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Posts posted by Terrasanct

  1. Last week I found two things I'd been wanting but never wanted to spend the money on--a mortar and pestle, and an Isi cream whipper. I didn't need either, so I hadn't bought them yet. But they were each a dollar at a yard sale, so I was thrilled to get them. Especially the cream whipper, a nice stainless steel one that retails for a lot. It came with a few extra chargers as well. I'm still trying to figure out how to work it--how much cream to put in, all the details, but I think I'm getting close.

    Two weeks ago I bought a spindle-type wooden rolling pin that I just love, and a triple-baguette pan (and about 100 cookbooks) from one woman.

    I had a sale myself last weekend with over 1000 cookbooks and other books for sale, homemade vanilla, commercial cookware, and antique kitchen things. Sometimes I wish I owned a local bookstore, but then I remember how much time and energy that takes and stick with selling books online.

  2. Hi, I have a friend who lives in the Chicago area and has a lentil soup at Aladdin Pita that she says is really great. She's trying to duplicate the recipe and can't seem to quite get it. Does anyone here go to Alladin Pita and have you tried the soup?

    This is what she says about her efforts so far:

    I'm using chicken broth, brown lentils, chick peas, carrots, onion, garlic, celery, diced tomatoes, and cilantro. I season with celery salt, pepper, a bay leaf, cumin, tsp balsamic vinegar, and lots of lemon. Do you have any suggestions on what I could be missing? Also, the texture of their soup is very creamy and even though I run my stuff through the food processor, I can't seem to get the right consistency either.

  3. This is a timely topic, because I'm suffering from bad food poisoning right now and it could very well have come from tomatoes. I washed them very carefully, and they were from CA (I think) but something certainly made me ill. The problem is, I eat so many fruits and veggies I don't know what it was. In the past few days I've had tomatoes, lettuce, strawberries and blueberries from Costco, tomatoes from Walmart and the local farm market, and asparagus from a student of my husband's. I have no idea what might have been the cause.

    I haven't seen the doctor yet so I don't know if it's salmonella or regular food poisoning, but it's pretty bad.

    I hate that we have to worry so much about the foods that should be best for us.

  4. It's only been in the last few years that I've had a chance to try veal and foie. Not for a lack of desire; just haven't lived in the right places, I guess. I still haven't had caviar, well not good caviar, anyway, and haven't figured out how to like raw oysters yet. I need to have some of the small ones in Seattle next time. I'm afraid by the time I try things they'll all be gone or illegal.

    Most of the other ones involve travel that is becoming increasingly more expensive--baguettes in France, and others too numerous to mention.

  5. I mean, LOTS of garlic, almost 2 pounds of it. I've had it long enough that it's starting to get pungent. I need to store it, either cooked or uncooked, and I want to do it safely. Can I chop/process it and freeze? Roasting it sounds good too, but I know I'll drive my husband out of the house when I do. (Good time to make onion confit, I guess.)

    I need suggestions about how to store or what to do with it. Chicken with 40 cloves of garlic is out, since hubby won't eat chicken. Or garlic, for that matter. :hmmm:

  6. There's a lot of good information here, thanks.

    Is there a NZ version and an Australian version? For that matter, the recipe I looked at doesn't have vinegar. What does that do? Is there also cream of tartar in those versions with vinegar?

    Is this a fairly common dessert there? It certainly isn't here. I only remember being served it once, at an opera reception. It was very good.

  7. Is there a traditional kind of berry to top it with? Or other things, like plums, rhubarb, or whatever?

    My first husband had an Australian mother, and I learned about all kinds of interesting foods from her. This was one of them. I ate it somewhere when we were in Oz or NZ but it's been so many years I don't remember.

  8. This recipe also calls for frozen berries, which seems strange to me. I'm not quite sure why you'd use frozen ones if fresh were available. Wouldn't that make the entire thing soggy when they started defrosting? Of course if you put the cream on and let it sit, it seems it would already be soggy. Hmm. If any of you have had leftover Pavlova, how does the texture change overnight if it already has the cream on it?

    I may have to do some experimentation on this.

  9. I was looking in one of my spiral-bound cookbooks for some rhubarb recipes this morning and came across a recipe I'd never heard of before--it's called Forgotten Cake or some variation. This particular recipe is from the First Ladies' Cook Book, a national/Montana cookbook. It calls for 7 egg whites, cream of tartar, dash of salt, and sugar. It's put in a hot oven, the oven is turned off, and it's left overnight. After cooling, it's covered with whipped cream and fruit.

    I've never made Pavlova, but it sounds like the same thing, or similar. But now I'm wondering if the meringue dessert known as Pavlova existed with another name or names before it was named after the dancer? Could it have been a recipe handed down in the US (and therefore included in this homey cookbook) or did people here start making it after it got famous in Australia and New Zealand? If so, why didn't they call it Pavlova?

    I know it's a strange and obscure question, but that only leads me to believe that someone on egullet will know the exact answer to it.

    I found the exact recipe online:


  10. There's a local chef here who wants to start making walnut prawns, but he can't find a good recipe. These are the kind of prawns they have at the Jade Garden in Seattle, which I just had for the first time recently and loved them. Does anyone have a recipe?

  11. Do they have any problem with nuts? If you do a search of low-carb recipes, there are plenty made with nut meals instead of flour. I used to make a chocolate cake that had no flour and was made in the microwave. Very rich, and quite good. This is more of an individual portion, but it could be made like cupcakes.

    I found the recipe from lowcarbeating.com:


    1⁄4 c almond flour

    1 T cocoa powder

    1⁄4 t Baking Powder

    5 pk Splenda

    1 T sf syrup

    1 Egg

    2 T Melted Butter


    In a 2 Cup Pyrex measuring cup,blend all dry ingredients. Add SF Syrup (or water instead), melted butter and egg...mix throughly. Cover with plastic wrap (To vent, cut small slit in center of plastic wrap.) Microwave on high for about 1 minute (I microwaved for 1 minute 10 seconds...you need to adjust as you think is right). When this comes out of the microwave, it looks a bit wet but dries as it cools.

    Cool a bit, eat warm with whipped cream or cool completely to ice cake.

  12. I tried Jade Garden again with several members of my family a few weeks ago. We really enjoyed it. On the recommendation of egulleteers, I ordered some honey walnut prawns--that was the best thing ever! They were crunchy and sweet, with the perfect shrimpy taste when bit into. Next time we'll order more than one dish to share. I also dared to try chicken feet. They didn't have much meat on them, but it was worth trying for the look on the waitress' face when I ordered them--her eyes widened, and she smiled and laughed. I think I got some points just for trying them. It was also great to gross out some of the people at the table (not blood relatives) who thought they were scary. Ooh, look--fingers!

    I ate at a random dim sum place in Portland since my daughter there wasn't able to go with us in Seattle, and the food was twice as expensive and half as good. So I appreciated Jade Garden even more.

    With the visit of the Dalai Lama in Seattle on the same day, and a very unexpected temperature spike to 84 degrees, we were pleasantly surprised to be able to get a table with no waiting. We didn't go in until almost 2, which probably helped.

  13. I grew up eating nettles--we just cooked them like young spinach and served with butter, salt, and vinegar. I haven't had them for years.

  14. I was thinking about potholders while baking something the other day. I had two beautiful handmade potholders and two silicone ones. The cloth ones seemed a bit thin and I just didn't trust the silicone ones at all--they were slippery and seemed flimsy. I wondered if I could put the silicone inside the cloth to get the benefits of both.

    Over the weekend I contacted the woman who had made the potholders and we're going to try some to see how they work. I'm also thinking it wouldn't hurt to have something on the potholder to slip the hand into so the potholder won't fall down while trying to use them.

    As long as I'm having her design these, any helpful ideas? I haven't been happy with most potholders, and I don't like oven mitts at all; too clumsy. The Kevlar ones all sound interesting but pricey.

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