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Posts posted by Poffertjes

  1. Went to school in Ames,

    For BBQ, try Battles, in campus town

    Aunt Maudes is good.

    There's also a good place in Story City, just north of Ames, the name is escaping me right now.

    Ankeny is kind of a waste land

    Rubes is alright, Not my favorite place for steak.

    On the NW side of Des Moines, in Perry, there's a B & B with a restaurant, thats good, Can't remember the name. But anyone there on the ground will know.

    Most of the good places are hard to find, in stripmalls, or don't seem like they're good.

    Best of luck, hope this isn't too late.

  2. Ella's usually has a happy hour w/ free pizza and snacks at the bar. Thats just a block or two away from the theater.

    Have a Macha Margarita (the only reason to go to Rosa Mexicana)

    Have a beer or two at RFD's or Fado's

    A little further away, My Brother's Place.

    There's also Zengo, Drinx, and all those new places I have yet to hit.

    Matchbox would be my choice.

  3. When we moved my grandparents out of their three story farm house into their much smaller, much more managable, one floor house, my grandpa couldn't convince my grandma she needed to get rid of some of her 15 sets of dishes. He asked my mom for help, she said to him "wish I could help you, but I have 8 sets".

    In the process of registering for our upcoming wedding my fiance is valiently trying to convince me that two sets of "good" china is enough, we are recieving one from each family. And that we only need to register for every day.

    Its an on going battle.

  4. Steve and Atilla last night said the relocation plans were just rumors.

    As far as dives on 14th, The Playbill next to yums has potential, but other than that its all getting pushed north and east.

    Its not all bad. Nasty wings will be be had soon at Capitol Lounge. They've recently reopened on a limited basis.

  5. In 2006, I will eat only the best food I can find and limit my intake of mediocre or bad food.

    I will make a new recipe once a week (month)

    I will find a a quality grocer, farmers market, meat market, and other suppliers after I move halfway across the country.

    I will learn how to make different asian cuisines

    I will teach my fiance how to riff on a recipe.

    I will read anything by Julie Powell. She got me hooked with Julie/Julia

    This is the year I will try ethiopian food.

    I will taste as many kinds of cheese as I can find.

    I will use new techniques and spices. (Santa won't you bring me Pepin's Technique?

    I will give my fiance a chance to cook pasta as much as he likes.

    I will share my love of food with others.

    We will celebrate the bounty of each season and try not to eat things out of season.

    My kids are not even a twinkle in my eye.

  6. Its official.

    January 14th will be the last day of business for Stoney's. All legal action has failed.

    My favorite neighborhood bar is closing.

    Now I'll have to go hang at one of the dives on 14th before they get pushed out as well.

    Belly up to the bar folks.

    Order yourself up a Stoney's Ale and a Super Grilled Cheese.

    Stoney's has survived for decades, but only has a few weeks left.

  7. I don't have a picture (lovely pictures everyone, healthy food porn!!!)

    But I've doing different combos with pomegranets, nuts and cheese. I think my fav so far is toasted pine nuts with goat feta, along with the ruby jewels and a mix of red lettuce and spinach. Yum!

  8. Chufi,

    For the Citrus Medica, what do you recommend for a substitute?

    Candied lemon peel?

    I wanted to make your pie for thanksgiving. My dutch grandfather should like it.

    If anyone has a substitute suggestion I would appreciate it.

    Please keep in mind I will be doing this baking out in Iowa, no access to Whole Foods or ethnic grocery stores.


  9. I don't know, Its expensive, you have to wait forever for a table, too much grease and cheese covering up what is usually better than chain latin food.

    As sad as it seems, I think its the lack of real mexican places this poor girl without a car can get to, I would rather hit up La Loma on Mass instead.

    Of couse if I could shlept out to VA/MD there are more choices, but whats not on a metro line basically doesn't exist for me.

  10. Lucy,

    Lovely lovely cooking and pictures.

    Makes me long for the time I was living abroad.

    Even with the cravings for random "American" food, I never enjoyed life, walking through the markets, or cooking more.

    Thank you. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, even with your turkey with the gash, or the small goose.


  11. Oh, the stories. The Stories!!!

    Reminds me of our summer trips to the beach. Seven people go for seven nights, meaning that each person cooks one night. Makes since right?

    Until you get the girl in love with Velvetta. Made Enchiladas with an entire block of the orange stuff and a salad with an entire bottle of French dressing already mixed. I don't think I've ever had to force down that much orange food. The congealed orange goo ontop of rather good chicken enchiladas was too much for me, until she said that her mom usually makes it with two blocks.... :shock:

    Then this past year the vegan came. Everyone made an effort to include food in their meals that she could eat. She was very gracious about our questions about what she could and could not eat. Then she cooked dinner. Congealed soba with maybe one wilted diced green onion mixed in for soba to feed seven. "Banana Pudding" made by smushing 2 brown bananas with some water and walnut oil and green beans "steamed" into oblivion. All we could do, the non-vegans, was look at the spread in dismay.

    It made me want to scream and show her Tony Bordain's chapter about the vegan potluck in San Fransisco. Why oh why do vegans stereotypically have to eat the most disgusting food? No seasoning, no fat, over cooked, etc.

    After she went to bed, we stayed up playing poker and mowed down on some good cheese and crackers that I had picked up.

    The funniest thing, was all these people cooking their one meal for the week, breakfasts and lunches were on your own, my mom and I cleaned the kitchen everyday, put stuff away, loaded and emptied the dishwasher (have you ever had to pull mushed up soba out of a sink drain) and cleaned up after these people, so when it was our turns to cook, they go all upset with us that we were going to take it easy for our meals and not make everything they loved.

  12. If one more person recommends Loriol Plaza I'm going to scream.

    If I have to go to one more birthday celebration, get together with friends, happy hour, or other event planned by people who don't know what food is supposed to taste like I'm going to shake them into next week.

    Just because some thing is over priced, and comes with big overly sweet drinks, doesn't make it good!!!

  13. Watched Spanglish again last night. Saw Keller was named "Culinary Consultant" in the credits. But a friend of mine from Northern California who watched it with me said that Spanglish was a semi-factual story based on an actual chef, possibly Keller.

    Was she pulling my leg?

    She does work in the media.

    Its hard to believe, but then again its hard to believe that Keller was involved with a Adam Sandler movie.

  14. Nice Alinka, almost like alfajores from Argentina.

    How long did it take you to cook down the condensed milk into the caramel (dulce de leche)? How much sugar did you add?

  15. Poffertjes are always good.... :raz:

    What about spice cookies?

    www.dutchmall.com is a website that links to the local butchershops and bakeries in my hometown of Pella, Iowa.

    There are two bakeries in town, Vander Ploeg's and Jaarsma as well as two butchers, Ulrich's and In't Veld's. The website ships and supplies with a taste of home when I need it.

    I'm always interested in learning new dutch recipes. Now that its getting cold out I can't wait to make pea soup, and when I go home for thanksgiving I get to sit with my grandfather and help him make some of the family specialties.

  16. on 2nd next to the lc there is Pete's Diner and Le Bon Cafe which can be decent.

    They are close and meet the budget restraints.

    Further down penn towards Eastern Market, I agree with the recommendations of Aatish. In Eastern Market its self there is Market Lunch which has the "areas best crab cakes" they are quite good. You can also get sandwiches, tamales, chicken and other stuff in the market.

  17. As a former soccer player, track runner, basketball, volleyball, and softball player, don't be afraid of giving these athletes pasta even though they are having more at dinner. They won't be upset.

    I'm down with the different kinds of lasagna, the chili, the salad, cookies, pita and hummus.

    As long as it fills them up, gives them consistant energy, and tastes good these kids are not going to complain.

    Fresh fruit/veggies, carbs such as pasta or garlic bread, some protein, and something sweet, but won't make their blood sugar drop really far would be great.

    And thank you for hosting a team meal, it means so much for the team members to be able to get together and hang out/socialize in a non competitive atmosphere during the season. Too much of their time is spent on the field, in a smelly locker room, travelling to games, that getting together with good food and company brings the team together and makes them stronger!

  18. I love stoney's. As Logan Circle residents, we've been going to stoney's for a while. When we learned via Steve in June that the days were numbered a couple friends started Team Stoney's. Once a week we visit the "boss of the sauce" and live it up until its gone. Sometimes its 4 people, sometimes its 30.

    As of last week, this wednesday, August 31, may be the last day, they'll find out on tuesday. If not, they think they will be able to be open through september. Don't let this place die without stopping by for a beer, chili cheese fries, pizza, grilled cheese, or a burger.

    I'm going to miss stoney's.

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