professional Knife Case! I have wanted one for a long time. I hate using other people's knives - most people who's kitchens I cook in don't have decent knives. So now I can pull a 'Top Chef' - pack up my knives and GO :wink: ! The only thing is, I wonder if I'm going to feel a little silly unpacking this thing?? Kind of like a diner cook in a toque?

  9. gallery_12506_2882_1877676.jpg

    Pulled pork, this pulled very nicely, no chunking.  It really was done


    close up pork porn. Some good dark bark, nice pink smoke ring, really nice inside "Miss White"


    Tonights dinner. Pulled pork sandwiches on fresh bakery rolls.  Maggie has Swiss cheese and barbecue sauce on hers.  Mine is just pork.  With Herr's jalepeno flavored potato chips.  We had another capiphirina before dinner.  This really has become our favorite springtime drink.  A diet coke with splenda was the beverage at dinner for me tonight.

    Mike, we (Mr. Kim & I) are in awe of your butt. However, we are deeply disapproving of and frankly disturbed by the butt cheese :laugh::laugh: ! That is just WRONG, dude!! :wink:

  10. gallery_43892_2899_171242.jpg

    Poor bunnie.

    After running early this morning, I was determined to use many of the suggestions included above, had a V&T last night, thought "chicken, chicken, chicken" when I came in, got my large meat cleaver and got em'.

    Will post more pics later.

    ETA: 1) Oh my. Eeerie green belly button thing is fresh basil.

            2) Just as weird parallel between fresh fruit, roma tomato and lime to bunnie.

    OOOOOOOhhh, Andi. I have eaten and enjoyed rabbit before. I totally agree with those who say that we should realize that 'meat' means animal and that it doesn't magically appear nicely wrapped up in plastic wrap in the grocery store. Having said all that (and meant it), that bunny gives me the shivers a bit :unsure: . I think that Banshee (my little girl kitty) would look just like that all 'undressed'. But I'll bet it was good.

  11. Spinidge and strawberries have been a mainstay at Eastern Star, WMU and Garden Club luncheons since before bottled dressing.  The usual concoction poured on for tossing is old-fashioned poppyseed dressing, begun by tossing about a quarter of a sweet onion into a blender, along with some vinegar, about five times as much sugar, and some WESSONOIL.  Let 'er rip til the whirlpool turns plumb white with the emulsifying---about seven or eight minutes, or til the old Waring starts to give off that hot blender odor usually reserved for the fifth round of daiquiris out on the porch.

    Throw in a handful of the little black seeds, store in a "covered jar" in the fridge, and use on any kind of salad, usually with one or more fruit components and enhanced by some crisp-toasted pecans scattered atop.  Lots of times, the salad was also punctuated by some thin-sliced mushrooms, sliced bottom-to-top at the last minute to preserve their pure whiteness.

    There was a lovely recipe for this salad in the Southern Living of several years ago, picked up in the dentist's office and smuggled home by me because the salad was served in a woven-bread basket made of the pop-a-can breadsticks.  (Well, I DID leave them my copy of the latest Readers' Digest and two Guideposts---somebody enjoyed those, I'm sure--perhaps the stories alleviated a little of their  apprehension). :raz:

    Then, when a special houseguest was coming to visit, I couldn't find the darn thing, so we just had the salad in a cut-glass bowl.  I remembered that it involved two cans of breadsticks and a pam-sprayed stainless bowl (more if you wanted a lid), and one of the recipes involved adding chicken, but I haven't tried yet to build the bowl.

    That is actually very cool, Rachel! I might try that sometime. I have made a gingerbread bowl in a similar way to give cookies in for Xmas. No one is going to eat it, probably, so I have just used the tube gingerbread dough. You roll out the dough fairly thick and mold it around the bowl and bake. Then you make cut out cookies and 'glue' the around the top with frosting. Cute.

  12. I was just wondering if Iron Chef America is aired in Japan? :hmmm:

    SB (dubbed into pidgin Japanese, of course!) :blink:

    I'd bet good money that the Japanese would not tolerate such programming junk. -Dick

    You are kidding, right? Haven't you seen some of the original Japanese programming that airs on Spike TV (I think it's Spike). The stunt shows that make Fear Factor look like Masterpiece Theatre??? I know that it is cool for Americans to trash ourselves, but keep in mind that we didn't create crap entertainment. Karaoke is, I think, a Japanese creation and Reality TV is a British import.

  13. Stephen and Ken are two sides of the same extreme coin. Both are insufferable boors, but Stephen has a handler now, so he's working on his image. Choosing to call Ken white trash shows he is still out of control. It's not a slur a professional person should make on camera.

    It's not a slur any human being worth anything should make on OR off camera.

    In the South, publicly calling someone 'white trash' is something that trashy people do (privately doing it is, however, another matter :biggrin: ).

  14. I am sometimes surprised when I discover that something in my life is considered particularly Southern. For instance, I was an adult (transplanted to Indiana) before I realized that Yankees don’t have hissy fits or that, to a Northerner, being ugly had something to do with your looks. I guess you don’t know what is uniquely yours until you learn more about other cultures. Anyway – I noticed on some other board that under a ‘Southern Tea Party Menu’ was spinach and strawberry salad! I have eaten this forever and had no idea that it might be ‘ours’. Is this true?? I know all about fried chicken, collards, candied sweet potatoes and actually edible green beans :laugh::wink: , but what else am I ignorant about?

  15. My families (current and 'of origin') are sharers. Chinese, French, Greek - doesn't matter. We share it all. We almost never order the same dish, because then sharing would be pointless. If someone at the table doesn't share, we don't say anything to them, of course. We just mock them mercilessly later when they are gone. :raz::raz::raz:

  16. Hmmmm.  I'm one of those adults who's peevish about ill-behaved children ruining my restaurant meals.  But I'm perfectly happy to cook for and entertain children at my home.  I suppose it's the psychological barrier between what I consider to be "family" occasions (my friends do constitute family), and what I consider to be adult occasions - and socializing with other adults over certain types of meals would be one of them. 

    I'd be upset if I were to present an elegant meal with sophisticated fare and fragile china and crystal, and someone brought a cranky little one without checking with me first.  But I'd happily accept a child if it were a less formal, family-style occasion. 

    I suppose it all comes down to communication between the host/hostess and the prospective guests as to what is acceptable.  In the end, as with the restaurant scenario, it's all about manners.

    What H. du Bois said.

  17. I have no idea why someone would take the class when they think they know more than me, but it happens all the time. And they don't know more.  Heh.

    ummmm...culinary school anyone?! i just loved how many classmates (and current students, and recent grads, etc.) thought they knew more than the chef instructors...isn't there a reason why you're paying $15K+ to the school?!

    Yeah. I won't tell you how much my school cost, but it was a hell of a lot more than $15k, and we still had the same issues. There was a guy who started out in my class, and ended up being suspended because he was constantly arguing with the chef instructors over various idiotically nit picky things. He made a HUGE point of informing us all that he worked at The Slanted Door in San Francisco, to the point that we doubted the veracity of this claim. In Protein class, every other time chef said anything he would pipe up, "Well, Chef, at the Slanted Door we did it differently." or even worse, "That's not the way I was taught. I think you're wrong." Then on smoke breaks, my fellow students and I would be regaled with tall tales of what a bad ass he was, how he should be teaching the class, etc etc.

    Chef (bless his little heart) finally lost it one day, kicked him out of class, and had his butt suspended. I don't think that guy ever came back, but I'm sure when asked about why he never finished culinary school, he makes up some sort of nonsense about knowing more than the chef instructors did, so what was the point of finishing. :rolleyes:

    :blink::blink: Um...was this guys name Steven?? :wink:

  18. See, I thought Jason was making fun of me for not knowing how to deal with large garlic :raz: ! I am of Italian origins and eating it whole would still make my head explode. Also, Mr. Kim has allergies and cannot smell much anyway - I have to do visual stuff to chase him off :wink: !

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