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Posts posted by ronnie_suburban

  1. This may seem too simplistic and far too inaccurate a barometer but in any Thai or Vietnamese restaurant I look at the cleanliness of the men's bathrom. If it's spotless and obviously cleaned and maintained relentlessly, I assume that at least some of that diligence carries over to the kitchen. Beyond that I can't hazard a guess.

    I like this explanation. :smile:

    Wasn't there a thread about this?


  2. Did anyone see the yahoo news item about eating farmed salmon?  Apparently it's so loaded with chemicals that researchers are recommending limiting servings to about 8 oz. a month.  I will hunt it down and post a link.  In the mean time it's the wild stuff for us if there's any at Whole Foods.

    Here it is Heather...a scroll down just a bit to the link in my post.


  3. A question about the Pithiviers. If Torres calls for one third of his puff pastry recipe, should I make the full recipe and then cut out a piece that's one third the size of the whole thing? I don't think I should make just a third of the puff pastry recipe, because there's a lot of folding involved and I want the right number of layers to come about without the thing breaking apart or something.

    What do you think? Should I post this question in Pastry & Baking?

    It does freeze well, so I'd suggest making the full recipe and freezing the unused portion.


  4. Evidently so. Don't you get it that telling people who keep kosher that their beliefs are incorrect is polemical and can be offensive?

    I'm sorry Michael. I read that statement over and over again, but honestly can't work out how it's telling people who keep kosher that their beliefs are incorrect.

    Me neither.


  5. I'd avoid models that have plastic shafts. They crack and once they do, the stick blender is trash and you have to replace it. If I had room to store the Bamix I probably would have puchased one. Instead I got a Braun (MR 5550 M BC-HC) with a stainless shaft and it came with a bunch of attachments. I think it'll be fine because my previous Braun was great--except that the plastic shaft eventually cracked.


  6. We just have to retire this thread until the price of cauliflower drops! Read it last night and couldn't wait until the stores opened this morning - then - sheesh - tiny heads of cauliflower $5.00! I rummaged in the "tired produce" cart and found a head that looked at least as good as the ones for $5.00 so managed to assuage my craving for roasted cauliflower and it was loverly! Pan-roasted in butter and evoo, brightened up with some salt and (for a change) white pepper! I thought about experimenting with variations but this is so good just the way it is that I decided no fancy additions.

    Yeah it can be expensive and the yield is low, generally speaking.


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