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Posts posted by Poffertjes

  1. Then when the kitchen was clean and all the left overs were tucked away and we were in our post turkey sleepy mood, he started making chocolate chip cookies and going through everything to find the proper utensil in the kitchen to zest a lemon for the espresso he was making. I almost cried.


    I don't care if it's the Queen of England. Nobody but nobody takes it upon themselves to cook something in my kitchen. The guy was obviously looking for some boundaries, didn't find any and proceeded to have his way with your kitchen.

    You should have told him no, due to a clause in your home insurance no one but the residents of the abode were allowed to cook in the kitchen. Or some such crazy excuse. Anything to get him out of the kitchen. :angry:

    The squeaky wheel gets the grease and the unwanted guest out of the kitchen.

    I totally understand. I tried. I told him we had just cleaned, I told him no one was hungry, but the problem was... It wasn't my kitchen it was my ex's kitchen. And he didn't want to confront him about it. Even though he didn't help clean up the disaster that is cooking thanksgiving for 17.

    It was horrible and then the roommate came home the next day and complained that the kitchen was dirty. But she's a whole 'nother story...

  2. Luckily there were friends who filled up my glass of wine and took me out on the balcony for a smoke and a drink so I couldn't watch him destroy the clean kitchen we spend forever cleaning up.

    In retrospect, if they were really *good* friends, they would have used "allergic to eggs" woman to beat him senseless. That or give him one hell of a wedgie to make him stop.

    Believe me, the offered, several times, over several dinners.

    Another favorite was when I was teaching a friend to make tostones to have with rice & beans and some pork, my boyfriend came over, looked at what we were doing and said, you're doing it wrong.

    I made it clear he should not taunt a woman with a stockpot of hot oil when he doesn't have a clue whats going on. :biggrin:

  3. A couple years ago, as recent college graduates, away from home, some friends and I got together to enjoy Thanksgiving. Everyone brought a dish, and I took care of the turkey, dressing, and cranberries.

    Almost everyone was a good cook and brought great dishes but there were a couple of weird people.

    1. The girl who was allergic to eggs, when deviled eggs were being prepared for appetizers while the food was finishing up. "oh god it stinks in here. Eggs are so gross, you know I'm allergic to eggs"

    ~ "if you can't eat eggs, don't worry there are other things to eat"

    ~ "if you think eggs stink, get out of the kitchen and go talk to the other guests"

    ~ "yes, we all realize you are allergic to eggs, nuts, air, water, and life. You tell us every chance you get"

    2. The guy that showed up half way through dinner, pants falling down, knocking on every door in the building because he couldn't remember which apartment we were in. Then when the kitchen was clean and all the left overs were tucked away and we were in our post turkey sleepy mood, he started making chocolate chip cookies and going through everything to find the proper utensil in the kitchen to zest a lemon for the espresso he was making. I almost cried.

    Luckily there were friends who filled up my glass of wine and took me out on the balcony for a smoke and a drink so I couldn't watch him destroy the clean kitchen we spend forever cleaning up.

  4. Ended up at Matchbox last night, burgers where close to the best I have had there. They were actually medium rare, the onion straws were great. I was happy that after so many times the miniburgers were as good as I remember them.

    But then it was ruined by the ice cold mushrooms on my steak sandwich. The cheese on top didn't even melt. Steak was cooked perfectly, but then they put some cold mushrooms on top and old fries on the side.

  5. Rock on Tommy!

    Please do not give me a weird look when I put something "odd, weird, different, or something you deem gross" in my mouth. I like it. I took the time to make it. I'm not making you eat it. Leave me alone.

    If I have one more friend drag me to an "authentic" mexican eatery only to be confronted by a pile of melted cheese, jarred salsa, and something that looks like it belongs in a dog's dish I'm going to scream!

    Up there with gummy pasta in sundried tomato pesto (best of both worlds)

    And anything from a can than I'm paying 15 bucks for. Why o why can't you use something fresh?

  6. Ah... Casey's Pizza. Oh it brings back memories.

    Being from small town Iowa there was a casey's in every little bump in the road.

    My driver's ed teacher always wanted to stop at every casey's we ever passed for coffee, a donut, pizza, whatever fabulous food they make on premis. Always scary. There's nothing like having a driver's ed teacher distracting you while learning how to drive because he's burned his mouth on the hot cheese on the pizza.

  7. Isn't there a thread on here talking about people who are always late for everything? 5 minutes, hour and a half, no matter.

    We live in a society where many people feel no fault for showing up when ever they can make it regardless if their friends, family, or others have been waiting. Until people start showing up on time for a commitment they have made this is going to be the situation.

    I will show up on time, much to the chagrin of my SO, because my best friend is ALWAYS late and it bugs the hell out of me. Because I am always on time I end up waiting at the bar, at the table, in the lobby feeling foolish when the hostesses, bartenders, servers are giving me the evil eye.

    Please people. Give respect, show up when you say you will!

  8. Yesterday I was in a grocery store and I saw a woman's cart with frozen dinners, gallons of soda, gatorade, prepackaged foods of every sort, when her daughter came up and asked if she could get a package of jelly beans the woman told her no, they were unhealthy. Then she looked in my cart of fresh fruit, veggies, meat, and butter and did a snobby little Hmmmf. Which one of us has our priorities out of line lady?

    Also, people who bag your groceries and put an eggplant on top of your nice warm bread, or manage to put a pound of onions on top of the berries, avocado's or whatever nice fruit you are going to eat as soon as you get home or those who look at what ever "weird" produce you have bought, ask what the hell it is and promply drop it, bang it, throw it in a bag, thus bruising it, making you ask why you spend good money on something you want if they are only going to make it inedible!

  9. When you use homemade mayo do you tell people?

    Last time I brought my grandmother's recipe potato salad to a potluck people got grossed out by the thought of raw eggs. Worried they were going to die a horrible death.

    I'm planning on bringing it to a picnic tomorrow, but am now worried that people get freaked out by the thought of raw eggs (um cookie dough, hollendaise, margaritas occasionally)

    To tell or not to tell.....

    its not the same with store bought mayo!!!

  10. Have you been down there yet? I've been running and walking on the mall, the garden the have set up for Alice Waters looks good, there's going to be a demonstration area, and there's a good selection growing down there. My co-worker and I have been trying to figure what everything is as it gets bigger and less ambiguous.

  11. Is it rude that I always would buy ice cream, m&m's, and other things with nuts in them when I lived with a roommate who was allergic to them?

    In my defense, she would have snarfed them behind my back if I hadn't.

    She was also allergic to eggs, soy, and some really weird things. Odd how often I made things she was allergic to so she wouldn't snarf them without tasting what I loved so much! :laugh:

  12. Andrew, thanks. Chipa is a bread that varies a lot in Northern Argentina, Paraguay and else where in South America. It is made with mandioca flour, which roughly translated to tapioca flour. But since they don't eat tapioca pudding or really use tapioca in any other whay its hard to know.

    Mandioca flour, egg, butter, cheese, milk, mixed into a paste (I'll dig up a recipe) and then roled into balls, and then baked. In Paraguay they use a rougher flour and they are formed into logs and snakes and other shapes. I perfer the version I found in Corrientes which is about the size of a donut hole.

    They have stands all over the place as well as vendors selling them on the street and door to door. The magical thing about chipa is when you bite into them the cheese has melted throughout it and its delightful. Its not bready at all if done right. Its more like biting into a gooey cheese curd.

    Hope that helps.

  13. This may be more mundane than the sushi or durian others have talked about. I have tried those two, but it hasn't stuck in my mind as much as this first.

    As a student in Argentina, I was walking down the street with my host sister when she handed me a little bready thing about the size of a donut hole and said try it. It was dry and nasty and horrible and considering it was about 44 degrees celsius I probably shouldn't have been eating bread right out of the oven. As I could say in my two day old spanish was, es bueno. Ick! Could I find a place to spit it out with out her seeing?

    What was it? Chipa!

    Oh, chipa. I yearn for you. Hot, toasty, cheesy chipa! I later learned that chipa is awesome, and for walking to school on cold days, a life saver. Buy a kilo and put the bags in your pocket during your walk to colegio, it was better than mittens, then you had a snack as soon as you got to class.

    I have been shipped the mandioqa (spelling?) flour many times from Argentina, but the best was when my host sister was visitng here in January, she made some for me. Oh the warm, toasty, cheesy goodness.

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