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  1. Having just returned from Barcelona after using many of the suggestions from eGullet, I thought I'd share my map of most of these places (unfortunately it's not yet possible to print out a decent version of this - but hopefully that will come soon). Google Restaurant Map of Barcelona The first three are nightclubs (I had been over for the Sonar festival of electronic music) but found the food far more stimulating than the music. Personal highlights from this trip: El Xampanyet: crowded but friendly and fun. We got a bottle of their semi-sweet cava by mistake which tasted foul at first, but suddenly came into its own when the savoury/fatty tapas arrived. 7 Portes: An obvious tourist place, but beautiful, gentile and, if not absolutely exciting in culinary terms, then definitely solid and comforting (I got a bad case of order envy when the table opposite starting tucking into a massive veal steak...they did, however, spend most of their meal texting on their mobile phones rather than engaging in civilised conversation. Cast not...but still!). Prawns from the Bocqueria (10 € for a kilo!) cooked in olive oil, garlic and paprika. Best after a night in the fridge. Anyway, hope the map is of some use. Strc
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