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nyfirepatrolchef X

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Posts posted by nyfirepatrolchef X

  1. Okay...my three cents (inflation yknow)

    a) If I were at a name restaurant with a well known Chef, and he picked *me* to come out, sit, and chat with...hell Id go out to the kitchen and make HIS dessert!  Either that or Id ask if I could go back to the kitchen with him and help.

    And anyone Id eat out with would feel the same way.

    b) Being asked to leave is a no go.  But theres also common sense and decency involved...if a place is busy, and there are people waiting to be seated and eat...do the right thing and get going once youre done.  Its a restaurant, not a lounge.  

    Put yourself in the position of the people waiting...how would you like it if it were reversed.  But if you are asked to leave in a manner such as those described here....id make very audible comments pertaining to seeing a mouse by the kitchen...and Id back it up with a call to the Health Department.  Even if there wasnt one.  One good turn deserves another..n'est-ce-pas?

    The one time I was NOT done eating and someone started clearing...I was really spitting bullets.   :wink:

  2. Most deli people I know cut themselves while the slicer is running.  Uh unh...not ME.

    We were taught to clean the blade with the machine running...never a problem.

    Theres a space between the lower edge of the blade and the casing over the motor....of course you NEVER cleaned that area with it running.

    THATS where I used to cut myself....sliced knuckle.

  3. Frying up a few pounds of chicken cutlets without realizing the "flour" I used for dipping was really the powdered sugar.  Nuff said!  


    I did the same thing seasoning chicken cutlets with garlic powder that looked awfully dark..smelled funny too...then realized it was cinnamon.

  4. nope...Iain lived on tartar sauce Reubens and mini pizzas...one of those rare oh sh*t moments in life....he and I were play arguing over the issue...he threw it in my face and I pretended I was gonna dump his little pizza in the trash....the freaking cheap plastic tray opened up and we both looked at each other like  :wow:  when the thing went *plop* in the can....poor kid looked like he was gonna cry.

    God those were the days.

  5. Jinmyo and Reeeeeeesearch~

    My tummy thanks and blesses you both..for eons Ive wanted to play with *other* ways to do tunie salad...oh lord...so nice..just did canola mayo, organic dijon, dill relish, chopped calamatas, black pepper...some no yeast rye on the side...some pasta salad...some home brewed mint iced tea....oh man...thank you BOTH!

  6. Jbruskin~

    Well its MY thread and *I* say you can do it however makes your lil tummy happy. In this thread youre safe from THE FOOD POLICE.

    Unless you use ttttartar ssssauce (cringe...hello Iain where ever you are lol!).

  7. As for not calling my version a Reuben...try this kid I used to serve at macy*s Marketplace on Reuben Tuesdays...

    in lieu of Russian....

    t a r t a r    s a u c e

    I still cringe at the thought.

  8. Is there anyone here whos as repulsed as much as I am by the thought of pastrami on a Reuben (yeah people do it) in lieu of Corned Beast?

    After all...pastrami goes with emmentaler and deli mustard on a good rye or roll...hot of course and cheese melted.

    In my case my version of a Reuben is no nitrates turkey y Applegate Farms, tofu thousand island, and no sulfites sauerkraut from Guss Pickle.  Cant have the cheese.

  9. god I am so loving you guys....I cant have my beloved German cuz of the pork, nor can I have the mayo based ones cuz of the fat in even the cannola mayo...I knew there were mondo varieties of potato salad but wow...theres hope!!

  10. only one Ive ever made before lots of the ingredients became a nono was german..or as close as I could come to it....

    dont remember maounts..it was one of those...lil more....naaaah...lil more...clooose...lil more... GOOD! kinda things.

    What I do remember was little red spuds...I think I peeled them....rendered bacon and the fat, red onion seems to ring a bell, white vinegar, parsley, kosher salt, maybe a dash of pepper too.

    sorry I cant be more specific guys, but thats how my first times tend to be.

    I didnt kill anyone, not even a quick trip to the hospital...so I sorta assumed it was ok.

  11. my moms/grandmothers stuffed cabbage....slavic version...sauerkraut, pork neck bones, bacon...heh first time someone served me the tomato sauce version I almost gagged.

    With my relatives version, god if it sat for a couple of days it was orgasmic.

    And my stuffed pork chops.

    I used to take nice thick ones, strip the kin from pork sage sausages and cook the meat...into the processor with a handful of walnuts and pulse it....stuff the chops...sear them then into the oven.

    Garlic mash spuds, german style sauerkraut and maybe fried apples on the side.

  12. Sounds like something out of the Rocky Horror Picture SHow.

    Only in that case the plates would be labelled EDDIE.

    What a waste of a perfectly good MEATLOAF.

  13. wellll

    it wasnt exactly my fault...yeah I know it never is...

    the BBQ was flaring up big time and I went to get it a bit further away from my very wooden garage.

    I cover the thing...naturally, the thing dies down a big degree.

    I uncover it...almost no fire....

    then before I can say *oh no my eyebrows*


    Just like the theater scene in Backdraft, the fire gets a gulp of air, and a frigging fireball comes up and catches me squarely in the face.

    First degree burns around the eyes..cheeks...no loss of facial hair, just a trip to the ER to have charcoal bits removed from my eye.

    That was technically a backdraft.

    Hopefully its the only one Ill ever see.

  14. last night at work....for them...fusili with bolognese, garlic bread..I had the 8PM watch so no time for cappucino...for me..bolognese with turkey steadof beef, no garlic bread, and rice vermicelli.

    I hate my diet sometimes.

  15. Yknow Im surprised I havent gotten feedback from my Sambucca/Peach Schnapps concoction to tell me either Im outright bonzo or right on the money.

    Anyone someone please try it and let me know.

    Maybe my buds are in need of calibration...but I like it, and Ive served it to others who liked it.

  16. Tuna steak...seasoned with kosher salt, black pepper.....garlic.....pecan crusted (my newest binge heh)...cooked just enough to crispen the crust and slightly sear the tuna...orange/fennel sauce...oj reduction, ground fennel seed, lil honey, lil salt, finished with soy margarine (cant use butter), maybe a couple rehydrated sundried   Sweet potato fries.  Probably a tomato salad on the side.

    Dessert...either NY Cheesecake with semisweet maybe even bittersweet ganache coating...or choco/choco or choco/butterscotch bread pudding.

  17. Ive been to the shop on a few occasions to visit Jacques and Kris....Ive sampled a few of their line..the one that stands out (waaaay out) in my head is the chocolate infused with Earl Gray (Grey?) Tea.  The shop is very nice...there are a few tables/chairs where you can sit and enjopy a cappuccino and croissant, and an ample supply of Jacques books are available for purchase.

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