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Posts posted by battleofthebulge

  1. Belgo wouldn't be my first choice for good food. I was about to suggest Frankie's at the Criterion, because of the superb room and child-friendly menu, but just checked the latest reviews. They's awful!


    How about Giraffe on the South Bank, underneath the Royal Festival Hall? Very kid-friendly, reasonable food, fairly priced, and in an excellent location for tourist-ing along the river.


    Or any branch of Zizzi



  2. Regarding reviews, maybe we should have a thread like the one on the Vancouver forum, where people post quick reviews of the last three places they've eaten at. No need for long screeds with photos, just quick food highlights, overall impression and total bill. Quick to do and gives a really good feel for where's popular and interesting. So, my latest 3 would be The Wine Factory in Notting Hill, Thai Silk in Waterloo and Glas in Borough Market. Anybody else interested if I started this up?


  3. I know I know it's not like the 14th of Feb creeps up unexpected-like, but I've only just got round to trying to find a table for two somewhere nice that WON'T have a special rip-off Valentine's menu. But not more than £50-£60 a head because I'm still waiting for some invoices to be paid.

    Have called Racine, La Trompette and Andrew Edmunds. First 2 full, AE only takes bookings a week in advance, and the advice was "call at 10 a.m. on the 7th and keep pressing the redial button - we'll be full within the hour."

    Any suggestions??


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